149 research outputs found

    Advanced Soil Moisture Predictive Methodology in the Maize Cultivation Region using Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms

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    The moisture level in the soil in which maize is grown is crucial to the plant's health and production. And over 60% of India's maize cultivation comes from the states of South India. Therefore, forecasting the soil moisture of maize will emerge as a crucial factor for regulating the cultivation of maize crops with optimal irrigation. In light of this, this research provides a unique Improved Hybridized Machine Learning (IHML) model, which combines and optimizes several ML models (base learners-BL). The convergence rate of all the considered BL approaches and the preciseness of the proposed approach significantly enhances the process of determining the appropriate parameters to attain the desirable outcome. Consequently, IHML contributes to an improvement in the accuracy of the overall forecast. This research collects data from districts in South India that are primarily committed to maize agriculture to develop a model. The correlation evaluations served as the basis for the model's framework and the parameter selection. This research compares the outcomes of BL models to the IHML model in depth to ensure the model's accuracy. Results reveal that the IHML performs exceptionally well in forecasting soil moisture, comprising Correlation Coefficient (R2) of 0.9762, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.293, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.731 at a depth of 10 cm. Conceptual IHML models could be used to make smart farming and precise irrigation much better

    Sustainable Reservoir Management Approaches under Impacts of Climate Change - A Case Study of Mangla Reservoir, Pakistan

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    Reservoir sedimentation is a major issue for water resource management around the world. It has serious economic, environmental, and social consequences, such as reduced water storage capacity, increased flooding risk, decreased hydropower generation, and deteriorated water quality. Increased rainfall intensity, higher temperatures, and more extreme weather events due to climate change are expected to exacerbate the problem of reservoir sedimentation. As a result, sedimentation must be managed to ensure the long-term viability of reservoirs and their associated infrastructure. Effective reservoir sedimentation management in the face of climate change necessitates an understanding of the sedimentation process and the factors that influence it, such as land use practices, erosion, and climate. Monitoring and modelling sedimentation rates are also useful tools for forecasting future impacts and making management decisions. The goal of this research is to create long-term reservoir management strategies in the face of climate change by simulating the effects of various reservoir-operating strategies on reservoir sedimentation and sediment delta movement at Mangla Reservoir in Pakistan (the second-largest dam in the country). In order to assess the impact of the Mangla Reservoir's sedimentation and reservoir life, a framework was developed. This framework incorporates both hydrological and morphodynamic models and various soft computing models. In addition to taking climate change uncertainty into consideration, the proposed framework also incorporates sediment source, sediment delivery, and reservoir morphology changes. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to provide a practical methodology based on the limited data available. In the first phase of this study, it was investigated how to accurately quantify the missing suspended sediment load (SSL) data in rivers by utilizing various techniques, such as sediment rating curves (SRC) and soft computing models (SCMs), including local linear regression (LLR), artificial neural networks (ANN) and wavelet-cum-ANN (WANN). Further, the Gamma and M-test were performed to select the best-input variables and appropriate data length for SCMs development. Based on an evaluation of the outcomes of all leading models for SSL estimation, it can be concluded that SCMs are more effective than SRC approaches. Additionally, the results also indicated that the WANN model was the most accurate model for reconstructing the SSL time series because it is capable of identifying the salient characteristics in a data series. The second phase of this study examined the feasibility of using four satellite precipitation datasets (SPDs) which included GPM, PERSIANN_CDR, CHIRPS, and CMORPH to predict streamflow and sediment loads (SL) within a poorly gauged mountainous catchment, by employing the SWAT hydrological model as well as SWAT coupled soft computing models (SCMs) such as artificial neural networks (SWAT-ANN), random forests (SWAT-RF), and support vector regression (SWAT-SVR). SCMs were developed using the outputs of un-calibrated SWAT hydrological models to improve the predictions. The results indicate that during the entire simulation, the GPM shows the best performance in both schemes, while PERSIAN_CDR and CHIRPS also perform well, whereas CMORPH predicts streamflow for the Upper Jhelum River Basin (UJRB) with relatively poor performance. Among the best GPM-based models, SWAT-RF offered the best performance to simulate the entire streamflow, while SWAT-ANN excelled at simulating the SL. Hence, hydrological coupled SCMs based on SPDs could be an effective technique for simulating streamflow and SL, particularly in complex terrain where gauge network density is low or uneven. The third and last phase of this study investigated the impact of different reservoir operating strategies on Mangla reservoir sedimentation using a 1D sediment transport model. To improve the accuracy of the model, more accurate boundary conditions for flow and sediment load were incorporated into the numerical model (derived from the first and second phases of this study) so that the successive morphodynamic model could precisely predict bed level changes under given climate conditions. Further, in order to assess the long-term effect of a changing climate, a Global Climate Model (GCM) under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 for the 21st century is used. The long-term modelling results showed that a gradual increase in the reservoir minimum operating level (MOL) slows down the delta movement rate and the bed level close to the dam. However, it may compromise the downstream irrigation demand during periods of high water demand. The findings may help the reservoir managers to improve the reservoir operation rules and ultimately support the objective of sustainable reservoir use for societal benefit. In summary, this study provides comprehensive insights into reservoir sedimentation phenomena and recommends an operational strategy that is both feasible and sustainable over the long term under the impact of climate change, especially in cases where a lack of data exists. Basically, it is very important to improve the accuracy of sediment load estimates, which are essential in the design and operation of reservoir structures and operating plans in response to incoming sediment loads, ensuring accurate reservoir lifespan predictions. Furthermore, the production of highly accurate streamflow forecasts, particularly when on-site data is limited, is important and can be achieved by the use of satellite-based precipitation data in conjunction with hydrological and soft computing models. Ultimately, the use of soft computing methods produces significantly improved input data for sediment load and discharge, enabling the application of one-dimensional hydro-morphodynamic numerical models to evaluate sediment dynamics and reservoir useful life under the influence of climate change at various operating conditions in a way that is adequate for evaluating sediment dynamics.:Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2:Reconstruction of Sediment Load Data in Rivers Chapter 3:Assessment of The Hydrological and Coupled Soft Computing Models, Based on Different Satellite Precipitation Datasets, To Simulate Streamflow and Sediment Load in A Mountainous Catchment Chapter 4:Simulating the Impact of Climate Change with Different Reservoir Operating Strategies on Sedimentation of the Mangla Reservoir, Northern Pakistan Chapter 5:Conclusions and Recommendation

    Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Underground Mining

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    This thesis presents a demand reduction and responsive strategy for underground mining operations. The thesis starts with a literature review and background research on global energy, coal mining and the energy related issues that the mining industry face everyday. The thesis then goes on to discuss underground mine electrical power systems, data acquisition, load profiling, priority ranking, load shedding and demand side management in mining. Other areas presented in this thesis are existing energy reduction techniques, including: high efficiency motors, motor speed reduction and low energy lighting. During the thesis a data acquisition system was designed and installed at a UK Coal colliery and integrated into the mines existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Design and installation problems were overcome with the construction of a test meter and lab installation and testing. A detailed explanation of the system design and installation along with the data analysis of the data from the installed system. A comprehensive load profile and load characterisation system was developed by the author. The load profiling system is comprehensive allows the definition of any type of load profile. These load profiles are fixed, variable and transient load types. The loads output and electrical demand are all taken into consideration. The load characterisation system developed is also very comprehensive. The LC MATRIX is used with the load profiles and the load characteristics to define off-line schedules. A set of unique real-time decision algorithms are also developed by the author to operate the off-line schedules within the desired objective function. MATLAB Simulation is used to developed and test the systems. Results from these test are presented. Application of the developed load profiling and scheduling systems are applied to the data collected from the mine, the results of this and the cost savings are also presented

    Evolution: From Big Bang to Nanorobots

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    The present volume is the fourth issue of the Yearbook series entitled ‘Evolution’. The title of the present volume is ‘From Big Bang to Nanorobots’. In this way we demonstrate that all phases of evolution and Big History are covered in the articles of the present Yearbook. Several articles also present the forecasts about future development. The main objective of our Yearbook as well as of the previous issues is the creation of a unified interdisciplinary field of research in which the scientists specializing in different disciplines could work within the framework of unified or similar paradigms, using the common terminology and searching for common rules, tendencies and regularities. At the same time for the formation of such an integrated field one should use all available opportunities: theories, laws and methods. In the present volume, a number of such approaches are used

    Evolution: From Big Bang to Nanorobots

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    The present volume is the fourth issue of the Yearbook series entitled ‘Evolution’. The title of the present volume is ‘From Big Bang to Nanorobots’. In this way we demonstrate that all phases of evolution and Big History are covered in the articles of the present Yearbook. Several articles also present the forecasts about future development. The main objective of our Yearbook as well as of the previous issues is the creation of a unified interdisciplinary field of research in which the scientists specializing in different disciplines could work within the framework of unified or similar paradigms, using the common terminology and searching for common rules, tendencies and regularities. At the same time for the formation of such an integrated field one should use all available opportunities: theories, laws and methods. In the present volume, a number of such approaches are used


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    With the rapid development of industrialization in Zhejiang province and the change of rural residents\u27 lifestyle, a large amount of domestic and industrial wastewater is generated in rural areas.Based on this, this paper takes Shangyu which is the rural area in Zhejiang province as the research object, based on the survey data of water resources and water environment, point pollution sources and surface pollution sources, water function zoning was implemented and the estimation of pollutant input was analyzed.Studied the use of membrane separation technology in the recycling of water resources and the conversion of salt in wastewater into resource.And the electrodialysis bipolar membrane technology was applied to the high-salt leachate recovery process of Shangyu rural landfill.And new sewage scale and area as well as the amount of construction work for the main sewage pipe and the main network of the sewage system is proposed.北九州市立大

