34,605 research outputs found

    Client Selection for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Resources in Mobile Edge

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    We envision a mobile edge computing (MEC) framework for machine learning (ML) technologies, which leverages distributed client data and computation resources for training high-performance ML models while preserving client privacy. Toward this future goal, this work aims to extend Federated Learning (FL), a decentralized learning framework that enables privacy-preserving training of models, to work with heterogeneous clients in a practical cellular network. The FL protocol iteratively asks random clients to download a trainable model from a server, update it with own data, and upload the updated model to the server, while asking the server to aggregate multiple client updates to further improve the model. While clients in this protocol are free from disclosing own private data, the overall training process can become inefficient when some clients are with limited computational resources (i.e. requiring longer update time) or under poor wireless channel conditions (longer upload time). Our new FL protocol, which we refer to as FedCS, mitigates this problem and performs FL efficiently while actively managing clients based on their resource conditions. Specifically, FedCS solves a client selection problem with resource constraints, which allows the server to aggregate as many client updates as possible and to accelerate performance improvement in ML models. We conducted an experimental evaluation using publicly-available large-scale image datasets to train deep neural networks on MEC environment simulations. The experimental results show that FedCS is able to complete its training process in a significantly shorter time compared to the original FL protocol

    Rethinking Zero-shot Video Classification: End-to-end Training for Realistic Applications

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    Trained on large datasets, deep learning (DL) can accurately classify videos into hundreds of diverse classes. However, video data is expensive to annotate. Zero-shot learning (ZSL) proposes one solution to this problem. ZSL trains a model once, and generalizes to new tasks whose classes are not present in the training dataset. We propose the first end-to-end algorithm for ZSL in video classification. Our training procedure builds on insights from recent video classification literature and uses a trainable 3D CNN to learn the visual features. This is in contrast to previous video ZSL methods, which use pretrained feature extractors. We also extend the current benchmarking paradigm: Previous techniques aim to make the test task unknown at training time but fall short of this goal. We encourage domain shift across training and test data and disallow tailoring a ZSL model to a specific test dataset. We outperform the state-of-the-art by a wide margin. Our code, evaluation procedure and model weights are available at this http URL

    Classification in postural style

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    This article contributes to the search for a notion of postural style, focusing on the issue of classifying subjects in terms of how they maintain posture. Longer term, the hope is to make it possible to determine on a case by case basis which sensorial information is prevalent in postural control, and to improve/adapt protocols for functional rehabilitation among those who show deficits in maintaining posture, typically seniors. Here, we specifically tackle the statistical problem of classifying subjects sampled from a two-class population. Each subject (enrolled in a cohort of 54 participants) undergoes four experimental protocols which are designed to evaluate potential deficits in maintaining posture. These protocols result in four complex trajectories, from which we can extract four small-dimensional summary measures. Because undergoing several protocols can be unpleasant, and sometimes painful, we try to limit the number of protocols needed for the classification. Therefore, we first rank the protocols by decreasing order of relevance, then we derive four plug-in classifiers which involve the best (i.e., more informative), the two best, the three best and all four protocols. This two-step procedure relies on the cutting-edge methodologies of targeted maximum likelihood learning (a methodology for robust and efficient inference) and super-learning (a machine learning procedure for aggregating various estimation procedures into a single better estimation procedure). A simulation study is carried out. The performances of the procedure applied to the real data set (and evaluated by the leave-one-out rule) go as high as an 87% rate of correct classification (47 out of 54 subjects correctly classified), using only the best protocol.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS542 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Provably correct Java implementations of Spi Calculus security protocols specifications

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    Spi Calculus is an untyped high level modeling language for security protocols, used for formal protocols specification and verification. In this paper, a type system for the Spi Calculus and a translation function are formally defined, in order to formalize the refinement of a Spi Calculus specification into a Java implementation. The Java implementation generated by the translation function uses a custom Java library. Formal conditions on such library are stated, so that, if the library implementation code satisfies such conditions, then the generated Java implementation correctly simulates the Spi Calculus specification. A verified implementation of part of the custom library is further presente

    Robust Place Categorization With Deep Domain Generalization

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    Traditional place categorization approaches in robot vision assume that training and test images have similar visual appearance. Therefore, any seasonal, illumination, and environmental changes typically lead to severe degradation in performance. To cope with this problem, recent works have been proposed to adopt domain adaptation techniques. While effective, these methods assume that some prior information about the scenario where the robot will operate is available at training time. Unfortunately, in many cases, this assumption does not hold, as we often do not know where a robot will be deployed. To overcome this issue, in this paper, we present an approach that aims at learning classification models able to generalize to unseen scenarios. Specifically, we propose a novel deep learning framework for domain generalization. Our method develops from the intuition that, given a set of different classification models associated to known domains (e.g., corresponding to multiple environments, robots), the best model for a new sample in the novel domain can be computed directly at test time by optimally combining the known models. To implement our idea, we exploit recent advances in deep domain adaptation and design a convolutional neural network architecture with novel layers performing a weighted version of batch normalization. Our experiments, conducted on three common datasets for robot place categorization, confirm the validity of our contribution

    Budget-Aware Adapters for Multi-Domain Learning

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    Multi-Domain Learning (MDL) refers to the problem of learning a set of models derived from a common deep architecture, each one specialized to perform a task in a certain domain (e.g., photos, sketches, paintings). This paper tackles MDL with a particular interest in obtaining domain-specific models with an adjustable budget in terms of the number of network parameters and computational complexity. Our intuition is that, as in real applications the number of domains and tasks can be very large, an effective MDL approach should not only focus on accuracy but also on having as few parameters as possible. To implement this idea we derive specialized deep models for each domain by adapting a pre-trained architecture but, differently from other methods, we propose a novel strategy to automatically adjust the computational complexity of the network. To this aim, we introduce Budget-Aware Adapters that select the most relevant feature channels to better handle data from a novel domain. Some constraints on the number of active switches are imposed in order to obtain a network respecting the desired complexity budget. Experimentally, we show that our approach leads to recognition accuracy competitive with state-of-the-art approaches but with much lighter networks both in terms of storage and computation.Comment: ICCV 201
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