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    Finite mixtures of quantile and M-quantile regression models

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    In this paper we define a finite mixture of quan- tile and M-quantile regression models for heterogeneous and /or for dependent/clustered data. Components of the finite mixture represent clusters of individuals with homogeneous values of model parameters. For its flexibility and ease of estimation, the proposed approaches can be extended to ran- dom coefficients with a higher dimension than the simple random intercept case. Estimation of model parameters is obtained through maximum likelihood, by implementing an EM-type algorithm. The standard error estimates for model parameters are obtained using the inverse of the observed information matrix, derived through the Oakes (J R Stat Soc Ser B 61:479–482, 1999) formula in the M-quantile setting, and through nonparametric bootstrap in the quantile case. We present a large scale simulation study to analyse the practical behaviour of the proposed model and to evaluate the empiri- cal performance of the proposed standard error estimates for model parameters. We considered a variety of empirical set- tings in both the random intercept and the random coefficient case. The proposed modelling approaches are also applied to two well-known datasets which give further insights on their empirical behaviour

    An Extension of Generalized Linear Models to Finite Mixture Outcome Distributions

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    Finite mixture distributions arise in sampling a heterogeneous population. Data drawn from such a population will exhibit extra variability relative to any single subpopulation. Statistical models based on finite mixtures can assist in the analysis of categorical and count outcomes when standard generalized linear models (GLMs) cannot adequately account for variability observed in the data. We propose an extension of GLM where the response is assumed to follow a finite mixture distribution, while the regression of interest is linked to the mixture's mean. This approach may be preferred over a finite mixture of regressions when the population mean is the quantity of interest; here, only a single regression function must be specified and interpreted in the analysis. A technical challenge is that the mean of a finite mixture is a composite parameter which does not appear explicitly in the density. The proposed model is completely likelihood-based and maintains the link to the regression through a certain random effects structure. We consider typical GLM cases where means are either real-valued, constrained to be positive, or constrained to be on the unit interval. The resulting model is applied to two example datasets through a Bayesian analysis: one with success/failure outcomes and one with count outcomes. Supporting the extra variation is seen to improve residual plots and to appropriately widen prediction intervals

    Nonlinear quantile mixed models

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    In regression applications, the presence of nonlinearity and correlation among observations offer computational challenges not only in traditional settings such as least squares regression, but also (and especially) when the objective function is non-smooth as in the case of quantile regression. In this paper, we develop methods for the modeling and estimation of nonlinear conditional quantile functions when data are clustered within two-level nested designs. This work represents an extension of the linear quantile mixed models of Geraci and Bottai (2014, Statistics and Computing). We develop a novel algorithm which is a blend of a smoothing algorithm for quantile regression and a second order Laplacian approximation for nonlinear mixed models. To assess the proposed methods, we present a simulation study and two applications, one in pharmacokinetics and one related to growth curve modeling in agriculture.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 8 table

    lqmix: an R package for longitudinal data analysis via linear quantile mixtures

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    The analysis of longitudinal data gives the chance to observe how unit behaviors change over time, but it also poses series of issues. These have been the focus of a huge literature in the context of linear and generalized linear regression moving also, in the last ten years or so, to the context of linear quantile regression for continuous responses. In this paper, we present lqmix, a novel R package that helps estimate a class of linear quantile regression models for longitudinal data, in the presence of time-constant and/or time-varying, unit-specific, random coefficients, with unspecified distribution. Model parameters are estimated in a maximum likelihood framework, via an extended EM algorithm, and parameters' standard errors are estimated via a block-bootstrap procedure. The analysis of a benchmark dataset is used to give details on the package functions.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure
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