15,009 research outputs found

    hESC-secreted proteins can be enriched for multiple regenerative therapies by heparin-binding.

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    This work builds upon our findings that proteins secreted by hESCs exhibit pro-regenerative activity, and determines that hESC-conditioned medium robustly enhances the proliferation of both muscle and neural progenitor cells. Importantly, this work establishes that it is the proteins that bind heparin which are responsible for the pro-myogenic effects of hESC-conditioned medium, and indicates that this strategy is suitable for enriching the potentially therapeutic factors. Additionally, this work shows that hESC-secreted proteins act independently of the mitogen FGF-2, and suggests that FGF-2 is unlikely to be a pro-aging molecule in the physiological decline of old muscle repair. Moreover, hESC-secreted factors improve the viability of human cortical neurons in an Alzheimers disease (AD) model, suggesting that these factors can enhance the maintenance and regeneration of multiple tissues in the aging body

    3D Analysis of chromosome architecture: advantages and limitations with SEM

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    Three-dimensional mitotic plant chromosome architecture can be investigated with the highest resolution with scanning electron microscopy compared to other microscopic techniques at present. Specific chromatin staining techniques making use of simultaneous detection of back-scattered electrons and secondary electrons have provided conclusive information on the distribution of DNA and protein in barley chromosomes through mitosis. Applied to investigate the structural effects of different preparative procedures, these techniques were the groundwork for the ``dynamic matrix model{''} for chromosome condensation, which postulates an energy-dependent process of looping and bunching of chromatin coupled with attachment to a dynamic matrix of associated protein fibers. Data from SEM analysis shows basic higher order chromatin structures: chromomeres and matrix fibers. Visualization of nanogold-labeled phosphorylated histone H3 (ser10) with high resolution on chromomeres shows that functional modifications of chromatin can be located on structural elements in a 3D context. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Ground-based hyperspectral analysis of the urban nightscape

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    Airborne hyperspectral cameras provide the basic information to estimate the energy wasted skywards by outdoor lighting systems, as well as to locate and identify their sources. However, a complete characterization of the urban light pollution levels also requires evaluating these effects from the city dwellers standpoint, e.g. the energy waste associated to the excessive illuminance on walls and pavements, light trespass, or the luminance distributions causing potential glare, to mention but a few. On the other hand, the spectral irradiance at the entrance of the human eye is the primary input to evaluate the possible health effects associated with the exposure to artificial light at night, according to the more recent models available in the literature. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of using a hyperspectral imager (routinely used in airborne campaigns) to measure the ground-level spectral radiance of the urban nightscape and to retrieve several magnitudes of interest for light pollution studies. We also present the preliminary results from a field campaign carried out in the downtown of Barcelona.Postprint (author's final draft

    The Sunrise Mission

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    The first science flight of the balloon-borne \Sunrise telescope took place in June 2009 from ESRANGE (near Kiruna/Sweden) to Somerset Island in northern Canada. We describe the scientific aims and mission concept of the project and give an overview and a description of the various hardware components: the 1-m main telescope with its postfocus science instruments (the UV filter imager SuFI and the imaging vector magnetograph IMaX) and support instruments (image stabilizing and light distribution system ISLiD and correlating wavefront sensor CWS), the optomechanical support structure and the instrument mounting concept, the gondola structure and the power, pointing, and telemetry systems, and the general electronics architecture. We also explain the optimization of the structural and thermal design of the complete payload. The preparations for the science flight are described, including AIV and ground calibration of the instruments. The course of events during the science flight is outlined, up to the recovery activities. Finally, the in-flight performance of the instrumentation is briefly summarized.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figure

    Physical and chemical signatures of a developing anticyclonic eddy in the Leeuwin Current, eastern Indian Ocean

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    A multidisciplinary cruise aboard the R/V Southern Surveyor was conducted in May 2006 to sample a developing anticyclonic eddy of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia. The eddy formed from a meander of the Leeuwin Current in mid-April 2006 and remained attached to the current until mid-August. In this study, a combination of satellite data (altimeter, sea surface temperature, and chlorophyll a) and shipboard measurements (acoustic Doppler current profiler and conductivity-temperature-depth) were used to characterize the physical and chemical signatures of the eddy. The temperature-salinity properties of the mixed layer waters within the anticyclonic eddy and on the shelf were both connected to that of the Leeuwin Current, indicating the water mass in the eddy is mainly derived from the Leeuwin Current and the modified Leeuwin Current water on the shelf. Above the salinity maximum near the eddy center, there was a regionally significant concentration of nitrate (>0.9 μmol L-1), and the maximum (2 μmol L-1) was at 150 in depth, below the photic zone. Nitrification within the eddy and/or local upwelling due to the forming eddy could be responsible for this high concentration of nitrate near the eddy center which potentially makes the eddy a relatively productive feature in the Leeuwin Current

    Saharan dust deposition may affect phytoplankton growth in the mediterranean sea at ecological time scales

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    The surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea are extremely poor in the nutrients necessary for plankton growth. At the same time, the Mediterranean Sea borders with the largest and most active desert areas in the world and the atmosphere over the basin is subject to frequent injections of mineral dust particles. We describe statistical correlations between dust deposition over the Mediterranean Sea and surface chlorophyll concentrations at ecological time scales. Aerosol deposition of Saharan origin may explain 1 to 10% (average 5%) of seasonally detrended chlorophyll variability in the low nutrient-low chlorophyll Mediterranean. Most of the statistically significant correlations are positive with main effects in spring over the Eastern and Central Mediterranean, conforming to a view of dust events fueling needed nutrients to the planktonic community. Some areas show negative effects of dust deposition on chlorophyll, coinciding with regions under a large influence of aerosols from European origin. The influence of dust deposition on chlorophyll dynamics may become larger in future scenarios of increased aridity and shallowing of the mixed layerPostprint (published version