1,598 research outputs found

    Differential Privacy in Metric Spaces: Numerical, Categorical and Functional Data Under the One Roof

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    We study Differential Privacy in the abstract setting of Probability on metric spaces. Numerical, categorical and functional data can be handled in a uniform manner in this setting. We demonstrate how mechanisms based on data sanitisation and those that rely on adding noise to query responses fit within this framework. We prove that once the sanitisation is differentially private, then so is the query response for any query. We show how to construct sanitisations for high-dimensional databases using simple 1-dimensional mechanisms. We also provide lower bounds on the expected error for differentially private sanitisations in the general metric space setting. Finally, we consider the question of sufficient sets for differential privacy and show that for relaxed differential privacy, any algebra generating the Borel σ\sigma-algebra is a sufficient set for relaxed differential privacy.Comment: 18 Page

    Differentially Private Functional Summaries via the Independent Component Laplace Process

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    In this work, we propose a new mechanism for releasing differentially private functional summaries called the Independent Component Laplace Process, or ICLP, mechanism. By treating the functional summaries of interest as truly infinite-dimensional objects and perturbing them with the ICLP noise, this new mechanism relaxes assumptions on data trajectories and preserves higher utility compared to classical finite-dimensional subspace embedding approaches in the literature. We establish the feasibility of the proposed mechanism in multiple function spaces. Several statistical estimation problems are considered, and we demonstrate by slightly over-smoothing the summary, the privacy cost will not dominate the statistical error and is asymptotically negligible. Numerical experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed mechanism
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