197 research outputs found

    Content-Centric Sparse Multicast Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud RAN

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    This paper presents a content-centric transmission design in a cloud radio access network (cloud RAN) by incorporating multicasting and caching. Users requesting a same content form a multicast group and are served by a same cluster of base stations (BSs) cooperatively. Each BS has a local cache and it acquires the requested contents either from its local cache or from the central processor (CP) via backhaul links. We investigate the dynamic content-centric BS clustering and multicast beamforming with respect to both channel condition and caching status. We first formulate a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem of minimizing the weighted sum of backhaul cost and transmit power under the quality-of-service constraint for each multicast group. Theoretical analysis reveals that all the BSs caching a requested content can be included in the BS cluster of this content, regardless of the channel conditions. Then we reformulate an equivalent sparse multicast beamforming (SBF) problem. By adopting smoothed β„“0\ell_0-norm approximation and other techniques, the SBF problem is transformed into the difference of convex (DC) programs and effectively solved using the convex-concave procedure algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate significant advantage of the proposed content-centric transmission. The effects of three heuristic caching strategies are also evaluated.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Content-Centric Multicast Beamforming in Cache-Enabled Cloud Radio Access Networks

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    Multicast transmission and wireless caching are effective ways of reducing air and backhaul traffic load in wireless networks. This paper proposes to incorporate these two key ideas for content-centric multicast transmission in a cloud radio access network (RAN) where multiple base stations (BSs) are connected to a central processor (CP) via finite-capacity backhaul links. Each BS has a cache with finite storage size and is equipped with multiple antennas. The BSs cooperatively transmit contents, which are either stored in the local cache or fetched from the CP, to multiple users in the network. Users requesting a same content form a multicast group and are served by a same cluster of BSs cooperatively using multicast beamforming. Assuming fixed cache placement, this paper investigates the joint design of multicast beamforming and content-centric BS clustering by formulating an optimization problem of minimizing the total network cost under the quality-of-service (QoS) constraints for each multicast group. The network cost involves both the transmission power and the backhaul cost. We model the backhaul cost using the mixed β„“0/β„“2\ell_0/\ell_2-norm of beamforming vectors. To solve this non-convex problem, we first approximate it using the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) method and concave smooth functions. We then propose a difference of convex functions (DC) programming algorithm to obtain suboptimal solutions and show the connection of three smooth functions. Simulation results validate the advantage of multicasting and show the effects of different cache size and caching policies in cloud RAN.Comment: IEEE Globecom 201

    Joint Base Station Clustering and Beamforming for Non-Orthogonal Multicast and Unicast Transmission with Backhaul Constraints

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    The demand for providing multicast services in cellular networks is continuously and fastly increasing. In this work, we propose a non-orthogonal transmission framework based on layered-division multiplexing (LDM) to support multicast and unicast services concurrently in cooperative multi-cell cellular networks with limited backhaul capacity. We adopt a two-layer LDM structure where the first layer is intended for multicast services, the second layer is for unicast services, and the two layers are superposed with different beamformers. Each user decodes the multicast message first, subtracts it, and then decodes its dedicated unicast message. We formulate a joint multicast and unicast beamforming problem with adaptive base station clustering that aims to maximize the weighted sum of the multicast rate and the unicast rate under per-BS power and backhaul constraints. To solve the problem, we first develop a branch-and-bound algorithm to find its global optimum. We then reformulate the problem as a sparse beamforming problem and propose a low-complexity algorithm based on convex-concave procedure. Simulation results demonstrate the significant superiority of the proposed LDM-based non-orthogonal scheme over orthogonal schemes in terms of the achievable multicast-unicast rate region.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Backhaul Traffic Balancing and Dynamic Content-Centric Clustering for the Downlink of Fog Radio Access Network

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    Recently, an evolution of the Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) has been proposed, named as Fog Radio Access Network (F-RAN). Compared to C-RAN, the Radio Units (RUs) in F-CAN are equipped with local caches, which can store some frequently requested files. In the downlink, users requesting the same file form a multicast group, and are cooperatively served by a cluster of RUs. The requested file is either available locally in the cache of this cluster or fetched from the Central Processor (CP) via backhauls. Thus caching some frequently requested files can greatly reduce the burden on backhaul links. Whether a specific RU should be involved in a cluster to serve a multicast group depends on its backhaul capacity, requested files, cached files and the channel. Therefore it is subject to optimization. In this paper we investigate the joint design of multicast beamforming, dynamic clustering and backhaul traffic balancing. Beamforming and clustering are jointly optimized in order to minimize the power consumed, while QoS of each user is to be met and the traffic on each backhaul link is balanced according to its capacity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Generalized Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization for Ultra-Dense Networks

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    Ultra-dense network (UDN) is a promising technology to further evolve wireless networks and meet the diverse performance requirements of 5G networks. With abundant access points, each with communication, computation and storage resources, UDN brings unprecedented benefits, including significant improvement in network spectral efficiency and energy efficiency, greatly reduced latency to enable novel mobile applications, and the capability of providing massive access for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, such great promises come with formidable research challenges. To design and operate such complex networks with various types of resources, efficient and innovative methodologies will be needed. This motivates the recent introduction of highly structured and generalizable models for network optimization. In this article, we present some recently proposed large-scale sparse and low-rank frameworks for optimizing UDNs, supported by various motivating applications. A special attention is paid on algorithmic approaches to deal with nonconvex objective functions and constraints, as well as computational scalability.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Communication Magazine, Special Issue on Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Network

    Optimized Base-Station Cache Allocation for Cloud Radio Access Network with Multicast Backhaul

