137 research outputs found

    Finite element approximations for second order stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion

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    We consider finite element approximations for a one dimensional second order stochastic differential equation of boundary value type driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H≤1/2H\le 1/2. We make use of a sequence of approximate solutions with the fractional noise replaced by its piecewise con- stant approximations to construct the finite element approximations for the equation. The error estimate of the approximations is derived through rigorous convergence analysis.Comment: To appear in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis; the time-dependent case such as stochastic heat equation and stochastic wave equation driven by fractional Brownian sheet with temporal Hurst index 1/21/2 and spatial Hurst index H≤1/2H\le 1/2 has been considered by arXiv:1601.02085 for spatially Galerkin approximations and a forthcoming paper for fully discrete approximation

    Kernel-based Methods for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    This article gives a new insight of kernel-based (approximation) methods to solve the high-dimensional stochastic partial differential equations. We will combine the techniques of meshfree approximation and kriging interpolation to extend the kernel-based methods for the deterministic data to the stochastic data. The main idea is to endow the Sobolev spaces with the probability measures induced by the positive definite kernels such that the Gaussian random variables can be well-defined on the Sobolev spaces. The constructions of these Gaussian random variables provide the kernel-based approximate solutions of the stochastic models. In the numerical examples of the stochastic Poisson and heat equations, we show that the approximate probability distributions are well-posed for various kinds of kernels such as the compactly supported kernels (Wendland functions) and the Sobolev-spline kernels (Mat\'ern functions)

    Weak convergence of Galerkin approximations of stochastic partial differential equations driven by additive L\'evy noise

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    This work considers weak approximations of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) driven by L\'evy noise. The SPDEs at hand are parabolic with additive noise processes. A weak-convergence rate for the corresponding Galerkin approximation is derived. The convergence result is derived by use of the Malliavin derivative rather then the common approach via the Kolmogorov backward equation

    A Domain-Decomposition Model Reduction Method for Linear Convection-Diffusion Equations with Random Coefficients

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    We develop a domain-decomposition model reduction method for linear steady-state convection-diffusion equations with random coefficients. Of particular interest to this effort are the diffusion equations with random diffusivities, and the convection-dominated transport equations with random velocities. We investigate the equations with two types of random fields, i.e., colored noises and discrete white noises, both of which can lead to high-dimensional parametric dependence. The motivation is to use domain decomposition to exploit low-dimensional structures of local problems in the sub-domains, such that the total number of expensive PDE solves can be greatly reduced. Our objective is to develop an efficient model reduction method to simultaneously handle high-dimensionality and irregular behaviors of the stochastic PDEs under consideration. The advantages of our method lie in three aspects: (i) online-offline decomposition, i.e., the online cost is independent of the size of the triangle mesh; (ii) operator approximation for handling non-affine and high-dimensional random fields; (iii) effective strategy to capture irregular behaviors, e.g., sharp transitions of the PDE solution. Two numerical examples will be provided to demonstrate the advantageous performance of our method

    Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to model stochastic partial differential equations

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    Constructing numerical models of noisy partial differential equations is very delicate. Our long term aim is to use modern dynamical systems theory to derive discretisations of dissipative stochastic partial differential equations. As a second step we here consider a small domain, representing a finite element, and apply stochastic centre manifold theory to derive a one degree of freedom model for the dynamics in the element. The approach automatically parametrises the microscale structures induced by spatially varying stochastic noise within the element. The crucial aspect of this work is that we explore how many noise processes may interact in nonlinear dynamics. We see that noise processes with coarse structure across a finite element are the significant noises for the modelling. Further, the nonlinear dynamics abstracts effectively new noise sources over the macroscopic time scales resolved by the model.Comment: extended results, better proof

    Some recent progress in singular stochastic PDEs

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    Stochastic PDEs are ubiquitous in mathematical modeling. Yet, many such equations are too singular to admit classical treatment. In this article we review some recent progress in defining, approximating and studying the properties of a few examples of such equations. We focus mainly on the dynamical Phi4 equation, KPZ equation and Parabolic Anderson Model, as well as touch on a few other equations which arise mainly in physics.Comment: 41 page

    Numerical solution of fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial white noise

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    The numerical approximation of solutions to stochastic partial differential equations with additive spatial white noise on bounded domains in Rd\mathbb{R}^d is considered. The differential operator is given by the fractional power LβL^\beta, β∈(0,1)\beta\in(0,1), of an integer order elliptic differential operator LL and is therefore non-local. Its inverse L−βL^{-\beta} is represented by a Bochner integral from the Dunford-Taylor functional calculus. By applying a quadrature formula to this integral representation, the inverse fractional power operator L−βL^{-\beta} is approximated by a weighted sum of non-fractional resolvents (I+tj2L)−1(I + t_j^2 L)^{-1} at certain quadrature nodes tj>0t_j>0. The resolvents are then discretized in space by a standard finite element method. This approach is combined with an approximation of the white noise, which is based only on the mass matrix of the finite element discretization. In this way, an efficient numerical algorithm for computing samples of the approximate solution is obtained. For the resulting approximation, the strong mean-square error is analyzed and an explicit rate of convergence is derived. Numerical experiments for L=κ2−ΔL=\kappa^2-\Delta, κ>0\kappa > 0, with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit cube (0,1)d(0,1)^d in d=1,2,3d=1,2,3 spatial dimensions for varying β∈(0,1)\beta\in(0,1) attest the theoretical results.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Simulation of SPDE's for Excitable Media using Finite Elements

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    In this paper, we address the question of the discretization of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDE's) for excitable media. Working with SPDE's driven by colored noise, we consider a numerical scheme based on finite differences in time (Euler-Maruyama) and finite elements in space. Motivated by biological considerations, we study numerically the emergence of reentrant patterns in excitable systems such as the Barkley or Mitchell-Schaeffer models.Comment: 24 page

    Wiener chaos vs stochastic collocation methods for linear advection-diffusion equations with multiplicative white noise

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    We compare Wiener chaos and stochastic collocation methods for linear advection-reaction-diffusion equations with multiplicative white noise. Both methods are constructed based on a recursive multi-stage algorithm for long-time integration. We derive error estimates for both methods and compare their numerical performance. Numerical results confirm that the recursive multi-stage stochastic collocation method is of order Δ\Delta (time step size) in the second-order moments while the recursive multi-stage Wiener chaos method is of order ΔN+Δ2\Delta^{\mathsf{N}}+\Delta^2 (N\mathsf{N} is the order of Wiener chaos) for advection-diffusion-reaction equations with commutative noises, in agreement with the theoretical error estimates. However, for non-commutative noises, both methods are of order one in the second-order moments

    Strong convergence of some Euler-type schemes for the finite element discretization of time-fractional SPDE driven by standard and fractional Brownian motion

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    In this work, we provide the first strong convergence result of numerical approximation of a general second order semilinear stochastic fractional order evolution equation involving a Caputo derivative in time of order α∈(12,1)\alpha\in(\frac 12, 1) and driven by Gaussian and non-Gaussian noises simultaneously more useful in concrete applications. The Gaussian noise considered here is a Hilbert space valued Q-Wiener process and the non-Gaussian noise is defined through compensated Poisson random measure associated to a L\'evy process. The linear operator is not necessary self-adjoint. The fractional stochastic partial differential equation is discretized in space by the finite element method and in time by a variant of the exponential integrator scheme. We investigate the mean square error estimate of our fully discrete scheme and the result shows how the convergence orders depend on the regularity of the initial data and the power of the fractional derivative
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