13 research outputs found

    EMMIXcskew: an R Package for the Fitting of a Mixture of Canonical Fundamental Skew t-Distributions

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    This paper presents an R package EMMIXcskew for the fitting of the canonical fundamental skew t-distribution (CFUST) and finite mixtures of this distribution (FM-CFUST) via maximum likelihood (ML). The CFUST distribution provides a flexible family of models to handle non-normal data, with parameters for capturing skewness and heavy-tails in the data. It formally encompasses the normal, t, and skew-normal distributions as special and/or limiting cases. A few other versions of the skew t-distributions are also nested within the CFUST distribution. In this paper, an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is described for computing the ML estimates of the parameters of the FM-CFUST model, and different strategies for initializing the algorithm are discussed and illustrated. The methodology is implemented in the EMMIXcskew package, and examples are presented using two real datasets. The EMMIXcskew package contains functions to fit the FM-CFUST model, including procedures for generating different initial values. Additional features include random sample generation and contour visualization in 2D and 3D

    Finite mixtures of canonical fundamental skew t-distributions: the unification of the restricted and unrestricted skew t-mixture models

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    This paper introduces a finite mixture of canonical fundamental skew t (CFUST) distributions for a model-based approach to clustering where the clusters are asymmetric and possibly long-tailed (in: Lee and McLachlan, arXiv:1401.8182 [statME], 2014b). The family of CFUST distributions includes the restricted multivariate skew t and unrestricted multivariate skew t distributions as special cases. In recent years, a few versions of the multivariate skew t (MST) mixture model have been put forward, together with various EM-type algorithms for parameter estimation. These formulations adopted either a restricted or unrestricted characterization for their MST densities. In this paper, we examine a natural generalization of these developments, employing the CFUST distribution as the parametric family for the component distributions, and point out that the restricted and unrestricted characterizations can be unified under this general formulation. We show that an exact implementation of the EM algorithm can be achieved for the CFUST distribution and mixtures of this distribution, and present some new analytical results for a conditional expectation involved in the E-step.Sharon X. Lee, Geoffrey J. McLachla