46 research outputs found

    FlowNet3D++: Geometric Losses For Deep Scene Flow Estimation

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    We present FlowNet3D++, a deep scene flow estimation network. Inspired by classical methods, FlowNet3D++ incorporates geometric constraints in the form of point-to-plane distance and angular alignment between individual vectors in the flow field, into FlowNet3D. We demonstrate that the addition of these geometric loss terms improves the previous state-of-art FlowNet3D accuracy from 57.85% to 63.43%. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of our geometric constraints, we propose a benchmark for flow estimation on the task of dynamic 3D reconstruction, thus providing a more holistic and practical measure of performance than the breakdown of individual metrics previously used to evaluate scene flow. This is made possible through the contribution of a novel pipeline to integrate point-based scene flow predictions into a global dense volume. FlowNet3D++ achieves up to a 15.0% reduction in reconstruction error over FlowNet3D, and up to a 35.2% improvement over KillingFusion alone. We will release our scene flow estimation code later.Comment: Accepted in WACV 202

    Adversarial Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation

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    This work proposes a metric learning approach for self-supervised scene flow estimation. Scene flow estimation is the task of estimating 3D flow vectors for consecutive 3D point clouds. Such flow vectors are fruitful, \eg for recognizing actions, or avoiding collisions. Training a neural network via supervised learning for scene flow is impractical, as this requires manual annotations for each 3D point at each new timestamp for each scene. To that end, we seek for a self-supervised approach, where a network learns a latent metric to distinguish between points translated by flow estimations and the target point cloud. Our adversarial metric learning includes a multi-scale triplet loss on sequences of two-point clouds as well as a cycle consistency loss. Furthermore, we outline a benchmark for self-supervised scene flow estimation: the Scene Flow Sandbox. The benchmark consists of five datasets designed to study individual aspects of flow estimation in progressive order of complexity, from a moving object to real-world scenes. Experimental evaluation on the benchmark shows that our approach obtains state-of-the-art self-supervised scene flow results, outperforming recent neighbor-based approaches. We use our proposed benchmark to expose shortcomings and draw insights on various training setups. We find that our setup captures motion coherence and preserves local geometries. Dealing with occlusions, on the other hand, is still an open challenge.Comment: Published at 3DV 202

    SCOOP: Self-Supervised Correspondence and Optimization-Based Scene Flow

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    Scene flow estimation is a long-standing problem in computer vision, where the goal is to find the 3D motion of a scene from its consecutive observations. Recently, there have been efforts to compute the scene flow from 3D point clouds. A common approach is to train a regression model that consumes source and target point clouds and outputs the per-point translation vectors. An alternative is to learn point matches between the point clouds concurrently with regressing a refinement of the initial correspondence flow. In both cases, the learning task is very challenging since the flow regression is done in the free 3D space, and a typical solution is to resort to a large annotated synthetic dataset. We introduce SCOOP, a new method for scene flow estimation that can be learned on a small amount of data without employing ground-truth flow supervision. In contrast to previous work, we train a pure correspondence model focused on learning point feature representation and initialize the flow as the difference between a source point and its softly corresponding target point. Then, in the run-time phase, we directly optimize a flow refinement component with a self-supervised objective, which leads to a coherent and accurate flow field between the point clouds. Experiments on widespread datasets demonstrate the performance gains achieved by our method compared to existing leading techniques while using a fraction of the training data. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/itailang/SCOOP

    GMSF: Global Matching Scene Flow

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    We tackle the task of scene flow estimation from point clouds. Given a source and a target point cloud, the objective is to estimate a translation from each point in the source point cloud to the target, resulting in a 3D motion vector field. Previous dominant scene flow estimation methods require complicated coarse-to-fine or recurrent architectures as a multi-stage refinement. In contrast, we propose a significantly simpler single-scale one-shot global matching to address the problem. Our key finding is that reliable feature similarity between point pairs is essential and sufficient to estimate accurate scene flow. To this end, we propose to decompose the feature extraction step via a hybrid local-global-cross transformer architecture which is crucial to accurate and robust feature representations. Extensive experiments show that GMSF sets a new state-of-the-art on multiple scene flow estimation benchmarks. On FlyingThings3D, with the presence of occlusion points, GMSF reduces the outlier percentage from the previous best performance of 27.4% to 11.7%. On KITTI Scene Flow, without any fine-tuning, our proposed method shows state-of-the-art performance