72,922 research outputs found

    Enumeration Reducibility in Closure Spaces with Applications to Logic and Algebra

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    In many instances in first order logic or computable algebra, classical theorems show that many problems are undecidable for general structures, but become decidable if some rigidity is imposed on the structure. For example, the set of theorems in many finitely axiomatisable theories is nonrecursive, but the set of theorems for any finitely axiomatisable complete theory is recursive. Finitely presented groups might have an nonrecursive word problem, but finitely presented simple groups have a recursive word problem. In this article we introduce a topological framework based on closure spaces to show that many of these proofs can be obtained in a similar setting. We will show in particular that these statements can be generalized to cover arbitrary structures, with no finite or recursive presentation/axiomatization. This generalizes in particular work by Kuznetsov and others. Examples from first order logic and symbolic dynamics will be discussed at length

    N=2 structures in all string theories

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    The BRST cohomology of any topological conformal field theory admits the structure of a Batalin--Vilkovisky algebra, and string theories are no exception. Let us say that two topological conformal field theories are ``cohomologically equivalent'' if their BRST cohomologies are isomorphic as Batalin--Vilkovisky algebras. What we show in this paper is that any string theory (regardless of the matter background) is cohomologically equivalent to some twisted N=2 superconformal field theory. We discuss three string theories in detail: the bosonic string, the NSR string and the W_3 string. In each case the way the cohomological equivalence is constructed can be understood as coupling the topological conformal field theory to topological gravity. These results lend further supporting evidence to the conjecture that _any_ topological conformal field theory is cohomologically equivalent to some topologically twisted N=2 superconformal field theory. We end the paper with some comments on different notions of equivalence for topological conformal field theories and this leads to an improved conjecture.Comment: 23 pages (12 physical pages), .dvi.uu (+ some hyperlinks

    Topological M-theory as Unification of Form Theories of Gravity

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    We introduce a notion of topological M-theory and argue that it provides a unification of form theories of gravity in various dimensions. Its classical solutions involve G_2 holonomy metrics on 7-manifolds, obtained from a topological action for a 3-form gauge field introduced by Hitchin. We show that by reductions of this 7-dimensional theory one can classically obtain 6-dimensional topological A and B models, the self-dual sector of loop quantum gravity in 4 dimensions, and Chern-Simons gravity in 3 dimensions. We also find that the 7-dimensional M-theory perspective sheds some light on the fact that the topological string partition function is a wavefunction, as well as on S-duality between the A and B models. The degrees of freedom of the A and B models appear as conjugate variables in the 7-dimensional theory. Finally, from the topological M-theory perspective we find hints of an intriguing holographic link between non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills in 4 dimensions and A model topological strings on twistor space.Comment: 65 pages, 2 figures, harvmac; v2: references added, small corrections/clarification

    Beyond Topologies, Part I

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    Arguments on the need, and usefulness, of going beyond the usual Hausdorff-Kuratowski-Bourbaki, or in short, HKB concept of topology are presented. The motivation comes, among others, from well known {\it topological type processes}, or in short TTP-s, in the theories of Measure, Integration and Ordered Spaces. These TTP-s, as shown by the classical characterization given by the {\it four Moore-Smith conditions}, can {\it no longer} be incorporated within the usual HKB topologies. One of the most successful recent ways to go beyond HKB topologies is that developed in Beattie & Butzmann. It is shown in this work how that extended concept of topology is a {\it particular} case of the earlier one suggested and used by the first author in the study of generalized solutions of large classes of nonlinear partial differential equations

    Coherent Topological Charge Structure in CPN−1CP^{N-1} Models and QCD

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    In an effort to clarify the significance of the recent observation of long-range topological charge coherence in QCD gauge configurations, we study the local topological charge distributions in two-dimensional CPN−1CP^{N-1} sigma models, using the overlap Dirac operator to construct the lattice topological charge. We find long-range sign coherence of topological charge along extended one-dimensional structures in two-dimensional spacetime. We discuss the connection between the long range topological structure found in CPN−1CP^{N-1} and the observed sign coherence along three-dimensional sheets in four-dimensional QCD gauge configurations. In both cases, coherent regions of topological charge form along membrane-like surfaces of codimension one. We show that the Monte Carlo results, for both two-dimensional and four-dimensional gauge theory, support a view of topological charge fluctuations suggested by Luscher and Witten. In this framework, the observed membranes are associated with boundaries between ``k-vacua,'' characterized by an effective local value of θ\theta which jumps by ±2π\pm 2\pi across the boundary.Comment: 26 page

    Higher Structures in M-Theory

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    The key open problem of string theory remains its non-perturbative completion to M-theory. A decisive hint to its inner workings comes from numerous appearances of higher structures in the limits of M-theory that are already understood, such as higher degree flux fields and their dualities, or the higher algebraic structures governing closed string field theory. These are all controlled by the higher homotopy theory of derived categories, generalised cohomology theories, and L∞L_\infty-algebras. This is the introductory chapter to the proceedings of the LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium on Higher Structures in M-Theory. We first review higher structures as well as their motivation in string theory and beyond. Then we list the contributions in this volume, putting them into context.Comment: 22 pages, Introductory Article to Proceedings of LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium Higher Structures in M-Theory, August 2018, references update
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