248 research outputs found

    Bayesian filtering unifies adaptive and non-adaptive neural network optimization methods

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    We formulate the problem of neural network optimization as Bayesian filtering, where the observations are the backpropagated gradients. While neural network optimization has previously been studied using natural gradient methods which are closely related to Bayesian inference, they were unable to recover standard optimizers such as Adam and RMSprop with a root-mean-square gradient normalizer, instead getting a mean-square normalizer. To recover the root-mean-square normalizer, we find it necessary to account for the temporal dynamics of all the other parameters as they are geing optimized. The resulting optimizer, AdaBayes, adaptively transitions between SGD-like and Adam-like behaviour, automatically recovers AdamW, a state of the art variant of Adam with decoupled weight decay, and has generalisation performance competitive with SGD

    GQKVA: Efficient Pre-training of Transformers by Grouping Queries, Keys, and Values

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    Massive transformer-based models face several challenges, including slow and computationally intensive pre-training and over-parametrization. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a versatile method called GQKVA, which generalizes query, key, and value grouping techniques. GQKVA is designed to speed up transformer pre-training while reducing the model size. Our experiments with various GQKVA variants highlight a clear trade-off between performance and model size, allowing for customized choices based on resource and time limitations. Our findings also indicate that the conventional multi-head attention approach is not always the best choice, as there are lighter and faster alternatives available. We tested our method on ViT, which achieved an approximate 0.3% increase in accuracy while reducing the model size by about 4% in the task of image classification. Additionally, our most aggressive model reduction experiment resulted in a reduction of approximately 15% in model size, with only around a 1% drop in accuracy
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