9,455 research outputs found

    Generative Convolutional Networks for Latent Fingerprint Reconstruction

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    Performance of fingerprint recognition depends heavily on the extraction of minutiae points. Enhancement of the fingerprint ridge pattern is thus an essential pre-processing step that noticeably reduces false positive and negative detection rates. A particularly challenging setting is when the fingerprint images are corrupted or partially missing. In this work, we apply generative convolutional networks to denoise visible minutiae and predict the missing parts of the ridge pattern. The proposed enhancement approach is tested as a pre-processing step in combination with several standard feature extraction methods such as MINDTCT, followed by biometric comparison using MCC and BOZORTH3. We evaluate our method on several publicly available latent fingerprint datasets captured using different sensors

    An Innovative Scheme For Effectual Fingerprint Data Compression Using Bezier Curve Representations

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    Naturally, with the mounting application of biometric systems, there arises a difficulty in storing and handling those acquired biometric data. Fingerprint recognition has been recognized as one of the most mature and established technique among all the biometrics systems. In recent times, with fingerprint recognition receiving increasingly more attention the amount of fingerprints collected has been constantly creating enormous problems in storage and transmission. Henceforth, the compression of fingerprints has emerged as an indispensable step in automated fingerprint recognition systems. Several researchers have presented approaches for fingerprint image compression. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient scheme for fingerprint image compression. The presented scheme utilizes the Bezier curve representations for effective compression of fingerprint images. Initially, the ridges present in the fingerprint image are extracted along with their coordinate values using the approach presented. Subsequently, the control points are determined for all the ridges by visualizing each ridge as a Bezier curve. The control points of all the ridges determined are stored and are used to represent the fingerprint image. When needed, the fingerprint image is reconstructed from the stored control points using Bezier curves. The quality of the reconstructed fingerprint is determined by a formal evaluation. The proposed scheme achieves considerable memory reduction in storing the fingerprint.Comment: 9 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, Impact Factor 0.423, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    U-Finger: Multi-Scale Dilated Convolutional Network for Fingerprint Image Denoising and Inpainting

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    This paper studies the challenging problem of fingerprint image denoising and inpainting. To tackle the challenge of suppressing complicated artifacts (blur, brightness, contrast, elastic transformation, occlusion, scratch, resolution, rotation, and so on) while preserving fine textures, we develop a multi-scale convolutional network, termed U- Finger. Based on the domain expertise, we show that the usage of dilated convolutions as well as the removal of padding have important positive impacts on the final restoration performance, in addition to multi-scale cascaded feature modules. Our model achieves the overall ranking of No.2 in the ECCV 2018 Chalearn LAP Inpainting Competition Track 3 (Fingerprint Denoising and Inpainting). Among all participating teams, we obtain the MSE of 0.0231 (rank 2), PSNR 16.9688 dB (rank 2), and SSIM 0.8093 (rank 3) on the hold-out testing set.Comment: ECCV 2018 Track-3 Challenge Inpainting to denoise fingerprin

    A New Path to Construct Parametric Orientation Field: Sparse FOMFE Model and Compressed Sparse FOMFE Model

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    Orientation field, representing the fingerprint ridge structure direction, plays a crucial role in fingerprint-related image processing tasks. Orientation field is able to be constructed by either non-parametric or parametric methods. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages regarding to the existing non-parametric and parametric approaches are briefly summarized. With the further investigation for constructing the orientation field by parametric technique, two new models - sparse FOMFE model and compressed sparse FOMFE model are introduced, based on the rapidly developing signal sparse representation and compressed sensing theories. The experiments on high-quality fingerprint image dataset (plain and rolled print) and poor-quality fingerprint image dataset (latent print) demonstrate their feasibilities to construct the orientation field in a sparse or even compressed sparse mode. The comparisons among the state-of-art orientation field modeling approaches show that the proposed two models have the potential availability in big data-oriented fingerprint indexing tasks

    Filter Design and Performance Evaluation for Fingerprint Image Segmentation

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    Fingerprint recognition plays an important role in many commercial applications and is used by millions of people every day, e.g. for unlocking mobile phones. Fingerprint image segmentation is typically the first processing step of most fingerprint algorithms and it divides an image into foreground, the region of interest, and background. Two types of error can occur during this step which both have a negative impact on the recognition performance: 'true' foreground can be labeled as background and features like minutiae can be lost, or conversely 'true' background can be misclassified as foreground and spurious features can be introduced. The contribution of this paper is threefold: firstly, we propose a novel factorized directional bandpass (FDB) segmentation method for texture extraction based on the directional Hilbert transform of a Butterworth bandpass (DHBB) filter interwoven with soft-thresholding. Secondly, we provide a manually marked ground truth segmentation for 10560 images as an evaluation benchmark. Thirdly, we conduct a systematic performance comparison between the FDB method and four of the most often cited fingerprint segmentation algorithms showing that the FDB segmentation method clearly outperforms these four widely used methods. The benchmark and the implementation of the FDB method are made publicly available

