4 research outputs found

    Strongly stable ideals and Hilbert polynomials

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    The \texttt{StronglyStableIdeals} package for \textit{Macaulay2} provides a method to compute all saturated strongly stable ideals in a given polynomial ring with a fixed Hilbert polynomial. A description of the main method and auxiliary tools is given.Comment: Source code available as an ancillary file. Final versio

    A counterexample to the parity conjecture

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    Let [Z]HilbdA3[Z]\in\text{Hilb}^d \mathbb A^3 be a zero-dimensional subscheme of the affine three-dimensional complex space of length d>0d>0. Okounkov and Pandharipande have conjectured that the dimension of the tangent space of HilbdA3\text{Hilb}^d \mathbb A^3 at [Z][Z] and dd have have the same parity. The conjecture was proven by Maulik, Nekrasov, Okounkov and Pandharipande for points [Z][Z] defined by monomial ideals and very recently by Ramkumar and Sammartano for homogeneous ideals. In this paper we exhibit a family of zero-dimensional schemes in Hilb12A3\text{Hilb}^{12} \mathbb A^3, which disproves the conjecture in the general non-homogeneous case.Comment: 11 pages. Comments are welcom

    A Borel open cover of the Hilbert scheme

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    Let p(t)p(t) be an admissible Hilbert polynomial in \PP^n of degree dd. The Hilbert scheme \hilb^n_p(t) can be realized as a closed subscheme of a suitable Grassmannian G \mathbb G, hence it could be globally defined by homogeneous equations in the Plucker coordinates of G \mathbb G and covered by open subsets given by the non-vanishing of a Plucker coordinate, each embedded as a closed subscheme of the affine space ADA^D, D=dim(G)D=\dim(\mathbb G). However, the number EE of Plucker coordinates is so large that effective computations in this setting are practically impossible. In this paper, taking advantage of the symmetries of \hilb^n_p(t), we exhibit a new open cover, consisting of marked schemes over Borel-fixed ideals, whose number is significantly smaller than EE. Exploiting the properties of marked schemes, we prove that these open subsets are defined by equations of degree d+2\leq d+2 in their natural embedding in \Af^D. Furthermore we find new embeddings in affine spaces of far lower dimension than DD, and characterize those that are still defined by equations of degree d+2\leq d+2. The proofs are constructive and use a polynomial reduction process, similar to the one for Grobner bases, but are term order free. In this new setting, we can achieve explicit computations in many non-trivial cases.Comment: 17 pages. This version contains and extends the first part of version 2 (arXiv:0909.2184v2[math.AG]). A new extended version of the second part, with some new results, is posed at arxiv:1110.0698v3[math.AC]. The title is slightly changed. Final version accepted for publicatio

    A Borel open cover of the Hilbert scheme

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    Let p(t)p(t) be an admissible Hilbert polynomial in Pn\mathbb{P}^n of degree dd. The Hilbert scheme Hilbp(t)nHilb^n_{p(t)} can be realized as a closed subscheme of a suitable Grassmannian G\mathbb{G}, hence it could be globally defined by homogeneous equations in the Plücker coordinates of G\mathbb{G} and covered by open subsets given by the non-vanishing of a Plücker coordinate, each embedded as a closed subscheme of the affine space AD\mathbb{A}^D, D=dim(G)D = \dim(\mathbb{G}). However, the number EE of Plücker coordinates is so large that effective computations in this setting are practically impossible. In this paper, taking advantage of the symmetries of Hilbp(t)nHilb^n_{p(t)}, we exhibit a new open cover, consisting of marked schemes over Borel-fixed ideals, whose number is significantly smaller than EE. Exploiting the properties of marked schemes, we prove that these open subsets are defined by equations of degree d+2\leqslant d + 2 in their natural embedding in AD\mathbb{A}^D. Furthermore we find new embeddings in affine spaces of far lower dimension than DD, and characterize those that are still defined by equations of degree d+2\leqslant d + 2. The proofs are constructive and use a polynomial reduction process, similar to the one for Gröbner bases, but are term order free. In this new setting, we can achieve explicit computations in many non-trivial cases