28 research outputs found

    Place Recognition under Occlusion and Changing Appearance via Disentangled Representations

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    Place recognition is a critical and challenging task for mobile robots, aiming to retrieve an image captured at the same place as a query image from a database. Existing methods tend to fail while robots move autonomously under occlusion (e.g., car, bus, truck) and changing appearance (e.g., illumination changes, seasonal variation). Because they encode the image into only one code, entangling place features with appearance and occlusion features. To overcome this limitation, we propose PROCA, an unsupervised approach to decompose the image representation into three codes: a place code used as a descriptor to retrieve images, an appearance code that captures appearance properties, and an occlusion code that encodes occlusion content. Extensive experiments show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/rover-xingyu/PROCA

    AutoCycle-VC: Towards Bottleneck-Independent Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion

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    This paper proposes a simple and robust zero-shot voice conversion system with a cycle structure and mel-spectrogram pre-processing. Previous works suffer from information loss and poor synthesis quality due to their reliance on a carefully designed bottleneck structure. Moreover, models relying solely on self-reconstruction loss struggled with reproducing different speakers' voices. To address these issues, we suggested a cycle-consistency loss that considers conversion back and forth between target and source speakers. Additionally, stacked random-shuffled mel-spectrograms and a label smoothing method are utilized during speaker encoder training to extract a time-independent global speaker representation from speech, which is the key to a zero-shot conversion. Our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art results in both subjective and objective evaluations. Furthermore, it facilitates cross-lingual voice conversions and enhances the quality of synthesized speech

    Leveraging Diffusion Disentangled Representations to Mitigate Shortcuts in Underspecified Visual Tasks

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    Spurious correlations in the data, where multiple cues are predictive of the target labels, often lead to shortcut learning phenomena, where a model may rely on erroneous, easy-to-learn, cues while ignoring reliable ones. In this work, we propose an ensemble diversification framework exploiting the generation of synthetic counterfactuals using Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs). We discover that DPMs have the inherent capability to represent multiple visual cues independently, even when they are largely correlated in the training data. We leverage this characteristic to encourage model diversity and empirically show the efficacy of the approach with respect to several diversification objectives. We show that diffusion-guided diversification can lead models to avert attention from shortcut cues, achieving ensemble diversity performance comparable to previous methods requiring additional data collection.Comment: Accepted at Neural Information Processing Systems(NeurIPS) 2023 - Workshop on Diffusion Model

    Learning Robust Representation for Joint Grading of Ophthalmic Diseases via Adaptive Curriculum and Feature Disentanglement

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) are leading causes of permanent blindness worldwide. Designing an automatic grading system with good generalization ability for DR and DME is vital in clinical practice. However, prior works either grade DR or DME independently, without considering internal correlations between them, or grade them jointly by shared feature representation, yet ignoring potential generalization issues caused by difficult samples and data bias. Aiming to address these problems, we propose a framework for joint grading with the dynamic difficulty-aware weighted loss (DAW) and the dual-stream disentangled learning architecture (DETACH). Inspired by curriculum learning, DAW learns from simple samples to difficult samples dynamically via measuring difficulty adaptively. DETACH separates features of grading tasks to avoid potential emphasis on the bias. With the addition of DAW and DETACH, the model learns robust disentangled feature representations to explore internal correlations between DR and DME and achieve better grading performance. Experiments on three benchmarks show the effectiveness and robustness of our framework under both the intra-dataset and cross-dataset tests.Comment: Accepted by MICCAI2

    An improved StarGAN for emotional voice conversion: enhancing voice quality and data augmentation

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    Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) aims to convert the emotional style of a source speech signal to a target style while preserving its content and speaker identity information. Previous emotional conversion studies do not disentangle emotional information from emotion-independent information that should be preserved, thus transforming it all in a monolithic manner and generating audio of low quality, with linguistic distortions. To address this distortion problem, we propose a novel StarGAN framework along with a two-stage training process that separates emotional features from those independent of emotion by using an autoencoder with two encoders as the generator of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The proposed model achieves favourable results in both the objective evaluation and the subjective evaluation in terms of distortion, which reveals that the proposed model can effectively reduce distortion. Furthermore, in data augmentation experiments for end-to-end speech emotion recognition, the proposed StarGAN model achieves an increase of 2% in Micro-F1 and 5% in Macro-F1 compared to the baseline StarGAN model, which indicates that the proposed model is more valuable for data augmentation.Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    BoIR: Box-Supervised Instance Representation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation

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    Single-stage multi-person human pose estimation (MPPE) methods have shown great performance improvements, but existing methods fail to disentangle features by individual instances under crowded scenes. In this paper, we propose a bounding box-level instance representation learning called BoIR, which simultaneously solves instance detection, instance disentanglement, and instance-keypoint association problems. Our new instance embedding loss provides a learning signal on the entire area of the image with bounding box annotations, achieving globally consistent and disentangled instance representation. Our method exploits multi-task learning of bottom-up keypoint estimation, bounding box regression, and contrastive instance embedding learning, without additional computational cost during inference. BoIR is effective for crowded scenes, outperforming state-of-the-art on COCO val (0.8 AP), COCO test-dev (0.5 AP), CrowdPose (4.9 AP), and OCHuman (3.5 AP). Code will be available at https://github.com/uyoung-jeong/BoIRComment: Accepted to BMVC 2023, 19 pages including the appendix, 6 figures, 7 table

    Hierarchical Cross-modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection

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    Most of existing RGB-D salient object detection (SOD) methods follow the CNN-based paradigm, which is unable to model long-range dependencies across space and modalities due to the natural locality of CNNs. Here we propose the Hierarchical Cross-modal Transformer (HCT), a new multi-modal transformer, to tackle this problem. Unlike previous multi-modal transformers that directly connecting all patches from two modalities, we explore the cross-modal complementarity hierarchically to respect the modality gap and spatial discrepancy in unaligned regions. Specifically, we propose to use intra-modal self-attention to explore complementary global contexts, and measure spatial-aligned inter-modal attention locally to capture cross-modal correlations. In addition, we present a Feature Pyramid module for Transformer (FPT) to boost informative cross-scale integration as well as a consistency-complementarity module to disentangle the multi-modal integration path and improve the fusion adaptivity. Comprehensive experiments on a large variety of public datasets verify the efficacy of our designs and the consistent improvement over state-of-the-art models.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure