1,877 research outputs found

    A Global Optimisation Toolbox for Massively Parallel Engineering Optimisation

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    A software platform for global optimisation, called PaGMO, has been developed within the Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) at the European Space Agency, and was recently released as an open-source project. PaGMO is built to tackle high-dimensional global optimisation problems, and it has been successfully used to find solutions to real-life engineering problems among which the preliminary design of interplanetary spacecraft trajectories - both chemical (including multiple flybys and deep-space maneuvers) and low-thrust (limited, at the moment, to single phase trajectories), the inverse design of nano-structured radiators and the design of non-reactive controllers for planetary rovers. Featuring an arsenal of global and local optimisation algorithms (including genetic algorithms, differential evolution, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimisation, compass search, improved harmony search, and various interfaces to libraries for local optimisation such as SNOPT, IPOPT, GSL and NLopt), PaGMO is at its core a C++ library which employs an object-oriented architecture providing a clean and easily-extensible optimisation framework. Adoption of multi-threaded programming ensures the efficient exploitation of modern multi-core architectures and allows for a straightforward implementation of the island model paradigm, in which multiple populations of candidate solutions asynchronously exchange information in order to speed-up and improve the optimisation process. In addition to the C++ interface, PaGMO's capabilities are exposed to the high-level language Python, so that it is possible to easily use PaGMO in an interactive session and take advantage of the numerous scientific Python libraries available.Comment: To be presented at 'ICATT 2010: International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques

    Enhanced Parallel Sine Cosine Algorithm for Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization

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    The sine cosine algorithm’s main idea is the sine and cosine-based vacillation outwards or towards the best solution. The first main contribution of this paper proposes an enhanced version of the SCA algorithm called as ESCA algorithm. The supremacy of the proposed algorithm over a set of state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of solution accuracy and convergence speed will be demonstrated by experimental tests. When these algorithms are transferred to the business sector, they must meet time requirements dependent on the industrial process. If these temporal requirements are not met, an efficient solution is to speed them up by designing parallel algorithms. The second major contribution of this work is the design of several parallel algorithms for efficiently exploiting current multicore processor architectures. First, one-level synchronous and asynchronous parallel ESCA algorithms are designed. They have two favors; retain the proposed algorithm’s behavior and provide excellent parallel performance by combining coarse-grained parallelism with fine-grained parallelism. Moreover, the parallel scalability of the proposed algorithms is further improved by employing a two-level parallel strategy. Indeed, the experimental results suggest that the one-level parallel ESCA algorithms reduce the computing time, on average, by 87.4% and 90.8%, respectively, using 12 physical processing cores. The two-level parallel algorithms provide extra reductions of the computing time by 91.4%, 93.1%, and 94.5% with 16, 20, and 24 processing cores, including physical and logical cores. Comparison analysis is carried out on 30 unconstrained benchmark functions and three challenging engineering design problems. The experimental outcomes show that the proposed ESCA algorithm behaves outstandingly well in terms of exploration and exploitation behaviors, local optima avoidance, and convergence speed toward the optimum. The overall performance of the proposed algorithm is statistically validated using three non-parametric statistical tests, namely Friedman, Friedman aligned, and Quade tests.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Research State Agency under Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C54 cofinanced by FEDER funds and the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Research State Agency under Grant PID2020-120213RB-I00 cofinanced by FEDER funds

    Diversifying search in bee algorithms for numerical optimisation

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. Swarm intelligence offers useful instruments for developing collective behaviours to solve complex, ill-structured and large-scale problems. Efficiency in collective behaviours depends on how to harmonise the individual contributions so that a complementary collective effort can be achieved to offer a useful solution. The harmonisation helps blend diversification and intensification suitably towards efficient collective behaviours. In this study, two renown honeybees-inspired algorithms were analysed with respect to the balance of diversification and intensification and a hybrid algorithm is proposed to improve the efficiency accordingly. The proposed hybrid algorithm was tested with solving well-known highly dimensional numerical optimisation (benchmark) problems. Consequently, the proposed hybrid algorithm has demonstrated outperforming the two original bee algorithms in solving hard numerical optimisation benchmarks

