1 research outputs found

    Followee Recommendation in Asymmetrical Location- Based Social Networks

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    Researches on recommending followees in social networks have attracted a lot of attentions in recent years. Existing studies on this topic mostly treat this kind of recommendation as just a type of friend recommendation. However, apart from making friends, the reason of a user to follow someone in social networks is inherently to satisfy his/her information needs in asymmetrical manner. In this paper, we propose a novel mining-based recommendation approach named Geographic-Textual-Social Based Followee Recommendation (GTS-FR), which takes into account the user movements, online texting and social properties to discover the relationship between users ’ information needs and provided information for followee recommendation. The core idea of our proposal is to discover users ’ similarity in terms of all the three properties of information which are provided by the users in a Location-Based Social Network (LBSN). To achieve this goal, we define three kinds of features to capture the key properties of users ’ interestingness from their provided information. In GTS-FR approach, we propose a series of novel similarity measurements to calculate similarity of each pair of users based on various properties. Based on the similarity, we make on-line recommendation for the followee a user might be interested in following. To our best knowledge, this is the first work on followee recommendation in LBSNs by exploring the geographic, textual and social properties simultaneously. Through a comprehensive evaluation using a real LBSN dataset, we show that the proposed GTS-FR approach delivers excellent performance and outperforms existing statof-the-art friend recommendation methods significantly