54 research outputs found

    Interference management for CDMA systems through power control, multiuser detection, and beamforming

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    Power and performance trade-off in DS-CDMA receivers based on adaptive LMS-MMSE multi-user detector.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.Third generation cellular communication systems based on CDMA techniques have shown great scope for improvement in system capacity. Over the last decade, there has been significant interest in DS-CDMA detectors. The conventional detector, the optimal detector and a number of sub-optimal multi-user detectors (MUD) have been extensively analyzed in the literature. Recently, the reduction of power consumption in DS-CDMA systems has also become another important consideration in both system design and in implementation. In order to support wireless multimedia services, all CDMA-based systems for third generation systems have a large bandwidth and a high data rate, therefore the power consumed by the digital signal processor (DSP) is high. This thesis focuses on power consumption in the adaptive Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) detector which is based on the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. This thesis presents a literature survey on MUD and adaptive filter algorithms. A system model of the quantized LMS-MMSE MUD is proposed and its performance is analyzed. The quantization effects in the finite precision LMS-MMSE adaptive MUD including the steady-state weight covariance, mean square error (MSE) and bit error rate (BER) versus wordlength of data and coefficient are investigated when both the data and filter coefficients are quantized. The effects of wordlength size on power consumption are investigated and the tradeoff between the power consumption and performance degradation and the optimal allocation of bits to data and to LMS coefficients under power constraint is presented

    Blind iterative multiuser detection for error coded CDMA systems.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.Mobile communications have developed since the radio communications that were in use 50 years ago. With the advent of GSM, mobile communications was brought to the average citizen. More recently, COMA technology has provided the user with higher data rates and more reliable service, and it is apparent that it is the future of wireless communication. With the introduction of 3G technology in South Africa, it is becoming clear that it is the solution to the country's wireless communication requirements. The 3G and next-generation technologies could provide reliable communications to areas where it has proven difficult to operate and maintain communications effectively, such as rural locations. It is therefore important that the se technologies continue to be researched in order to enhance their capabilities to provide a solution to the wireless needs of the local and global community. Whilst COMA is proving to be a reliable communications technology, it is still susceptible to the effects of the near-far problem and multiple-access interference. A number of multiuser detectors have been proposed in literature that attempt to mitigate the effects of multiple-access interference. A notable detector is the blind MOE detector, which requires only the desired user 's spreading sequence , and it exhibits performance approximating that of other linear multiuser detectors. Another promising class of multiuser detector operate using an iterative principle and have a joint multiuser detection and error-correcting coding scheme. The aim of this research is to develop a blind iterative detector with FEC coding as a potential solution to the need for a detector that can mitigate the effects of interfering users operating on the channel. The proposed detector has the benefits of both the blind and iterative schemes: it only requires the knowledge of the desired user ' s signature, and it has integrated error-correcting abilities. The simulation results presented in this dissertation show that the proposed detector exhibits superior performance over the blind MOE detector for various channel conditions. An overview of spread-spectrum technologies is presented, and the operation of OS-COMA is described in more detail. A history and overview of existing COMA standards is also given . The need for multiuser detection is explained, and a description and comparison of various detection methods that have appeared in literature is given. An introduction to error coding is given , with convolutional code s, the turbo coding concept and method s of iterative detection are described in more detail and compared, as iterat ive decoding is fundamental to the operation of an iterative COMA detector. An overview of iterative multiuser detection is given , and selected iterative methods are described in more detail. A blind iterative detector is proposed and analysed. Simulation results for the propo sed detector, and a comparison to the blind MOE detector is presented, showing performance characteristics and the effects of various channel parameters on performance. From these results it can be seen that the proposed detector exhibits a superior performance compared to that of the blind MOE detector for various channel conditions. The dissertation is concluded, and possible future directions of research are given

    Transmitter based techniques for ISI and MAI mitigation in CDMA-TDD downlink

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    The third-generation (3G) of mobile communications systems aim to provide enhanced voice, text and data services to the user. These demands give rise to the complexity and power consumption of the user equipment (UE) while the objective is smaller, lighter and power efficient mobiles. This thesis aims to examine ways of reducing the UE receiver’s computational cost while maintaining a good performance. One prominent multiple access scheme selected for 3G is code division multiple access. Receiver based multiuser detection techniques that utilise the knowledge of the downlink channel by the mobile have been extensively studied in the literature, in order to deal with multiple access and intersymbol interference. However, these techniques result in high mobile receiver complexity. Recently, work has been done on algorithms that transfer the complexity from the UE to the base station by exploiting the fact that in time division duplex mode the downlink channel can be known to the transmitter. By linear precoding of the transmitted signal the user equipment can be simplified to a filter matched to the user’s spreading code. In this thesis the problem of generic linear precoding is analysed theoretically and a method for analytical calculation of BER is developed. The most representative of the developed precoding techniques are described under a common framework, compared and classified as bitwise or blockwise. Bitwise demonstrate particular advantages in terms of complexity and implementation but lack in performance. Two novel bitwise algorithms are presented and analysed. They outperform significantly the existing ones, while maintain a reduced computational cost and realisation simplicity. The first, named inverse filters, is the Wiener solution of the problem after applying a minimum mean squared error criterion with power constraints. The second recruits multichannel adaptive algorithms to achieve the same goal. The base station emulates the actual system in a cell to converge iteratively to the pre-filters that precode the transmitted signals before transmission. The advantages and the performance of the proposed techniques, along with a variety of characteristics are demonstrated by means of Monte Carlo simulations

