5 research outputs found

    Communication-closed asynchronous protocols

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    Fault-tolerant distributed systems are implemented over asyn-chronous networks, so that they use algorithms for asynchronous models with faults. Due to asynchronous communication and the occurrence of faults (e.g., process crashes or the network dropping messages) the implementations are hard to understand and analyze. In contrast, synchronous computation models simplify design and reasoning. In this paper, we bridge the gap between these two worlds. For a class of asynchronous protocols, we introduce a procedure that, given an asynchronous protocol , soundly computes its round-based synchronous counterpart. This class is defined by properties of the sequential code. We computed the synchronous counterpart of known consensus and leader election protocols, such as, Paxos, and Chandra and Toueg's consensus. Using Verifast we checked the sequential properties required by the rewriting. We verified the round-based synchronous counterpart of Multi-Paxos, and other algorithms, using existing deductive verification methods for synchronous protocols

    Formal Verification of Consensus Algorithms Tolerating Malicious Faults

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    Abstract. Consensus is the paradigmatic problem in fault-tolerant distributed computing: it requires network nodes that communicate by message passing to agree on common value even in the presence of (benign or malicious) faults. Several algorithms for solving Consensus exist, but few of them have been rigorously verified, much less so formally. The Heard-Of model proposes a simple, unifying framework for defining distributed algorithms in the presence of communication faults. Algorithms proceed in communication-closed rounds, and assumptions on the faults tolerated by the algorithm are stated abstractly in the form of communication predicates. Extending previous work on the case of benign faults, our approach relies on the fact that properties such as Consensus can be verified over a coarse-grained, round-based representation of executions. We have encoded the Heard-Of model in the interactive proof assistant Isabelle/HOL and have used this encoding to formally verify three Consensus algorithms based on synchronous and asynchronous assumptions. Our proofs give some new insights into the correctness of the algorithms, in particular with respect to transient faults.