2 research outputs found

    Efficient checkpointing over local area networks

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    Parallel and distributed computing on clusters of workstations is becoming very popular as it provides a cost effective way for high performance computing. In these systems, the bandwidth of the communication subsystem (Using Ethernet technology) is about an order of magnitude smaller compared to the bandwidth of the storage subsystem. Hence, storing a state in a checkpoint is much more efficient than comparing states over the network. In this paper we present a novel checkpointing approach that enables efficient performance over local area networks. The main idea is that we use two types of checkpoints: compare-checkpoints (comparing the states of the redundant processes to detect faults) and store-checkpoints (where the state is only stored). The store-checkpoints reduce the rollback needed after a fault is detected, without performing many unnecessary comparisons. As a particular example of this approach we analyzed the DMR checkpointing scheme with store-checkpoints. Our main result is that the overhead of the execution time can be significantly reduced when store-checkpoints are introduced. We have implemented a prototype of the new DMR scheme and run it on workstations connected by a LAN. The experimental results we obtained match the analytical results and show that in some cases the overhead of the DMR checkpointing schemes over LAN's can be improved by as much as 20%

    Analysis of checkpointing schemes for multiprocessor systems

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    Parallel computing systems provide hardware redundancy that helps to achieve low cost fault-tolerance, by duplicating the task into more than a single processor, and comparing the states of the processors at checkpoints. This paper suggests a novel technique, based on a Markov Reward Model (MRM), for analyzing the performance of checkpointing schemes with task duplication. We show how this technique can be used to derive the average execution time of a task and other important parameters related to the performance of checkpointing schemes. Our analytical results match well the values we obtained using a simulation program. We compare the average task execution time and total work of four checkpointing schemes, and show that generally increasing the number of processors reduces the average execution time, but increases the total work done by the processors. However, in cases where there is a big difference between the time it takes to perform different operations, those results can change