1 research outputs found

    First assessment of the permanent scatterer linear displacement model in airborne InSAR time series

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    This paper presents the very first assessment of the permanent scatterer (PS) technique for airborne data. A data set of 14 SAR images at L-band, acquired over the Oberpfaffenhofen area on the same day with the E-SAR system of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), is used for the first airborne time series analysis with PS. The paper shows the importance of mitigating the residual motion errors through the use of precise motion compensation strategy before PS analysis. The target velocity and DEM error results are obtained by a periodogram-based estimation considering the linear displacement model. Due to the small number of images in our data set, the displacement velocity and DEM error results are presented on a PS basis. Target structures related to selected reliable PSs are shown and the corresponding periodograms highlighted