1 research outputs found

    Flock inspired area coverage using wireless boid-like sensor agents

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    Simulated flocking is achievable using three boid rules [13]. We propose an area coverage model inspired by Reynolds&rsquo; flocking algorithm, investigating strategies for achieving quality coverage using flocking rules. Our agents are identical and autonomous, using only local sensory information for indirect communication. Upon deployment, agents are in the default separation mode. The cohesion rule would then guarantee that agents remain within the swarm, covering spaces with explored neighbour spaces. Four experiments are conducted to evaluate our model in terms of coverage quality achieved. We firstly investigate agents&rsquo; separation speed before the speed with which isolated agents re-organizes is investigated. The third experiment compares coverage quality achieved using our model with coverage quality achieved using random guessing. Finally, we investigate fault tolerance in the event of agents&rsquo; failures. Our model exhibits good separation and cohesion speed, achieving high quality coverage. Additionally, the model is fault tolerant and adaptive to agents&rsquo; failures.<br /