4 research outputs found

    Content-Based Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries of Art Images Utilizing Colour Semantics

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    Abstract. The paper presents the architecture of experimental Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system APICAS ("Art Painting Image Colour Aesthetics and Semantics"). This system has been developed within a doctoral thesis which aims to provide a suite of specialized tools for CBIR within a digital library of art images. The high-level architecture suggested in this work takes OAIS as a basis and adds a designated layer to it allowing CBIR functions to be used both within ingest and access to the digital library


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    In this paper the semantic and abstraction content of art images is studied. Different techniques for search in art image repositories are analyzed and new ones are proposed. The content-based retrieval process integrates the search on different components, linked in XML structures. Some experiments over 200 paintings of six Israel contemporary artists are done and analyzed

    Модели, методи и алгоритми за създаване на система за управление на мултимедийно съдържание

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    ИМИ-БАН, 24.09.2012 г., присъждане на образователна и научна степен "доктор" на Янислав Панайотов Желев по научна специалност 01.01.12 информатика. [Zhelev Yanislav Panayotov; Желев Янислав Панайотов