3 research outputs found

    Mining Application-Specific Coding Patterns for Software Maintenance

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    LATE '08 Proceedings of the 2008 AOSD workshop on Linking aspect technology and evolutio

    Mining Coding Patterns to Detect Crosscutting Concerns in Java Programs

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    Reverse Engineering, 2008. WCRE '08. 15th Working Conference onDate of Conference:15-18 Oct. 2008Conference Location :Antwer

    Fluid AOP Join Point Models

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    Abstract — Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) allows programmers to modularize the implementation of crosscutting concerns. AspectJ and related languages achieve this with a linguistic approach, which enables different modules of the program to have a crosscutting structural relationship. In fluid AOP the development environment temporarily shifts a program to an alternative crosscutting structure to enable specific editing or reasoning tasks. The program text could appear to have different crosscutting modularities simultaneously, as opposed to just having modules that crosscut each other. I