36,597 research outputs found

    Effect of flow shear on the onset of dynamos

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    Understanding the origin and structure of mean magnetic fields in astrophysical conditions is a major challenge. Shear flows often coexist in such astrophysical conditions and the role of flow shear on dynamo mechanism is only beginning to be investigated. Here, we present a direct numerical simulation (DNS) study of the effect of flow shear on dynamo instability for a variety of base flows with controllable mirror symmetry (i.e, fluid helicity). Our observations suggest that for helical base flow, the effect of shear is to suppress the small scale dynamo (SSD) action, i.e, shear helps the large scale magnetic field to manifest itself by suppressing SSD action. For non-helical base flows, flow shear has the opposite effect of amplifying the small-scale dynamo action. The magnetic energy growth rate (γ\gamma) for non-helical base flows are found to follow an algebraic nature of the form, γ=−aS+bS23\gamma = - aS + bS^\frac{2}{3} , where a, b > 0 are real constants and S is the shear flow strength and γ\gamma is found to be independent of scale of flow shear. Studies with different shear profiles and shear scale lengths for non-helical base flows have been performed to test the universality of our finding

    Planar 2-homogeneous commutative rational vector fields

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    In this paper we prove the following result: if two 2-dimensional 2-homogeneous rational vector fields commute, then either both vector fields can be explicitly integrated to produce rational flows with orbits being lines through the origin, or both flows can be explicitly integrated in terms of algebraic functions. In the latter case, orbits of each flow are given in terms of 11-homogeneous rational functions WW as curves W(x,y)=constW(x,y)=\textrm{const}. An exhaustive method to construct such commuting algebraic flows is presented. The degree of the so-obtained algebraic functions in two variables can be arbitrarily high.Comment: 23 page

    Gauging of Geometric Actions and Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type

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    This work consist of two interrelated parts. First, we derive massive gauge-invariant generalizations of geometric actions on coadjoint orbits of arbitrary (infinite-dimensional) groups GG with central extensions, with gauge group HH being certain (infinite-dimensional) subgroup of GG. We show that there exist generalized ``zero-curvature'' representation of the pertinent equations of motion on the coadjoint orbit. Second, in the special case of GG being Kac-Moody group the equations of motion of the underlying gauged WZNW geometric action are identified as additional-symmetry flows of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov integrable hierarchies based on the loop algebra {\hat \cG}. For {\hat \cG} = {\hat {SL}}(M+R) the latter hiearchies are equivalent to a class of constrained (reduced) KP hierarchies called {\sl cKP}_{R,M}, which contain as special cases a series of well-known integrable systems (mKdV, AKNS, Fordy-Kulish, Yajima-Oikawa etc.). We describe in some detail the loop algebras of additional (non-isospectral) symmetries of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Apart from gauged WZNW models, certain higher-dimensional nonlinear systems such as Davey-Stewartson and NN-wave resonant systems are also identified as additional symmetry flows of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Along the way we exhibit explicitly the interrelation between the Sato pseudo-differential operator formulation and the algebraic (generalized) Drinfeld-Sokolov formulation of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Also we present the explicit derivation of the general Darboux-B\"acklund solutions of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} preserving their additional (non-isospectral) symmetries, which for R=1 contain among themselves solutions to the gauged SL(M+1)/U(1)×SL(M)SL(M+1)/U(1)\times SL(M) WZNW field equations.Comment: LaTeX209, 47 page
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