80,432 research outputs found

    Formulas as Programs

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    We provide here a computational interpretation of first-order logic based on a constructive interpretation of satisfiability w.r.t. a fixed but arbitrary interpretation. In this approach the formulas themselves are programs. This contrasts with the so-called formulas as types approach in which the proofs of the formulas are typed terms that can be taken as programs. This view of computing is inspired by logic programming and constraint logic programming but differs from them in a number of crucial aspects. Formulas as programs is argued to yield a realistic approach to programming that has been realized in the implemented programming language ALMA-0 (Apt et al.) that combines the advantages of imperative and logic programming. The work here reported can also be used to reason about the correctness of non-recursive ALMA-0 programs that do not include destructive assignment.Comment: 34 pages, appears in: The Logic Programming Paradigm: a 25 Years Perspective, K.R. Apt, V. Marek, M. Truszczynski and D.S. Warren (eds), Springer-Verlag, Artificial Intelligence Serie

    Constraint Programming viewed as Rule-based Programming

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    We study here a natural situation when constraint programming can be entirely reduced to rule-based programming. To this end we explain first how one can compute on constraint satisfaction problems using rules represented by simple first-order formulas. Then we consider constraint satisfaction problems that are based on predefined, explicitly given constraints. To solve them we first derive rules from these explicitly given constraints and limit the computation process to a repeated application of these rules, combined with labeling.We consider here two types of rules. The first type, that we call equality rules, leads to a new notion of local consistency, called {\em rule consistency} that turns out to be weaker than arc consistency for constraints of arbitrary arity (called hyper-arc consistency in \cite{MS98b}). For Boolean constraints rule consistency coincides with the closure under the well-known propagation rules for Boolean constraints. The second type of rules, that we call membership rules, yields a rule-based characterization of arc consistency. To show feasibility of this rule-based approach to constraint programming we show how both types of rules can be automatically generated, as {\tt CHR} rules of \cite{fruhwirth-constraint-95}. This yields an implementation of this approach to programming by means of constraint logic programming. We illustrate the usefulness of this approach to constraint programming by discussing various examples, including Boolean constraints, two typical examples of many valued logics, constraints dealing with Waltz's language for describing polyhedral scenes, and Allen's qualitative approach to temporal logic.Comment: 39 pages. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journa

    A Constraint-based Mathematical Modeling Library in Prolog with Answer Constraint Semantics

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    Constraint logic programming emerged in the late 80's as a highly declarative class of programming languages based on first-order logic and theories with decidable constraint languages, thereby subsuming Prolog restricted to equality constraints over the Herbrand's term domain. This approach has proven extremely successfull in solving combinatorial problems in the industry which quickly led to the development of a variety of constraint solving libraries in standard programming languages. Later came the design of a purely declarative front-end constraint-based modeling language, MiniZinc, independent of the constraint solvers, in order to compare their performances and create model benchmarks. Beyond that purpose, the use of a high-level modeling language such as MiniZinc to develop complete applications, or to teach constraint programming, is limited by the impossibility to program search strategies, or new constraint solvers, in a modeling language, as well as by the absence of an integrated development environment for both levels of constraint-based modeling and constraint solving. In this paper, we propose to solve those issues by taking Prolog with its constraint solving libraries, as a unified relation-based modeling and programming language. We present a Prolog library for high-level constraint-based mathematical modeling, inspired by MiniZinc, using subscripted variables (arrays) in addition to lists and terms, quantifiers and iterators in addition to recursion, together with a patch of constraint libraries in order to allow array functional notations in constraints. We show that this approach does not come with a significant computation time overhead, and presents several advantages in terms of the possibility of focussing on mathematical modeling, getting answer constraints in addition to ground solutions, programming search or constraint solvers if needed, and debugging models within a unique modeling and programming environment

    A calculus for higher-order concurrent constraint programming with deep guards

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    We present a calculus providing an abstract operational semantics forhigher-order concurrent constraint programming. The calculus isparameterized with a first-order constraint system and provides first-class abstraction, guarded disjunction, committed-choice, deepguards, dynamic creation of unique names, and constraint communication.The calculus comes with a declarative sublanguage for which computation amounts to equivalence transformation of formulas. The declarative sublanguage can express negation. Abstractions are referred to by names, which are first-class values. This way we obtain a smooth and straight forward combination of first-order constraints with higher-order programming. Constraint communication is asynchronous and exploits the presence of logic variables. It provides a notion of state that is fully compatible with constraints and concurrency. The calculus serves as the semantic basis of Oz, a programming language and system under development at DFKI

    Declarative Programming with Intensional Sets in Java Using JSetL

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    Intensional sets are sets given by a property rather than by enumerating their elements. In previous work, we have proposed a decision procedure for a first-order logic language which provides Restricted Intensional Sets (RIS), i.e., a sub-class of intensional sets that are guaranteed to denote finite---though unbounded---sets. In this paper we show how RIS can be exploited as a convenient programming tool also in a conventional setting, namely, the imperative O-O language Java. We do this by considering a Java library, called JSetL, that integrates the notions of logical variable, (set) unification and constraints that are typical of constraint logic programming languages into the Java language. We show how JSetL is naturally extended to accommodate for RIS and RIS constraints, and how this extension can be exploited, on the one hand, to support a more declarative style of programming and, on the other hand, to effectively enhance the expressive power of the constraint language provided by the library

    Hybrid Rules with Well-Founded Semantics

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    A general framework is proposed for integration of rules and external first order theories. It is based on the well-founded semantics of normal logic programs and inspired by ideas of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) and constructive negation for logic programs. Hybrid rules are normal clauses extended with constraints in the bodies; constraints are certain formulae in the language of the external theory. A hybrid program is a pair of a set of hybrid rules and an external theory. Instances of the framework are obtained by specifying the class of external theories, and the class of constraints. An example instance is integration of (non-disjunctive) Datalog with ontologies formalized as description logics. The paper defines a declarative semantics of hybrid programs and a goal-driven formal operational semantics. The latter can be seen as a generalization of SLS-resolution. It provides a basis for hybrid implementations combining Prolog with constraint solvers. Soundness of the operational semantics is proven. Sufficient conditions for decidability of the declarative semantics, and for completeness of the operational semantics are given

    A complete axiomatization of a theory with feature and arity constraints

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    CFT is a recent constraint system providing records as a logical data structure for logic programming and for natural language processing. It combines the rational tree system as defined for logic programming with the feature tree system as used in natural language processing. The formulae considered in this paper are all first-order-logic formulae over a signature of binary and unary predicates called features and arities, respectively. We establish the theory CFT by means of seven axiom schemes and show its completeness. Our completeness proof exhibits a terminating simplification system deciding validity and satisfiability of possibly quantified record descriptions

    Encapsulated search and constraint programming in Oz

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    Oz is an attempt to create a high-level concurrent programming language providing the problem solving capabilities of logic programming (i.e., constraints and search). Its computation model can be seen as a rather radical extension of the concurrent constraint model providing for higher-order programming, deep guards, state, and encapsulated search. This paper focuses on the most recent extension, a higher-order combinator providing for encapsulated search. The search combinator spawns a local computation space and resolves remaining choices by returning the alternatives as first-class citizens. The search combinator allows to program different search strategies, including depth-first, indeterministic one solution, demand-driven multiple solution, all solutions, and best solution (branch and bound) search. The paper also discusses the semantics of integer and finite domain constraints in a deep guard computation model