5 research outputs found

    Dynamical systems and forward-backward algorithms associated with the sum of a convex subdifferential and a monotone cocoercive operator

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    In a Hilbert framework, we introduce continuous and discrete dynamical systems which aim at solving inclusions governed by structured monotone operators A=∂Φ+BA=\partial\Phi+B, where ∂Φ\partial\Phi is the subdifferential of a convex lower semicontinuous function Φ\Phi, and BB is a monotone cocoercive operator. We first consider the extension to this setting of the regularized Newton dynamic with two potentials. Then, we revisit some related dynamical systems, namely the semigroup of contractions generated by AA, and the continuous gradient projection dynamic. By a Lyapunov analysis, we show the convergence properties of the orbits of these systems. The time discretization of these dynamics gives various forward-backward splitting methods (some new) for solving structured monotone inclusions involving non-potential terms. The convergence of these algorithms is obtained under classical step size limitation. Perspectives are given in the field of numerical splitting methods for optimization, and multi-criteria decision processes.Comment: 25 page

    A Continuous-Time Perspective on Optimal Methods for Monotone Equation Problems

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    We study \textit{rescaled gradient dynamical systems} in a Hilbert space H\mathcal{H}, where implicit discretization in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space leads to high-order methods for solving monotone equations (MEs). Our framework can be interpreted as a natural generalization of celebrated dual extrapolation method~\citep{Nesterov-2007-Dual} from first order to high order via appeal to the regularization toolbox of optimization theory~\citep{Nesterov-2021-Implementable, Nesterov-2021-Inexact}. More specifically, we establish the existence and uniqueness of a global solution and analyze the convergence properties of solution trajectories. We also present discrete-time counterparts of our high-order continuous-time methods, and we show that the pthp^{th}-order method achieves an ergodic rate of O(k−(p+1)/2)O(k^{-(p+1)/2}) in terms of a restricted merit function and a pointwise rate of O(k−p/2)O(k^{-p/2}) in terms of a residue function. Under regularity conditions, the restarted version of pthp^{th}-order methods achieves local convergence with the order p≥2p \geq 2. Notably, our methods are \textit{optimal} since they have matched the lower bound established for solving the monotone equation problems under a standard linear span assumption~\citep{Lin-2022-Perseus}.Comment: 35 Pages; Add the reference with lower bound constructio

    Monotone Inclusions, Acceleration and Closed-Loop Control

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    We propose and analyze a new dynamical system with a closed-loop control law in a Hilbert space H\mathcal{H}, aiming to shed light on the acceleration phenomenon for \textit{monotone inclusion} problems, which unifies a broad class of optimization, saddle point and variational inequality (VI) problems under a single framework. Given A:H⇉HA: \mathcal{H} \rightrightarrows \mathcal{H} that is maximal monotone, we propose a closed-loop control system that is governed by the operator I−(I+λ(t)A)−1I - (I + \lambda(t)A)^{-1}, where a feedback law λ(⋅)\lambda(\cdot) is tuned by the resolution of the algebraic equation λ(t)∥(I+λ(t)A)−1x(t)−x(t)∥p−1=θ\lambda(t)\|(I + \lambda(t)A)^{-1}x(t) - x(t)\|^{p-1} = \theta for some θ>0\theta > 0. Our first contribution is to prove the existence and uniqueness of a global solution via the Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem. We present a simple Lyapunov function for establishing the weak convergence of trajectories via the Opial lemma and strong convergence results under additional conditions. We then prove a global ergodic convergence rate of O(t−(p+1)/2)O(t^{-(p+1)/2}) in terms of a gap function and a global pointwise convergence rate of O(t−p/2)O(t^{-p/2}) in terms of a residue function. Local linear convergence is established in terms of a distance function under an error bound condition. Further, we provide an algorithmic framework based on the implicit discretization of our system in a Euclidean setting, generalizing the large-step HPE framework. Although the discrete-time analysis is a simplification and generalization of existing analyses for a bounded domain, it is largely motivated by the above continuous-time analysis, illustrating the fundamental role that the closed-loop control plays in acceleration in monotone inclusion. A highlight of our analysis is a new result concerning pthp^{th}-order tensor algorithms for monotone inclusion problems, complementing the recent analysis for saddle point and VI problems.Comment: Accepted by Mathematics of Operations Research; 42 Page

    First-order continuous Newton-like systems for monotone inclusions

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