37 research outputs found

    Capacity Bounds for a Class of Diamond Networks

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    A class of diamond networks are studied where the broadcast component is modelled by two independent bit-pipes. New upper and low bounds are derived on the capacity which improve previous bounds. The upper bound is in the form of a max-min problem, where the maximization is over a coding distribution and the minimization is over an auxiliary channel. The proof technique generalizes bounding techniques of Ozarow for the Gaussian multiple description problem (1981), and Kang and Liu for the Gaussian diamond network (2011). The bounds are evaluated for a Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC) and the binary adder MAC, and the capacity is found for interesting ranges of the bit-pipe capacities

    Capacity Regions and Sum-Rate Capacities of Vector Gaussian Interference Channels

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    The capacity regions of vector, or multiple-input multiple-output, Gaussian interference channels are established for very strong interference and aligned strong interference. Furthermore, the sum-rate capacities are established for Z interference, noisy interference, and mixed (aligned weak/intermediate and aligned strong) interference. These results generalize known results for scalar Gaussian interference channels.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure, submitted to IEEE trans. on Information theor