4 research outputs found

    Strategic Foresight: The Case of TJ Park and POSCO

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    The increasing complexity of business environment poses a myriad of challenges for managers these days. Decision makers of any organization face the task of figuring out how to deal with this issue. The present paper argues that strategic foresight should offer a significant source of sustainable competitive advantages. It reviews relevant literature and suggests what strategic foresight is and why it is needed. With the case analyses of POSCO and its founding CEO and chairman, TJ Park, the paper attempts to explore the concept of strategic foresight and to draw implications. The cases imply that strategic foresight can be gained through intentional efforts of longer-term and broad-based thoughts

    La fabrique de programmes de recherche incitatifs innovants.

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    L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche française est une agence de financement de la recherche sur projets, instrument d'une politique publique de recherche résolument incitative. Dans un contexte de rationalisation des dépenses publiques, cette agence participe à l'efficacité des efforts de recherche et pour ce faire, son principal outil correspond au programme de recherche thématique. L'étude de l'élaboration de cet outil, tant du point de vue de la stratégie dont il est porteur que de celui de la conception de l'objet, est fondée sur une analyse selon quatre angles de vue: les acteurs de la conception et les jeux mis en œuvre au cours du processus, la mobilisation des concepts, la création de savoirs collectifs et enfin, le rapport de prescription imprimé dans les textes d'appels à propositions et perçus par les équipes. Ce travail nous conduit à caractériser le processus d’élaboration du programme de recherche selon les modèles industriels de conception et selon la fabrique de la stratégie, mettant ainsi en évidence les leviers mobilisables pour concevoir des programmes de recherche « innovants ».The French National Research Agency is a public organisation devoted to competitive research projects. This funding agency is part of the incentive public policy dedicated to research. In the current context of rationalization of public funding, this organisation supports the efficiency of the research system thanks to its major tool, the thematic research programme. The study of this tool design, both at the strategy level and at the object level, is based on four approaches: the stakeholders and their actor games, the use of concepts, the creation of collective knowledge and, the prescription printed in the calls for proposals and the one perceived by research teams. This work leads us to characterize the process of programme design regarding to industrial models and to the strategy-as-practice approach. It also highlights leverages that can be mobilized in order to design innovative research programmes.design; strategy-as-practice; knowledge; conception; fabrique de la stratégie; connaissance; concepts; ANR;