13 research outputs found

    Robust Face Recognition System Based on a Multi-Views Face Database

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    In this chapter, we describe a new robust face recognition system base on a multi-views face database that derives some 3-D information from a set of face images. We attempt to build an approximately 3-D system for improving the performance of face recognition. Our objective is to provide a basic 3-D system for improving the performance of face recognition. The main goal of this vision system is 1) to minimize the hardware resources, 2) to obtain high success rates of identity verification, and 3) to cope with real-time constraints. Using the multi-views database, we address the problem of face recognition by evaluating the two methods PCA and ICA and comparing their relative performance. We explore the issues of subspace selection, algorithm comparison, and multi-views face recognition performance. In order to make full use of the multi-views property, we also propose a strategy of majority voting among the five views, which can improve the recognition rate. Experimental results show that ICA is a promising method among the many possible face recognition methods, and that the ICA algorithm with majority-voting is currently the best choice for our purposes

    Reducci贸n de dimensiones para clasificaci贸n de datos multidimensionales usando medidas de informaci贸n

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    El enorme desarrollo tecnol贸gico ha creado un concepto de informaci贸n con 谩reas extensas de aplicaci贸n para tareas referentes al entrenamiento de sistemas autom谩ticos. Este trabajo propone una metodolog铆a basada en el an谩lisis de componentes independientes (ICA), que incluye el uso de medidas de informaci贸n, para realizar reducci贸n de dimensiones en conjuntos de datos multidimensionales. La metodolog铆a usa un principio de relevancia, con el fin de hallar la representaci贸n reducida mientras se conserva la estructura relacionada a la informaci贸n inicial. La metodolog铆a se compara y se conjuga con un sistema b谩sico de selecci贸n de caracter铆sticas cuya funci贸n de evaluaci贸n usa la medida de entrop铆a logrando mejores resultados en la clasificaci贸n

    Reducci贸n de dimensiones para clasificaci贸n de datos multidimensionales usando medidas de informaci贸n

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    El enorme desarrollo tecnol贸gico ha creado un concepto de informaci贸n con 谩reas extensas de aplicaci贸n para tareas referentes al entrenamiento de sistemas autom谩ticos. Este trabajo propone una metodolog铆a basada en el an谩lisis de componentes independientes (ICA), que incluye el uso de medidas de informaci贸n, para realizar reducci贸n de dimensiones en conjuntos de datos multidimensionales. La metodolog铆a usa un principio de relevancia, con el fin de hallar la representaci贸n reducida mientras se conserva la estructura relacionada a la informaci贸n inicial. La metodolog铆a se compara y se conjuga con un sistema b谩sico de selecci贸n de caracter铆sticas cuya funci贸n de evaluaci贸n usa la medida de entrop铆a logrando mejores resultados en la clasificaci贸n

    Reducci贸n de dimensiones para clasificaci贸n de datos multidimensionales usando medidas de informaci贸n

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    El enorme desarrollo tecnol贸gico ha creado un concepto de informaci贸n con 谩reas extensas de aplicaci贸n para tareas referentes al entrenamiento de sistemas autom谩ticos. Este trabajo propone una metodolog铆a basada en el an谩lisis de componentes independientes (ICA), que incluye el uso de medidas de informaci贸n, para realizar reducci贸n de dimensiones en conjuntos de datos multidimensionales. La metodolog铆a usa un principio de relevancia, con el fin de hallar la representaci贸n reducida mientras se conserva la estructura relacionada a la informaci贸n inicial. La metodolog铆a se compara y se conjuga con un sistema b谩sico de selecci贸n de caracter铆sticas cuya funci贸n de evaluaci贸n usa la medida de entrop铆a logrando mejores resultados en la clasificaci贸n

    Implementaci贸n de un sistema de control de acceso basado en reconomiento facial

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    "En este art铆culo se presentan aspectos de la implementaci贸n de un sistema de control de acceso basado en reconocimiento facial. El mismo verifica en tiempo real si las personas que entran a las instalaciones forman parte de la base de datos del personal que labora en las mismas. Las condiciones de operaci贸n de este sistema son no colaborativas. Es decir, los usuarios no se ubicar谩n en posiciones espec铆ficas para la adquisici贸n de las im谩genes. Para solventar las dificultades que esto pueda acarrear, se han dise帽ado diferentes bloques de pre-procesamiento y ajuste de la imagen previa a la aplicaci贸n del algoritmo de reconocimiento facial. Adem谩s, bajo las condiciones de operaci贸n previstas, el sistema debe ser robusto a diferentes condiciones de iluminaci贸n y cantidad de rostros en las im谩genes adquiridas. El sistema propuesto tiene por objetivo brindar una soluci贸n de seguridad a bajo costo y adaptado a los requerimientos de ambientes no controlados.