    An empirical analysis of energy demand in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The thesis presents the first comprehensive analysis of energy demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by analysing the demand functions for both aggregated and disaggregated (by energy types) energy demand models. The main aim of the study is to explore the impact of income, price, economic structure, urbanisation and population on the demand for energy in SSA for the period 1980 to 2014. To achieve this aim, the study adopts a panel data model approach to analyse secondary data sourced from publicly available and widely used energy and economic databases. The aggregate demand model analysis reveals that income, urbanisation and energy prices are significant drivers of aggregate energy demand in the long run in SSA. The panel model was analysed using the panel cointegation technique. From the results, there is evidence that as consumers earn more, they are able to acquire more energy gadgets and appliances. Similarly, with economic growth, both new and existing firms can expand their production scale which increases the overall amount of energy consumed. The results also suggest that a rise in rural-urban migration increase the total energy consumed, as consumers move towards the use of modern energy equipment that is more accessible in urban areas. The results also indicate that, in accordance with economic theory and the law of demand, an increase in the price of energy reduces the total amount of energy consumed, though such response is found to be fairly inelastic. For the disaggregated models, the specific individual energy types analysed are: electricity, petrol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene and solid biomass. From the panel linear static models employed, the analysis shows that economic structure, urbanisation, population and income are all significant drivers of the demand for the energy types analysed in SSA. This suggests that as population increases, there will be an increase in demand for each energy type in the region. The same response applies to an increase in urban population and income. From the results, this study found that population is the predominant factor behind the increase in demand for the analysed energy types, with the highest elasticity. The results are in line with the theory of demand. The identified factors, their analysed impacts on the demand for energy and the reported elasticities, whilst increasing our academic knowledge of the main determinants of energy in SSA, can also help policymakers prepare evidence-based and more effective energy demand management, to meet the energy need of consumers in the region. The findings suggest the need for stringent energy conservation policies through effective energy efficiency practice in all the sixteen countries analysed, to ensure that an increase in energy use does not lead to more greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and the produced energy is well utilized. Furthermore, there is a need for increased competition through the use of independent power companies to improve energy service delivery and markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Global Energy Consumption: An Analysis of Variables That Shape Per Capita Usage, or How Pump Price, Urbanization, and Fossil Fuels Imports Impact Fossil Fuels Consumption Per Capita Across OECD Countries

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    Among reasons explaining the importance of studying fossil fuel consumption are: crude oil is a subject of the international commodities market, thus, any fluctuation related to its\u27 availability or price would impact the rest of the World; natural resources like oil, gas, and coal are limited; the extensive use of fossil fuels harms our surroundings, creating many environmental concerns; every human (on average) has been using more energy since 1971 and the trend is expected to continue. The upward trend is not consistent among individual countries. Therefore, the core question of my research is, `Why do some countries consume less Fossil Fuels per Capita (FFCC) than others?` I use a multivariate framework to answer the central question, including three independent (Pump Price for Gasoline, Urbanization, and Fossil Fuel Imports) and two control variables (Latitude and GDP per capita). My research is built upon three Hypotheses: In a comparison of countries, higher pump prices are associated with a decrease in FFCC compared to those with lower pump prices; In a comparison of countries, a greater urban percentage of the population is associated with a decrease in FFCC compared to those with a less urbanized population; In a comparison of countries, higher fuel imports are associated with a decrease in FFCC compared to those with lower fuel imports. As a basis of the quantitative method, I use a sample of twenty-eight OECD counties to design and test a model for 2009-2018 (The Model). The output of the multiple regression analysis shows that the Model explains 40% of the variance in the Dependent Variable. I use a qualitative method to review three case studies (Finland, Canada, and Colombia). Finland’s local conditions make the country almost an ideal candidate to fit the Model. Canada’s local situation concerning FFCC explains why the country does not fit the Model well, despite significant efforts of urbanized communities to pursue energy efficiency. The Colombian government’s continuous interventions prevent the country from fitting the Model and make Colombia an apparent outlier. Going forward, it is important to develop a worldwide database containing information on taxation and promote energy-related reporting among countries to ensure quantitative data availability

    Globalistics and Globalization Studies: Global Transformations and Global Future

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    The present volume is the fifth in the series of yearbooks with the title Globalistics and Globalization Studies. The subtitle of the present volume is Global Transformations and Global Future. We become more and more accustomed to think globally and to see global processes. And our future can all means be global. However, is this statement justified? Indeed, in recent years, many have begun to claim that globalization has stalled, that we are rather dealing with the process of anti-globalization. Will not we find ourselves at some point again in an edifice spanning across the globe, but divided into national apartments, separated by walls of high tariffs and mutual suspicion? Of course, some setbacks are always possible, because the process of globalization cannot develop smoothly. It is a process which is itself emerging from contradictions and is shaped by a new contradiction. They often go much further than underlying systemic changes allow. They break forward, as the vanguard of a victorious army, and then often meet resistance of various social and political forces and may suddenly start to roll back just at the moment when everyone expects their further offensive. We believe that this is what is happening with globalization at present. The yearbook will be interesting to a wide range of researchers, teachers, students and all those who are concerned about global issues