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    The performance of cloud radio access network (C-RAN) is limited by the finite capacities of the backhaul links connecting the centralized processor (CP) with the base-stations (BSs), especially when the backhaul is implemented in a wireless medium. This paper proposes the use of wireless multicast together with BS caching, where the BSs pre-store contents of popular files, to augment the backhaul of C-RAN. For a downlink C-RAN consisting of a single cluster of BSs and wireless backhaul, this paper studies the optimal cache size allocation strategy among the BSs and the optimal multicast beamforming transmission strategy at the CP such that the user's requested messages are delivered from the CP to the BSs in the most efficient way. We first state a multicast backhaul rate expression based on a joint cache-channel coding scheme, which implies that larger cache sizes should be allocated to the BSs with weaker channels. We then formulate a two-timescale joint cache size allocation and beamforming design problem, where the cache is optimized offline based on the long-term channel statistical information, while the beamformer is designed during the file delivery phase based on the instantaneous channel state information. By leveraging the sample approximation method and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), we develop efficient algorithms for optimizing cache size allocation among the BSs, and quantify how much more cache should be allocated to the weaker BSs. We further consider the case with multiple files having different popularities and show that it is in general not optimal to entirely cache the most popular files first. Numerical results show considerable performance improvement of the optimized cache size allocation scheme over the uniform allocation and other heuristic schemes.Comment: Accepted and to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Caching for Communication Systems and Network

    Joint Long-Term Cache Allocation and Short-Term Content Delivery in Green Cloud Small Cell Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed an exponential growth of mobile data traffic, which may lead to a serious traffic burn on the wireless networks and considerable power consumption. Network densification and edge caching are effective approaches to addressing these challenges. In this study, we investigate joint long-term cache allocation and short-term content delivery in cloud small cell networks (C-SCNs), where multiple smallcell BSs (SBSs) are connected to the central processor via fronthaul and can store popular contents so as to reduce the duplicated transmissions in networks. Accordingly, a long-term power minimization problem is formulated by jointly optimizing multicast beamforming, BS clustering, and cache allocation under quality of service (QoS) and storage constraints. The resultant mixed timescale design problem is an anticausal problem because the optimal cache allocation depends on the future file requests. To handle it, a two-stage optimization scheme is proposed by utilizing historical knowledge of users' requests and channel state information. Specifically, the online content delivery design is tackled with a penalty-based approach, and the periodic cache updating is optimized with a distributed alternating method. Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms conventional schemes and performs extremely close to a genie-aided lower bound in the low caching region.Comment: ICC 201

    Power Minimization for Wireless Backhaul Based Ultra-Dense Cache-enabled C-RAN

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    This correspondence paper investigates joint design of small base station (SBS) clustering, multicast beamforming for access and backhaul links, as well as frequency allocation in backhaul transmission to minimize the total power consumption for wireless backhaul based ultra-dense cache-enabled cloud radio access network (C-RAN). To solve this nontrivial problem, we develop a low-complexity algorithm, which is a combination of smoothed β„“0-norm{\ell _0}{\text{-norm}} approximation and convex-concave procedure. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm converges fast and greatly reduces the backhaul traffic

    Interference Mitigation via Rate-Splitting and Common Message Decoding in Cloud Radio Access Networks

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    Cloud-radio access networks (C-RAN) help overcoming the scarcity of radio resources by enabling dense deployment of base-stations (BSs), and connecting them to a central-processor (CP). This paper considers the downlink of a C-RAN, where the cloud is connected to the BSs via limited-capacity backhaul links. The paper proposes splitting the message of each user into two parts, a private part decodable at the intended user only, and a common part which can be decoded at a subset of users, as a means to enable large-scale interference management in CRAN. To this end, the paper optimizes a transmission scheme that combines rate splitting (RS), common message decoding (CMD), clustering and coordinated beamforming. The paper focuses on maximizing the weighted sum-rate subject to per-BS backhaul capacity and transmit power constraints, so as to jointly determine the RS-CMD mode of transmission, the cluster of BSs serving private and common messages of each user, and the associated beamforming vectors of each user private and common messages. The paper proposes solving such a complicated non-convex optimization problem using l0l_0-norm relaxation techniques, followed by inner-convex approximations (ICA), so as to achieve stationary solutions to the relaxed non-convex problem. Numerical results show that the proposed method provides significant performance gain as compared to conventional interference mitigation techniques in CRAN which treat interference as noise (TIN)

    Caching at Base Stations with Multi-Cluster Multicast Wireless Backhaul via Accelerated First-Order Algorithm

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    Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been recognized as a promising architecture for next-generation wireless systems to \textcolor{black}{support} the rapidly increasing demand for higher data rate. However, the performance of C-RAN is limited by the backhaul capacities, especially for the wireless deployment. While C-RAN with fixed BS caching has been demonstrated to reduce backhaul consumption, it is more challenging to further optimize the cache allocation at BSs with multi-cluster multicast backhaul, where the inter-cluster interference induces additional non-convexity to the cache optimization problem. Despite the challenges, we propose an accelerated first-order algorithm, which achieves much higher content downloading sum-rate than a second-order algorithm running for the same amount of time. Simulation results demonstrate that, by simultaneously delivering the required contents to different multicast clusters, the proposed algorithm achieves significantly higher downloading sum-rate than those of time-division single-cluster transmission schemes. Moreover, it is found that the proposed algorithm allocates larger cache sizes to the farther BSs within the nearer clusters, which provides insight to the superiority of the proposed cache allocation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication
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