88,401 research outputs found

    Large-scale wave-front reconstruction for adaptive optics systems by use of a recursive filtering algorithm

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    We propose a new recursive filtering algorithm for wave-front reconstruction in a large-scale adaptive optics system. An embedding step is used in this recursive filtering algorithm to permit fast methods to be used for wave-front reconstruction on an annular aperture. This embedding step can be used alone with a direct residual error updating procedure or used with the preconditioned conjugate-gradient method as a preconditioning step. We derive the Hudgin and Fried filters for spectral-domain filtering, using the eigenvalue decomposition method. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the performance of discrete Fourier transform domain filtering, discrete cosine transform domain filtering, multigrid, and alternative-direction-implicit methods in the embedding step of the recursive filtering algorithm. We also simulate the performance of this recursive filtering in a closed-loop adaptive optics system

    Progressive surface modeling scheme from unorganised curves

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    This paper presents a novel surface modelling scheme to construct a freeform surface progressively from unorganised curves representing the boundary and interior characteristic curves. The approach can construct a base surface model from four ordinary or composite boundary curves and support incremental surface updating from interior characteristic curves, some of which may not be on the final surface. The base surface is first constructed as a regular Coons surface and upon receiving an interior curve sketch, it is then updated. With this progressive modelling scheme, a final surface with multiple sub-surfaces can be obtained from a set of unorganised curves and transferred to commercial surface modelling software for detailed modification. The approach has been tested with examples based on 3D motion sketches; it is capable of dealing with unorganised design curves for surface modelling in conceptual design. Its limitations have been discussed

    Fictive Impurity Models: an Alternative Formulation of the Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Method

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    "Cluster" extensions of the dynamical mean field method to include longer range correlations are discussed. It is argued that the clusters arising in these methods are naturally interpreted not as actual subunits of a physical lattice but as algorithms for computing coefficients in an orthogonal function expansion of the momentum dependence of the electronic self-energy. The difficulties with causality which have been found to plague cluster dynamical mean field methods are shown to be related to the "ringing" phenomenon familiar from Fourier analysis. The analogy is used to motivate proposals for simple filtering methods to circumvent them. The formalism is tested by comparison to low order perturbative calculations and self consistent solutions
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