    Prototipo de un dispensador autom谩tico de bebidas basado en visi贸n artificial para estudio de experiencia de usuario

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    This paper presents several aspects of the implementation of a prototype of automatic beverage dispenser with computer vision functionalities. The system presents touchless technologies including face recognition for user identification and hand gesture recognition for beverage selection. This prototype is a test platform to explore the acceptance of these technologies by consumers and to compare it with other technologies such as touch screens. We present both the technical aspects of the device and some observations of human-machine interaction. The perspectives gained may be useful in the future for developing a commercial implementationEl presente trabajo presenta diversos aspectos de la implementaci贸n de un prototipo de sistema de venta de bebidas autom谩tico basado en visi贸n artificial. Este sistema incorpora tecnolog铆as de tipo sin contacto incluyendo reconocimiento facial para la identificaci贸n de usuario y reconocimiento de gestos para la selecci贸n de la bebida. Este prototipo se presenta como una plataforma de pruebas para explorar la aceptaci贸n de estas tecnolog铆as en los usuarios y para compararla con otras tecnolog铆as como las pantallas t谩ctiles. Adem谩s de presentar los aspectos t茅cnicos del dispositivo presentamos observaciones iniciales del estudio de interacci贸n hombre m谩quina. Estas observaciones de interacci贸n y de tipo t茅cnica nos permiten proponer perspectivas de mejoras para esta plataforma y de las implementaciones comerciales de este tipo de dispositivo

    Aggregation of importance measures for decision making in reliability engineering

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    This article investigates the aggregation of rankings based on component importance measures to provide the decision maker with a guidance for design or maintenance decisions. In particular, ranking aggregation algorithms of the literature are considered, a procedure for ensuring that the aggregated ranking is compliant with the Condorcet criterion of majority principle is presented and two original ranking aggregation approaches are proposed. Comparisons are made on a case study of an auxiliary feed-water system of a nuclear pressurized water reactor

    A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications

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    The proposed face recognition algorithm utilizes representation of local facial regions with the DCT. The local representation provides robustness against appearance variations in local regions caused by partial face occlusion or facial expression, whereas utilizing the frequency information provides robustness against changes in illumination. The algorithm also bypasses the facial feature localization step and formulates face alignment as an optimization problem in the classification stage

    Genetic And Evolutionary Biometrics:Multiobjective, Multimodal, Feature Selection/Weighting For Tightly Coupled Periocular And Face Recognition

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    The Genetic & Evolutionary Computation (GEC) research community has seen the emergence of a new subarea, referred to as Genetic & Evolutionary Biometrics (GEB), as GECs have been applied to solve a variety of biometric problems. In this dissertation, we present three new GEB techniques for multibiometric recognition: Genetic & Evolutionary Feature Selection (GEFeS), Weighting (GEFeW), and Weighting/Selection (GEFeWS). Instead of selecting the most salient individual features, these techniques evolve subsets of the most salient combinations of features and/or weight features based on their discriminative ability in an effort to increase accuracy while decreasing the overall number of features needed for recognition. We also incorporate cross validation into our best performing technique in an attempt to evolve feature masks (FMs) that also generalize well to unseen subjects and we search the value preference space in an attempt to analyze its impact in respect to optimization and generalization. Our results show that by fusing the periocular biometric with the face, we can achieve higher recognition accuracies than using the two biometric modalities independently. Our results also show that our GEB techniques are able to achieve higher recognition rates than the baseline methods, while using significantly fewer features. In addition, by incorporating machine learning, we were able to create FMs that also generalize well to unseen subjects and use less than 50% of the extracted features. Finally, by searching the value preference space, we were able to determine which weights were most effective in terms of optimization and generalization