    Dynamic length equaliser and its application to the DS-CDMA systems

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    Constant modulus based blind adaptive multiuser detection.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.Signal processing techniques such as multi user detection (MUD) have the capability of greatly enhancing the performance and capacity of future generation wireless communications systems. Blind adaptive MUD's have many favourable qualities and their application to OS-COMA systems has attracted a lot of attention. The constant modulus algorithm is widely deployed in blind channel equalizations applications. The central premise of this thesis is that the constant modulus cost function is very suitable for the purposes of blind adaptive MUD for future generation wireless communications systems. To prove this point, the adaptive performance of blind (and non-blind) adaptive MUD's is derived analytically for all the schemes that can be made to fit the same generic structure as the constant modulus scheme. For the first time, both the relative and absolute performance levels of the different adaptive algorithms are computed, which gives insights into the performance levels of the different blind adaptive MUD schemes, and demonstrates the merit of the constant modulus based schemes. The adaptive performance of the blind adaptive MUD's is quantified using the excess mean square error (EMSE) as a metric, and is derived for the steady-state, tracking, and transient stages of the adaptive algorithms. If constant modulus based MUD's are suitable for future generation wireless communications systems, then they should also be capable of suppressing multi-rate DS-COMA interference and also demonstrate the ability to suppress narrow band interference (NBI) that arises in overlay systems. Multi-rate DS-COMA provides the capability of transmitting at various bit rates and quality of service levels over the same air interface. Limited spectrum availability may lead to the implementation of overlay systems whereby wide-band COMA signal are collocated with existing narrow band services. Both overlay systems and multi-rate DS-COMA are important features of future generation wireless communications systems. The interference patterns generated by both multi-rate OS-COMA and digital NBI are cyclostationary (or periodically time varying) and traditional MUD techniques do not take this into account and are thus suboptimal. Cyclic MUD's, although suboptimal, do however take the cyclostationarity of the interference into account, but to date there have been no cyclic MUD's based on the constant modulus cost function proposed. This thesis thus derives novel, blind adaptive, cyclic MUD's based on the constant modulus cost function, for direct implementation on the FREquency SHift (FRESH) filter architecture. The FRESH architecture provides a modular and thus flexible implementation (in terms of computational complexity) of a periodically time varying filter. The operation of the blind adaptive MUD on these reduced complexity architectures is also explored.· The robustness of the new cyclic MUD is proven via a rigorous mathematical proof. An alternate architecture to the FRESH filter is the filter bank. Using the previously derived analytical framework for the adaptive performance of MUD's, the relative performance of the adaptive algorithms on the FRESH and filter bank architectures is examined. Prior to this thesis, no conclusions could be drawn as to which architecture would yield superior performance. The performance analysis of the adaptive algorithms is also extended in this thesis in order to consider the effects of timing jitrer at the receiver, signature waveform mismatch, and other pertinent issues that arise in realistic implementation scenarios. Thus, through a careful analytical approach, which is verified by computer simulation results, the suitability of constant modulus based MUD's is established in this thesis

    Near maximum likelihood multiuser receivers for direct sequence code division multiple access

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    Wideband wireless access based on direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) has been adopted for third-generation mobile communications systems. Hence, DS-CDMA downlink communications systems form the platform for the work in this thesis. The principles of the spread spectrum concept and DS-CDMA technology are first outlined, including a description of the system model and the conventional receiver. The two classes of codes used in this system, namely spreading codes and forward error correction codes (including Turbo codes), are discussed. Due to the fact that practical communications channels are non-ideal, the performance of an individual user is interference limited. As a result, the capacity of the system is greatly restricted. Fortunately, multiuser detection is a scheme that can effectively counteract this multiple access interference. However, the optimum multiuser detection scheme is far too computationally intensive for practical use. Hence, the fundamental interest here is to retain the advantages of multiuser detection and simplify its implementation. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the optimum multiuser receiver, regarded on a chip level sampling basis. The aim is to reduce the complexity of the optimum receiver to a practical and implementable level while retaining its good performance. The thesis first reviews various existing multiuser receivers. The chip-based maximum likelihood sequence estimation (CBMLSE) detector is formulated and implemented. However, the number of states in the state-transition trellis is still exponential in the number of users. Complexity cannot be reduced substantially without changing the structure of the trellis. A new detector is proposed which folds up the original state-transition trellis such that the number of states involved is greatly reduced. The performance is close to that of the CBMLSE. The folded trellis detector (FTD) can also be used as a preselection stage for the CBMLSE. The FTD selects with high accuracy the few symbol vectors that are more likely to be transmitted. The CBMLSE is then used to determine the most likely symbol vector out of the small subset of vectors. The performance of this scheme is as good as the CBMLSE. The FTD is also applied in an iterative multiuser receiver that exploits the powerful iterative algorithm of Turbo codes