    Automated Region Masking Of Latent Overlapped Fingerprints

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    Fingerprints have grown to be the most robust and efficient means of biometric identification. Latent fingerprints are commonly found at crime scenes. They are also of the overlapped kind making it harder for identification and thus the separation of overlapped fingerprints has been a conundrum to surpass. The usage of dedicated software has resulted in a manual approach to region masking of the two given overlapped fingerprints. The region masks are then further used to separate the fingerprints. This requires the user's physical concentration to acquire the separate region masks, which are found to be time-consuming. This paper proposes a novel algorithm that is fully automated in its approach to region masking the overlapped fingerprint image. The algorithm recognizes a unique approach of using blurring, erosion, and dilation in order to attain the desired automated region masks. The experiments conducted visually demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.Comment: Accepted and presented in I-PACT international IEEE conference on 21st and 22nd Apri

    Directional Global Three-part Image Decomposition

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    We consider the task of image decomposition and we introduce a new model coined directional global three-part decomposition (DG3PD) for solving it. As key ingredients of the DG3PD model, we introduce a discrete multi-directional total variation norm and a discrete multi-directional G-norm. Using these novel norms, the proposed discrete DG3PD model can decompose an image into two parts or into three parts. Existing models for image decomposition by Vese and Osher, by Aujol and Chambolle, by Starck et al., and by Thai and Gottschlich are included as special cases in the new model. Decomposition of an image by DG3PD results in a cartoon image, a texture image and a residual image. Advantages of the DG3PD model over existing ones lie in the properties enforced on the cartoon and texture images. The geometric objects in the cartoon image have a very smooth surface and sharp edges. The texture image yields oscillating patterns on a defined scale which is both smooth and sparse. Moreover, the DG3PD method achieves the goal of perfect reconstruction by summation of all components better than the other considered methods. Relevant applications of DG3PD are a novel way of image compression as well as feature extraction for applications such as latent fingerprint processing and optical character recognition

    Skilled Impostor Attacks Against Fingerprint Verification Systems And Its Remedy

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    Fingerprint verification systems are becoming ubiquitous in everyday life. This trend is propelled especially by the proliferation of mobile devices with fingerprint sensors such as smartphones and tablet computers, and fingerprint verification is increasingly applied for authenticating financial transactions. In this study we describe a novel attack vector against fingerprint verification systems which we coin skilled impostor attack. We show that existing protocols for performance evaluation of fingerprint verification systems are flawed and as a consequence of this, the system's real vulnerability is systematically underestimated. We examine a scenario in which a fingerprint verification system is tuned to operate at false acceptance rate of 0.1% using the traditional verification protocols with random impostors (zero-effort attacks). We demonstrate that an active and intelligent attacker can achieve a chance of success in the area of 89% or more against this system by performing skilled impostor attacks. We describe a new protocol for evaluating fingerprint verification performance in order to improve the assessment of potential and limitations of fingerprint recognition systems. This new evaluation protocol enables a more informed decision concerning the operating threshold in practical applications and the respective trade-off between security (low false acceptance rates) and usability (low false rejection rates). The skilled impostor attack is a general attack concept which is independent of specific databases or comparison algorithms. The proposed protocol relying on skilled impostor attacks can directly be applied for evaluating the verification performance of other biometric modalities such as e.g. iris, face, ear, finger vein, gait or speaker recognition

    Fingerprint: DWT, SVD Based Enhancement and Significant Contrast for Ridges and Valleys Using Fuzzy Measures

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    The performance of the Fingerprint recognition system will be more accurate with respect of enhancement for the fingerprint images. In this paper we develop a novel method for Fingerprint image contrast enhancement technique based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and singular value decomposition (SVD) has been proposed. This technique is compared with conventional image equalization techniques such as standard general histogram equalization and local histogram equalization. An automatic histogram threshold approach based on a fuzziness measure is presented. Then, using an index of fuzziness, a similarity process is started to find the threshold point. A significant contrast between ridges and valleys of the best, medium and poor finger image features to extract from finger images and get maximum recognition rate using fuzzy measures. The experimental results show the recognition of superiority of the proposed method to get maximum performance up gradation to the implementation of this approach.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, see http://sites.google.com/site/jcseuk/volume-6-issue-1-marc

    Perfect Fingerprint Orientation Fields by Locally Adaptive Global Models

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    Fingerprint recognition is widely used for verification and identification in many commercial, governmental and forensic applications. The orientation field (OF) plays an important role at various processing stages in fingerprint recognition systems. OFs are used for image enhancement, fingerprint alignment, for fingerprint liveness detection, fingerprint alteration detection and fingerprint matching. In this paper, a novel approach is presented to globally model an OF combined with locally adaptive methods. We show that this model adapts perfectly to the 'true OF' in the limit. This perfect OF is described by a small number of parameters with straightforward geometric interpretation. Applications are manifold: Quick expert marking of very poor quality (for instance latent) OFs, high fidelity low parameter OF compression and a direct road to ground truth OFs markings for large databases, say. In this contribution we describe an algorithm to perfectly estimate OF parameters automatically or semi-automatically, depending on image quality, and we establish the main underlying claim of high fidelity low parameter OF compression
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