    A honeybees-inspired heuristic algorithm for numerical optimisation

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Swarm intelligence is all about developing collective behaviours to solve complex, ill-structured and large-scale problems. Efficiency in collective behaviours depends on how to harmonise the individual contributors so that a complementary collective effort can be achieved to offer a useful solution. The main points in organising the harmony remain as managing the diversification and intensification actions appropriately, where the efficiency of collective behaviours depends on blending these two actions appropriately. In this paper, a hybrid bee algorithm is presented, which harmonises bee operators of two mainstream well-known swarm intelligence algorithms inspired of natural honeybee colonies. The parent algorithms have been overviewed with many respects, strengths and weaknesses are identified, first, and the hybrid version has been proposed, next. The efficiency of the hybrid algorithm is demonstrated in comparison with the parent algorithms in solving two types of numerical optimisation problems; (1) a set of well-known functional optimisation benchmark problems and (2) optimising the weights of a set of artificial neural network models trained for medical classification benchmark problems. The experimental results demonstrate the outperforming success of the proposed hybrid algorithm in comparison with two original/parent bee algorithms in solving both types of numerical optimisation benchmarks

    A Survey of AI Music Generation Tools and Models

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    In this work, we provide a comprehensive survey of AI music generation tools, including both research projects and commercialized applications. To conduct our analysis, we classified music generation approaches into three categories: parameter-based, text-based, and visual-based classes. Our survey highlights the diverse possibilities and functional features of these tools, which cater to a wide range of users, from regular listeners to professional musicians. We observed that each tool has its own set of advantages and limitations. As a result, we have compiled a comprehensive list of these factors that should be considered during the tool selection process. Moreover, our survey offers critical insights into the underlying mechanisms and challenges of AI music generation

    Tuning Parallel Applications in Parallel

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    Auto-tuning has recently received significant attention from the High Performance Computing community. Most auto-tuning approaches are specialized to work either on specific domains such as dense linear algebra and stencil computations, or only at certain stages of program execution such as compile time and runtime. Real scientific applications, however, demand a cohesive environment that can efficiently provide auto-tuning solutions at all stages of application development and deployment. Towards that end, we describe a unified end-to-end approach to auto-tuning scientific applications. Our system, Active Harmony, takes a search-based collaborative approach to auto-tuning. Application programmers, library writers and compilers collaborate to describe and export a set of performance related tunable parameters to the Active Harmony system. These parameters define a tuning search-space. The auto-tuner monitors the program performance and suggests adaptation decisions. The decisions are made by a central controller using a parallel search algorithm. The algorithm leverages parallel architectures to search across a set of optimization parameter values. Different nodes of a parallel system evaluate different configurations at each timestep. Active Harmony supports runtime adaptive code-generation and tuning for parameters that require new code (e.g. unroll factors). Effectively, we merge traditional feedback directed optimization and just-in-time compilation. This feature also enables application developers to write applications once and have the auto-tuner adjust the application behavior automatically when run on new systems. We evaluated our system on multiple large-scale parallel applications and showed that our system can improve the execution time by up to 46% compared to the original version of the program. Finally, we believe that the success of any auto-tuning research depends on how effectively application developers, domain-experts and auto-tuners communicate and work together. To that end, we have developed and released a simple and extensible language that standardizes the parameter space representation. Using this language, developers and researchers can collaborate to export tunable parameters to the tuning frameworks. Relationships (e.g. ordering, dependencies, constraints, ranking) between tunable parameters and search-hints can also be expressed

    Coz: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling

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    Improving performance is a central concern for software developers. To locate optimization opportunities, developers rely on software profilers. However, these profilers only report where programs spent their time: optimizing that code may have no impact on performance. Past profilers thus both waste developer time and make it difficult for them to uncover significant optimization opportunities. This paper introduces causal profiling. Unlike past profiling approaches, causal profiling indicates exactly where programmers should focus their optimization efforts, and quantifies their potential impact. Causal profiling works by running performance experiments during program execution. Each experiment calculates the impact of any potential optimization by virtually speeding up code: inserting pauses that slow down all other code running concurrently. The key insight is that this slowdown has the same relative effect as running that line faster, thus "virtually" speeding it up. We present Coz, a causal profiler, which we evaluate on a range of highly-tuned applications: Memcached, SQLite, and the PARSEC benchmark suite. Coz identifies previously unknown optimization opportunities that are both significant and targeted. Guided by Coz, we improve the performance of Memcached by 9%, SQLite by 25%, and accelerate six PARSEC applications by as much as 68%; in most cases, these optimizations involve modifying under 10 lines of code.Comment: Published at SOSP 2015 (Best Paper Award