4 research outputs found

    Formal Analysis of a TTP-Free Blacklistable Anonymous Credentials System (Full Version)

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    This paper firstly introduces a novel security definition for BLAC-like schemes (BLAC represents TTP-free BLacklist-able Anonymous Credentials) in the symbolic model using applied pi calculus, which is suitable for automated reasoning via a certain formal analysis tool. We model the definitions of some common security properties: authenticity, non-framebility, mis-authentication resistance and privacy (anonymity and unlinkability). Then the case study of these security definitions is demonstrated by modelling and analyzing BLACR (BLAC with Reputation) system. We verify these security properties by Blanchet’s ProVerif and a ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof) compiler developed by Backes et al.. In particular, we model and analyze the express-lane authentication in BLACR system. The analysis discovers a known attack that can be carried out by any potential user. This attack allows a user escaping from being revoked as he wishes. We provide a revised variant that can be proved successfully by ProVerif as well, which also indicates that the fix provided by ExBLACR (Extending BLACR) is incorrect

    Formal analysis of privacy in Direct Anonymous Attestation schemes

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    This article introduces a definition of privacy for Direct Anonymous Attestation schemes. The definition is expressed as an equivalence property which is suited to automated reasoning using Blanchet's ProVerif. The practicality of the definition is demonstrated by analysing the RSA-based Direct Anonymous Attestation protocol by Brickell, Camenisch & Chen. The analysis discovers a vulnerability in the RSA-based scheme which can be exploited by a passive adversary and, under weaker assumptions, corrupt issuers and verifiers. A security fix is identified and the revised protocol is shown to satisfy our definition of privacy