5 research outputs found

    An Ising-based approach for tracking illegal P2P content distributors

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    This thesis focuses on the problem of tracking illegal P2P content distributors. By viewing the collection of files of a peer as a relatively precise reflection of its owner, we use the Ising model which originates from statistical physics to mathematically model the behavior of P2P networks and identify the relationships of peers. Based on it, we develop an effective approach to track the behavioral-based structures of P2P networks and use it as a guidance to narrow down the search scope for illegal P2P content distributors. The sum-product algorithm and mean field algorithm which are based on the Ising model are then used to efficiently compute the marginal distribution of peers that are holding or held a particular file of known contraband. Experimental results have shown that this behavioral-based approach significantly outperforms several tracking algorithms that ignore the relationships of peers in P2P networks

    Digital forensics trends and future

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    Nowadays, rapid evolution of computers and mobile phones has caused these devices to be used in criminal activities. Providing appropriate and sufficient security measures is a difficult job due to complexity of devices which makes investigating crimes involving these devices even harder. Digital forensic is the procedure of investigating computer crimes in the cyber world. Many researches have been done in this area to help forensic investigation to resolve existing challenges. This paper attempts to look into trends of applications of digital forensics and security at hand in various aspects and provide some estimations about future research trends in this area

    Filesharing und Abmahnwesen

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    Die Arbeit beinhaltet eine rechtsdogmatische und rechtstatsächliche Untersuchung des Phänomens Filesharing, mit einem Fokus auf die Haftung des Inhabers eines Internetanschlusses. Nach Erläuterung der für das Verständnis relevanten technischen Vorfragen folgt eine deskriptive Darstellung von Entwicklung und Stand der Rechtslage. Hierauf wird untersucht, wie aus dieser Rechtslage ein Abmahnwesen - ein in dieser Arbeit entwickelter Begriff - entstehen konnte. Im Anschluss an eine rechtspolitische Kritik und rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung wird diese Rechtslage dogmatisch kritisch gewürdigt. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Darstellung der Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten de lege lata und de lege ferenda

    Forensic Investigation of Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Forensic investigation of peer-to-peer networks

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