10 research outputs found

    The Isomorphism Relation Between Tree-Automatic Structures

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    An ω\omega-tree-automatic structure is a relational structure whose domain and relations are accepted by Muller or Rabin tree automata. We investigate in this paper the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic structures. We prove first that the isomorphism relation for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. Then we prove that the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is neither a Σ21\Sigma_2^1-set nor a Π21\Pi_2^1-set

    The Automatic Baire Property and An Effective Property of ω-Rational Functions

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    We prove that ω\omega-regular languages accepted by B\"uchi or Muller automata satisfy an effective automata-theoretic version of the Baire property. Then we use this result to obtain a new effective property of rational functions over infinite words which are realized by finite state B\"uchi transducers: for each such function F:ΣωΓωF: \Sigma^\omega \rightarrow \Gamma^\omega, one can construct a deterministic B\"uchi automaton A\mathcal{A} accepting a dense Π20{\bf \Pi}^0_2-subset of Σω\Sigma^\omega such that the restriction of FF to L(A)L(\mathcal{A}) is continuous

    A Hierarchy of Tree-Automatic Structures

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    We consider ωn\omega^n-automatic structures which are relational structures whose domain and relations are accepted by automata reading ordinal words of length ωn\omega^n for some integer n1n\geq 1. We show that all these structures are ω\omega-tree-automatic structures presentable by Muller or Rabin tree automata. We prove that the isomorphism relation for ω2\omega^2-automatic (resp. ωn\omega^n-automatic for n>2n>2) boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups) is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. We infer from the proof of the above result that the isomorphism problem for ωn\omega^n-automatic boolean algebras, n>1n > 1, (respectively, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups) is neither a Σ21\Sigma_2^1-set nor a Π21\Pi_2^1-set. We obtain that there exist infinitely many ωn\omega^n-automatic, hence also ω\omega-tree-automatic, atomless boolean algebras BnB_n, n1n\geq 1, which are pairwise isomorphic under the continuum hypothesis CH and pairwise non isomorphic under an alternate axiom AT, strengthening a result of [FT10].Comment: To appear in The Journal of Symbolic Logic. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1007.082

    Interpretations in Trees with Countably Many Branches

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    Abstract—We study the expressive power of logical interpreta-tions on the class of scattered trees, namely those with countably many infinite branches. Scattered trees can be thought of as the tree analogue of scattered linear orders. Every scattered tree has an ordinal rank that reflects the structure of its infinite branches. We prove, roughly, that trees and orders of large rank cannot be interpreted in scattered trees of small rank. We consider a quite general notion of interpretation: each element of the interpreted structure is represented by a set of tuples of subsets of the interpreting tree. Our trees are countable, not necessarily finitely branching, and may have finitely many unary predicates as labellings. We also show how to replace injective set-interpretations in (not necessarily scattered) trees by ‘finitary’ set-interpretations. Index Terms—Composition method, finite-set interpretations, infinite scattered trees, monadic second order logic. I

    First order and counting theories of omega-automatic structures

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    The logic L(Q_u) extends first-order logic by a generalized form of counting quantifiers ("the number of elements satisfying ... belongs to the set C"). This logic is investigated for structures with an injective omega-automatic presentation. If first-order logic is extended by an infinity-quantifier, the resulting theory of any such structure is known to be decidable (Blumensath, Grädel 2004). It is shown that, as in the case of automatic structures (Khoussainov, Rubin, Stephan 2004) also modulo-counting quantifiers as well as infinite cardinality quantifiers ("there are c many elements satisfying ...") lead to decidable theories. For a structure of bounded degree with injective omega-automatic presentation, the fragment of L(Q_u) that contains only effective quantifiers is shown to be decidable and an elementary algorithm for this decision is presented. Both assumptions (omega-automaticity and bounded degree) are necessary for this result to hold