7 research outputs found

    Flow caching for high entropy packet fields

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    Packet classification on general purpose CPUs remains expensive regardless of advances in classification algorithms. Unless the packet forwarding pipeline is both simple and static in function, fine-tuning the system for optimal forwarding is a time-consuming and brittle process. Network virtualization and network function virtual-ization value general purpose CPUs exactly for their flexibility: in such systems, a single x86 forwarding element does not implement a single, static classification step but a sequence of dynamically reconfigurable and potentially complex forwarding operations. This leaves a software developer looking for maximal packet forwarding throughput with few options besides flow caching. In this paper, we consider the problem of flow caching and more specifically, how to cache forwarding decisions that depend on packet fields with high entropy (and therefore, change often); to this end, we arrive at algorithms that allow us to efficiently compute near optimal flow cache entries spanning several transport connections, even if forwarding decisions depend on transport protocol headers. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Policy Injection: a Cloud Dataplane DoS Attack

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    Enterprises continue to migrate their services to the cloud on a massive scale, but the increasing attack surface has become a natural target for malevolent actors. We show policy injection, a novel algorithmic complexity attack that enables a tenant to add specially tailored ACLs into the data center fabric to mount a denial-of-service attack through exploiting the built-in security mechanisms of the cloud management systems (CMS) . Our insight is that certain ACLs, when fed with special covert packets by an attacker, may be very difficult to evaluate, leading to an exhaustion of cloud resources. We show how a tenant can inject seemingly harmless ACLs into the cloud data plane to abuse an algorithmic deficiency in the most popular cloud hypervisor switch, Open vSwitch, and reduce its effective peak performance by 80-90%, and, in certain cases, denying network access altogether

    Exploiting the Vulnerability of Flow Table Overflow in Software-Defined Network: Attack Model, Evaluation, and Defense

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    As the most competitive solution for next-generation network, SDN and its dominant implementation OpenFlow are attracting more and more interests. But besides convenience and flexibility, SDN/OpenFlow also introduces new kinds of limitations and security issues. Of these limitations, the most obvious and maybe the most neglected one is the flow table capacity of SDN/OpenFlow switches. In this paper, we proposed a novel inference attack targeting at SDN/OpenFlow network, which is motivated by the limited flow table capacities of SDN/OpenFlow switches and the following measurable network performance decrease resulting from frequent interactions between data and control plane when the flow table is full. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposed inference attack model of this kind for SDN/OpenFlow. We implemented an inference attack framework according to our model and examined its efficiency and accuracy. The evaluation results demonstrate that our framework can infer the network parameters (flow table capacity and usage) with an accuracy of 80% or higher. We also proposed two possible defense strategies for the discovered vulnerability, including routing aggregation algorithm and multilevel flow table architecture. These findings give us a deeper understanding of SDN/OpenFlow limitations and serve as guidelines to future improvements of SDN/OpenFlow

    Dataplane Specialization for High-performance OpenFlow Software Switching

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    OpenFlow is an amazingly expressive dataplane program- ming language, but this expressiveness comes at a severe performance price as switches must do excessive packet clas- sification in the fast path. The prevalent OpenFlow software switch architecture is therefore built on flow caching, but this imposes intricate limitations on the workloads that can be supported efficiently and may even open the door to mali- cious cache overflow attacks. In this paper we argue that in- stead of enforcing the same universal flow cache semantics to all OpenFlow applications and optimize for the common case, a switch should rather automatically specialize its dat- aplane piecemeal with respect to the configured workload. We introduce ES WITCH , a novel switch architecture that uses on-the-fly template-based code generation to compile any OpenFlow pipeline into efficient machine code, which can then be readily used as fast path. We present a proof- of-concept prototype and we demonstrate on illustrative use cases that ES WITCH yields a simpler architecture, superior packet processing speed, improved latency and CPU scala- bility, and predictable performance. Our prototype can eas- ily scale beyond 100 Gbps on a single Intel blade even with complex OpenFlow pipelines

    Tuple Space Explosion: A Denial-of-Service Attack Against a Software Packet Classifier

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    Efficient and highly available packet classification is fundamental for various security primitives. In this paper, we evaluate whether the de facto Tuple Space Search (TSS) packet classification algorithm used in popular software networking stacks such as the Open vSwitch is robust against low-rate denial-of-service attacks. We present the Tuple Space Explosion (TSE) attack that exploits the fundamental space/time complexity of the TSS algorithm. TSE can degrade the switch performance to 12% of its full capacity with a very low packet rate (0.7 Mbps) when the target only has simple policies such as, "allow some, but drop others". Worse, an adversary with additional partial knowledge of these policies can virtually bring down the target with the same low attack rate. Interestingly, TSE does not generate any specific traffic patterns but only requires arbitrary headers and payloads which makes it particularly hard to detect. Due to the fundamental complexity characteristics of TSS, unfortunately, there seems to be no complete mitigation to the problem. As a long-term solution, we suggest the use of other algorithms (e.g., HaRP) that are not vulnerable to the TSE attack. As a short-term countermeasure, we propose MFCGuard that carefully manages the tuple space and keeps packet classification fast