13 research outputs found

    Fighting Bandits with a New Kind of Smoothness

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    We define a novel family of algorithms for the adversarial multi-armed bandit problem, and provide a simple analysis technique based on convex smoothing. We prove two main results. First, we show that regularization via the \emph{Tsallis entropy}, which includes EXP3 as a special case, achieves the Θ(TN)\Theta(\sqrt{TN}) minimax regret. Second, we show that a wide class of perturbation methods achieve a near-optimal regret as low as O(TNlogN)O(\sqrt{TN \log N}) if the perturbation distribution has a bounded hazard rate. For example, the Gumbel, Weibull, Frechet, Pareto, and Gamma distributions all satisfy this key property.Comment: In Proceedings of NIPS, 201

    Tsallis-INF: An Optimal Algorithm for Stochastic and Adversarial Bandits

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    We derive an algorithm that achieves the optimal (within constants) pseudo-regret in both adversarial and stochastic multi-armed bandits without prior knowledge of the regime and time horizon. The algorithm is based on online mirror descent (OMD) with Tsallis entropy regularization with power α=1/2\alpha=1/2 and reduced-variance loss estimators. More generally, we define an adversarial regime with a self-bounding constraint, which includes stochastic regime, stochastically constrained adversarial regime (Wei and Luo), and stochastic regime with adversarial corruptions (Lykouris et al.) as special cases, and show that the algorithm achieves logarithmic regret guarantee in this regime and all of its special cases simultaneously with the adversarial regret guarantee.} The algorithm also achieves adversarial and stochastic optimality in the utility-based dueling bandit setting. We provide empirical evaluation of the algorithm demonstrating that it significantly outperforms UCB1 and EXP3 in stochastic environments. We also provide examples of adversarial environments, where UCB1 and Thompson Sampling exhibit almost linear regret, whereas our algorithm suffers only logarithmic regret. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example demonstrating vulnerability of Thompson Sampling in adversarial environments. Last, but not least, we present a general stochastic analysis and a general adversarial analysis of OMD algorithms with Tsallis entropy regularization for α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1] and explain the reason why α=1/2\alpha=1/2 works best

    Beating Stochastic and Adversarial Semi-bandits Optimally and Simultaneously

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    We develop the first general semi-bandit algorithm that simultaneously achieves O(logT)\mathcal{O}(\log T) regret for stochastic environments and O(T)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T}) regret for adversarial environments without knowledge of the regime or the number of rounds TT. The leading problem-dependent constants of our bounds are not only optimal in some worst-case sense studied previously, but also optimal for two concrete instances of semi-bandit problems. Our algorithm and analysis extend the recent work of (Zimmert & Seldin, 2019) for the special case of multi-armed bandit, but importantly requires a novel hybrid regularizer designed specifically for semi-bandit. Experimental results on synthetic data show that our algorithm indeed performs well uniformly over different environments. We finally provide a preliminary extension of our results to the full bandit feedback

    Banker Online Mirror Descent

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    We propose Banker-OMD, a novel framework generalizing the classical Online Mirror Descent (OMD) technique in online learning algorithm design. Banker-OMD allows algorithms to robustly handle delayed feedback, and offers a general methodology for achieving O~(T+D)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T} + \sqrt{D})-style regret bounds in various delayed-feedback online learning tasks, where TT is the time horizon length and DD is the total feedback delay. We demonstrate the power of Banker-OMD with applications to three important bandit scenarios with delayed feedback, including delayed adversarial Multi-armed bandits (MAB), delayed adversarial linear bandits, and a novel delayed best-of-both-worlds MAB setting. Banker-OMD achieves nearly-optimal performance in all the three settings. In particular, it leads to the first delayed adversarial linear bandit algorithm achieving O~(poly(n)(T+D))\tilde{O}(\text{poly}(n)(\sqrt{T} + \sqrt{D})) regret

    Improved Best-of-Both-Worlds Guarantees for Multi-Armed Bandits: FTRL with General Regularizers and Multiple Optimal Arms

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    We study the problem of designing adaptive multi-armed bandit algorithms that perform optimally in both the stochastic setting and the adversarial setting simultaneously (often known as a best-of-both-world guarantee). A line of recent works shows that when configured and analyzed properly, the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithm, originally designed for the adversarial setting, can in fact optimally adapt to the stochastic setting as well. Such results, however, critically rely on an assumption that there exists one unique optimal arm. Recently, Ito (2021) took the first step to remove such an undesirable uniqueness assumption for one particular FTRL algorithm with the 12\frac{1}{2}-Tsallis entropy regularizer. In this work, we significantly improve and generalize this result, showing that uniqueness is unnecessary for FTRL with a broad family of regularizers and a new learning rate schedule. For some regularizers, our regret bounds also improve upon prior results even when uniqueness holds. We further provide an application of our results to the decoupled exploration and exploitation problem, demonstrating that our techniques are broadly applicable.Comment: Update the camera-ready version for NeurIPS 202

    A Modern Introduction to Online Learning

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    In this monograph, I introduce the basic concepts of Online Learning through a modern view of Online Convex Optimization. Here, online learning refers to the framework of regret minimization under worst-case assumptions. I present first-order and second-order algorithms for online learning with convex losses, in Euclidean and non-Euclidean settings. All the algorithms are clearly presented as instantiation of Online Mirror Descent or Follow-The-Regularized-Leader and their variants. Particular attention is given to the issue of tuning the parameters of the algorithms and learning in unbounded domains, through adaptive and parameter-free online learning algorithms. Non-convex losses are dealt through convex surrogate losses and through randomization. The bandit setting is also briefly discussed, touching on the problem of adversarial and stochastic multi-armed bandits. These notes do not require prior knowledge of convex analysis and all the required mathematical tools are rigorously explained. Moreover, all the proofs have been carefully chosen to be as simple and as short as possible.Comment: Fixed more typos, added more history bits, added local norms bounds for OMD and FTR