4 research outputs found

    Incumbent heterogeneity in creative destruction: a study of three Dutch newspaper organisations

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    With a study of three Dutch newspaper organisations, we identify four dimensions along which incumbent response to discontinuous change may differ: response timing (early or late), size of commitment to the new business (big or small), progression of commitment to the new business (continuous or intermittent), and approaches to bridging the capability gap (internal development, strategic alliance, or acquisition). These response strategies are neither mutually exclusive nor static, and their relative focus differs over time as well as across incumbents. Such inter-temporal and cross-sectional variations in response strategies are influenced by various incumbent-specific characteristics and shaped by interrelated contingencies internal or external to incumbents

    Exploring the research landscape of convergence from a TIM perspective: A review and research agenda

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    Convergence at the level of science, technology, market or industry can increasingly be witnessed in a number of empirical settings. It is currently seen as one of the most important influence factors on and trigger for developing innovation strategies. This empirical relevance is mirrored by a surge in publications. Therefore, motivated by a highly dynamic but at the same time rather unstructured body of literature, this review offers a systematic and critical analyses of studies related to Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) research that address convergence from a processual perspective. Four major strands can be identified: (1) drivers and patterns of convergence, (2) anticipation of convergence, (3) strategic reactions to convergence, and (4) convergent products. A key finding of this review is that most contributions have been inward oriented, i.e. understanding the dynamics of convergence. A consequence of this inner focus is that the scientific discourse on convergence has to some degree unfolded independently from its theoretical underpinnings. To this end, this review provides a comprehensive framework of convergence research, including current challenges and emerging themes to address these challenges. The resulting research agenda serves as a starting point to inspire future studies of relevance for theory and conceptual development as well as managerial practice

    Managing Disruptive Innovation: Entrepreneurial Strategies and Tournaments for Corporate Longevity

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    Extant research on disruptive innovation has implicitly incorporated entrepreneurship as the underlying driver of the disruptive phenomenon. We integrate recent developments from entrepreneurship and innovation research streams to better understand the conditions and causal mechanisms that influence disruptive innovation. Drawing on effectuation, evolutionary entrepreneurship, lead-users, collective intelligence, and opportunity tournament literature, we develop a theoretical framework that explains disruptive innovation as a co-evolutionary entrepreneurial process at the firm, product, and customer level. The framework offers a set of testable propositions to advance theory and practice in the field. We suggest avenues for future research and conclude entrepreneurial strategies to help general managers create and cope with disruptive innovation

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 3

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