3 research outputs found

    Approximating MIS over equilateral B1B_1-VPG graphs

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    We present an approximation algorithm for the maximum independent set (MIS) problem over the class of equilateral B1B_1-VPG graphs. These are intersection graphs of LL-shaped planar objects % (and their rotations by multiples of 90o90^o) with both arms of each object being equal. We obtain a 36(log⁑2d)36(\log 2d)-approximate algorithm running in O(n(log⁑n)2)O(n(\log n)^2) time for this problem, where dd is the ratio dmax/dmind_{max}/d_{min} and dmaxd_{max} and dmind_{min} denote respectively the maximum and minimum length of any arm in the input equilateral LL-representation of the graph. In particular, we obtain O(1)O(1)-factor approximation of MIS for B1B_1-VPG -graphs for which the ratio dd is bounded by a constant. % formed by unit length LL-shapes. In fact, algorithm can be generalized to an O(n(log⁑n)2)O(n(\log n)^2) time and a 36(log⁑2dx)(log⁑2dy)36(\log 2d_x)(\log 2d_y)-approximate MIS algorithm over arbitrary B1B_1-VPG graphs. Here, dxd_x and dyd_y denote respectively the analogues of dd when restricted to only horizontal and vertical arms of members of the input. This is an improvement over the previously best nϡn^\epsilon-approximate algorithm \cite{FoxP} (for some fixed ϡ>0\epsilon>0), unless the ratio dd is exponentially large in nn. In particular, O(1)O(1)-approximation of MIS is achieved for graphs with max⁑{dx,dy}=O(1)\max\{d_x,d_y\}=O(1)

    Computing Longest Increasing Subsequence Over Sequential Data Streams

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    In this paper, we propose a data structure, a quadruple neighbor list (QN-list, for short), to support real time queries of all longest increasing subsequence (LIS) and LIS with constraints over sequential data streams. The QN-List built by our algorithm requires O(w)O(w) space, where ww is the time window size. The running time for building the initial QN-List takes O(wlog⁑w)O(w\log w) time. Applying the QN-List, insertion of the new item takes O(log⁑w)O(\log w) time and deletion of the first item takes O(w)O(w) time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to support both LIS enumeration and LIS with constraints computation by using a single uniform data structure for real time sequential data streams. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both time and space cost, not only theoretically, but also empirically.Comment: 20 pages (12+8

    Complete Edge-Colored Permutation Graphs

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    We introduce the concept of complete edge-colored permutation graphs as complete graphs that are the edge-disjoint union of "classical" permutation graphs. We show that a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a complete edge-colored permutation graph if and only if each monochromatic subgraph of GG is a "classical" permutation graph and GG does not contain a triangle with~33 different colors. Using the modular decomposition as a framework we demonstrate that complete edge-colored permutation graphs are characterized in terms of their strong prime modules, which induce also complete edge-colored permutation graphs. This leads to an O(∣V∣2)\mathcal{O}(|V|^2)-time recognition algorithm. We show, moreover, that complete edge-colored permutation graphs form a superclass of so-called symbolic ultrametrics and that the coloring of such graphs is always a Gallai coloring