4 research outputs found

    Copernicus: Characterizing the Performance Implications of Compression Formats Used in Sparse Workloads

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    Sparse matrices are the key ingredients of several application domains, from scientific computation to machine learning. The primary challenge with sparse matrices has been efficiently storing and transferring data, for which many sparse formats have been proposed to significantly eliminate zero entries. Such formats, essentially designed to optimize memory footprint, may not be as successful in performing faster processing. In other words, although they allow faster data transfer and improve memory bandwidth utilization -- the classic challenge of sparse problems -- their decompression mechanism can potentially create a computation bottleneck. Not only is this challenge not resolved, but also it becomes more serious with the advent of domain-specific architectures (DSAs), as they intend to more aggressively improve performance. The performance implications of using various formats along with DSAs, however, has not been extensively studied by prior work. To fill this gap of knowledge, we characterize the impact of using seven frequently used sparse formats on performance, based on a DSA for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV), implemented on an FPGA using high-level synthesis (HLS) tools, a growing and popular method for developing DSAs. Seeking a fair comparison, we tailor and optimize the HLS implementation of decompression for each format. We thoroughly explore diverse metrics, including decompression overhead, latency, balance ratio, throughput, memory bandwidth utilization, resource utilization, and power consumption, on a variety of real-world and synthetic sparse workloads.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    SMASH: Co-designing Software Compression and Hardware-Accelerated Indexing for Efficient Sparse Matrix Operations

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    Important workloads, such as machine learning and graph analytics applications, heavily involve sparse linear algebra operations. These operations use sparse matrix compression as an effective means to avoid storing zeros and performing unnecessary computation on zero elements. However, compression techniques like Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) that are widely used today introduce significant instruction overhead and expensive pointer-chasing operations to discover the positions of the non-zero elements. In this paper, we identify the discovery of the positions (i.e., indexing) of non-zero elements as a key bottleneck in sparse matrix-based workloads, which greatly reduces the benefits of compression. We propose SMASH, a hardware-software cooperative mechanism that enables highly-efficient indexing and storage of sparse matrices. The key idea of SMASH is to explicitly enable the hardware to recognize and exploit sparsity in data. To this end, we devise a novel software encoding based on a hierarchy of bitmaps. This encoding can be used to efficiently compress any sparse matrix, regardless of the extent and structure of sparsity. At the same time, the bitmap encoding can be directly interpreted by the hardware. We design a lightweight hardware unit, the Bitmap Management Unit (BMU), that buffers and scans the bitmap hierarchy to perform highly-efficient indexing of sparse matrices. SMASH exposes an expressive and rich ISA to communicate with the BMU, which enables its use in accelerating any sparse matrix computation. We demonstrate the benefits of SMASH on four use cases that include sparse matrix kernels and graph analytics applications