15 research outputs found

    Continuous Sweep: an improved, binary quantifier

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    Quantification is a supervised machine learning task, focused on estimating the class prevalence of a dataset rather than labeling its individual observations. We introduce Continuous Sweep, a new parametric binary quantifier inspired by the well-performing Median Sweep. Median Sweep is currently one of the best binary quantifiers, but we have changed this quantifier on three points, namely 1) using parametric class distributions instead of empirical distributions, 2) optimizing decision boundaries instead of applying discrete decision rules, and 3) calculating the mean instead of the median. We derive analytic expressions for the bias and variance of Continuous Sweep under general model assumptions. This is one of the first theoretical contributions in the field of quantification learning. Moreover, these derivations enable us to find the optimal decision boundaries. Finally, our simulation study shows that Continuous Sweep outperforms Median Sweep in a wide range of situations

    A Symmetric Loss Perspective of Reliable Machine Learning

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    When minimizing the empirical risk in binary classification, it is a common practice to replace the zero-one loss with a surrogate loss to make the learning objective feasible to optimize. Examples of well-known surrogate losses for binary classification include the logistic loss, hinge loss, and sigmoid loss. It is known that the choice of a surrogate loss can highly influence the performance of the trained classifier and therefore it should be carefully chosen. Recently, surrogate losses that satisfy a certain symmetric condition (aka., symmetric losses) have demonstrated their usefulness in learning from corrupted labels. In this article, we provide an overview of symmetric losses and their applications. First, we review how a symmetric loss can yield robust classification from corrupted labels in balanced error rate (BER) minimization and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) maximization. Then, we demonstrate how the robust AUC maximization method can benefit natural language processing in the problem where we want to learn only from relevant keywords and unlabeled documents. Finally, we conclude this article by discussing future directions, including potential applications of symmetric losses for reliable machine learning and the design of non-symmetric losses that can benefit from the symmetric condition.Comment: Preprint of an Invited Review Articl

    A Domain-Region Based Evaluation of ML Performance Robustness to Covariate Shift

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    Most machine learning methods assume that the input data distribution is the same in the training and testing phases. However, in practice, this stationarity is usually not met and the distribution of inputs differs, leading to unexpected performance of the learned model in deployment. The issue in which the training and test data inputs follow different probability distributions while the input-output relationship remains unchanged is referred to as covariate shift. In this paper, the performance of conventional machine learning models was experimentally evaluated in the presence of covariate shift. Furthermore, a region-based evaluation was performed by decomposing the domain of probability density function of the input data to assess the classifier's performance per domain region. Distributional changes were simulated in a two-dimensional classification problem. Subsequently, a higher four-dimensional experiments were conducted. Based on the experimental analysis, the Random Forests algorithm is the most robust classifier in the two-dimensional case, showing the lowest degradation rate for accuracy and F1-score metrics, with a range between 0.1% and 2.08%. Moreover, the results reveal that in higher-dimensional experiments, the performance of the models is predominantly influenced by the complexity of the classification function, leading to degradation rates exceeding 25% in most cases. It is also concluded that the models exhibit high bias towards the region with high density in the input space domain of the training samples

    A Comparative Evaluation of Quantification Methods

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    Quantification represents the problem of predicting class distributions in a given target set. It also represents a growing research field in supervised machine learning, for which a large variety of different algorithms has been proposed in recent years. However, a comprehensive empirical comparison of quantification methods that supports algorithm selection is not available yet. In this work, we close this research gap by conducting a thorough empirical performance comparison of 24 different quantification methods. To consider a broad range of different scenarios for binary as well as multiclass quantification settings, we carried out almost 3 million experimental runs on 40 data sets. We observe that no single algorithm generally outperforms all competitors, but identify a group of methods including the Median Sweep and the DyS framework that perform significantly better in binary settings. For the multiclass setting, we observe that a different, broad group of algorithms yields good performance, including the Generalized Probabilistic Adjusted Count, the readme method, the energy distance minimization method, the EM algorithm for quantification, and Friedman's method. More generally, we find that the performance on multiclass quantification is inferior to the results obtained in the binary setting. Our results can guide practitioners who intend to apply quantification algorithms and help researchers to identify opportunities for future research

    Doubly Flexible Estimation under Label Shift

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    In studies ranging from clinical medicine to policy research, complete data are usually available from a population P\mathscr{P}, but the quantity of interest is often sought for a related but different population Q\mathscr{Q} which only has partial data. In this paper, we consider the setting that both outcome YY and covariate X{\bf X} are available from P\mathscr{P} whereas only X{\bf X} is available from Q\mathscr{Q}, under the so-called label shift assumption, i.e., the conditional distribution of X{\bf X} given YY remains the same across the two populations. To estimate the parameter of interest in Q\mathscr{Q} via leveraging the information from P\mathscr{P}, the following three ingredients are essential: (a) the common conditional distribution of X{\bf X} given YY, (b) the regression model of YY given X{\bf X} in P\mathscr{P}, and (c) the density ratio of YY between the two populations. We propose an estimation procedure that only needs standard nonparametric technique to approximate the conditional expectations with respect to (a), while by no means needs an estimate or model for (b) or (c); i.e., doubly flexible to the possible model misspecifications of both (b) and (c). This is conceptually different from the well-known doubly robust estimation in that, double robustness allows at most one model to be misspecified whereas our proposal can allow both (b) and (c) to be misspecified. This is of particular interest in our setting because estimating (c) is difficult, if not impossible, by virtue of the absence of the YY-data in Q\mathscr{Q}. Furthermore, even though the estimation of (b) is sometimes off-the-shelf, it can face curse of dimensionality or computational challenges. We develop the large sample theory for the proposed estimator, and examine its finite-sample performance through simulation studies as well as an application to the MIMIC-III database

    A review onquantification learning

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    The task of quantification consists in providing an aggregate estimation (e.g. the class distribution in a classification problem) for unseen test sets, applying a model that is trained using a training set with a different data distribution. Several real-world applications demand this kind of methods that do not require predictions for individual examples and just focus on obtaining accurate estimates at an aggregate level. During the past few years, several quantification methods have been proposed from different perspectives and with different goals. This paper presents a unified review of the main approaches with the aim of serving as an introductory tutorial for newcomers in the fiel