9,566 research outputs found

    Stability of Big Surface Bubbles: Impact of Evaporation and Bubbles Size

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    Surface bubbles have attracted much interest in the past decades. In this article, we propose to explore the lifetime and thinning dynamics of centimetric surface bubbles. We study the impact of the bubbles size as well as that of the atmospheric humidity through a careful control and systematic variation of the relative humidity in the measuring chamber. We first adress the question of the drainage under saturated water vapor conditions and show that a model including both capillary and gravity driven drainage provides the best prediction for this process. Additionally, unprecedented statistics on the bubbles lifetimes confirm experimentally that this parameter is set by evaporation to leading order. We make use of a model based on the overall thinning dynamics of the thin film and assume a rupture thickness of the order 10-100 nm to obtain a good representation of these data. For experiments conducted far from saturation, the convective evaporation of the bath is shown to dominate the overall mass loss in the cap film due to evaporation

    Thermocapillary flows and interface deformations produced by localized laser heating in confined environment

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    The deformation of a fluid-fluid interface due to the thermocapillary stress induced by a continuous Gaussian laser wave is investigated analytically. We show that the direction of deformation of the liquid interface strongly depends on the viscosities and the thicknesses of the involved liquid layers. We first investigate the case of an interface separating two different liquid layers while a second part is dedicated to a thin film squeezed by two external layers of same liquid. These results are predictive for applications fields where localized thermocapillary stresses are used to produce flows or to deform interfaces in presence of confinement, such as optofluidics

    Surfactant effects in the Landau–Levich problem

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    In this work we study the classical Landau–Levich problem of dip-coating. While in the clean interface case and in the limit of low capillary numbers it admits an asymptotic solution, its full study has not been conducted. With the help of an efficient numerical algorithm, based on a boundary-integral formulation and the appropriate set of interfacial and inflow boundary conditions, we first study the film thickness behaviour for a clean interface problem. Next, the same algorithm allows us to investigate the response of this system to the presence of soluble surface active matter, which leads to clarification of its role in the flow dynamics. The main conclusion is that pure hydrodynamical modelling of surfactant effects predicts film thinning and therefore is not sufficient to explain the film thickening observed in many experiments

    Marangoni flow in freely suspended liquid films

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    We demonstrate controlled material transport driven by temperature gradients in thin freely suspended smectic films. The films with submicrometer thicknesses and lateral extensions of several millimeters were studied in microgravity during suborbital rocket flights. In-plane temperature gradients cause two specific Marangoni effects, directed flow and convection patterns. At low gradients, practically thresholdless, flow transports material with a normal (negative) temperature coefficient of the surface tension, dσ/dT<0d\sigma/dT<0, from the hot to the cold film edge. That material accumulates at the cold film border. In materials with positive temperature coefficient, dσ/dT>0d\sigma/dT>0, the reverse transport from the cold to the hot edge is observed. We present a model that describes the effect quantitatively.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Diffusiophoresis in non-adsorbing polymer solutions: the Asakura-Oosawa model and stratification in drying films

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    A colloidal particle placed in an inhomogeneous solution of smaller non-adsorbing polymers will move towards regions of lower polymer concentration, in order to reduce the free energy of the interface between the surface of the particle and the solution. This phenomenon is known as diffusiophoresis. Treating the polymer as penetrable hard spheres, as in the Asakura-Oosawa model, a simple analytic expression for the diffusiophoretic drift velocity can be obtained. In the context of drying films we show that diffusiophoresis by this mechanism can lead to stratification under easily accessible experimental conditions. By stratification we mean spontaneous formation of a layer of polymer on top of a layer of the colloid. Transposed to the case of binary colloidal mixtures, this offers an explanation for the stratification observed recently in these systems [A. Fortini et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 118301 (2016)]. Our results emphasise the importance of treating solvent dynamics explicitly in these problems, and caution against the neglect of hydrodynamic interactions or the use of implicit solvent models in which the absence of solvent backflow results in an unbalanced osmotic force which gives rise to large but unphysical effects.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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