2 research outputs found

    Dimensionality Reduction for General KDE Mode Finding

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    Finding the mode of a high dimensional probability distribution DD is a fundamental algorithmic problem in statistics and data analysis. There has been particular interest in efficient methods for solving the problem when DD is represented as a mixture model or kernel density estimate, although few algorithmic results with worst-case approximation and runtime guarantees are known. In this work, we significantly generalize a result of (LeeLiMusco:2021) on mode approximation for Gaussian mixture models. We develop randomized dimensionality reduction methods for mixtures involving a broader class of kernels, including the popular logistic, sigmoid, and generalized Gaussian kernels. As in Lee et al.'s work, our dimensionality reduction results yield quasi-polynomial algorithms for mode finding with multiplicative accuracy (1−ϵ)(1-\epsilon) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Moreover, when combined with gradient descent, they yield efficient practical heuristics for the problem. In addition to our positive results, we prove a hardness result for box kernels, showing that there is no polynomial time algorithm for finding the mode of a kernel density estimate, unless P=NP\mathit{P} = \mathit{NP}. Obtaining similar hardness results for kernels used in practice (like Gaussian or logistic kernels) is an interesting future direction.Comment: Full version of a paper published at ICML'2