1,307 research outputs found

    Dynamic Objects Segmentation for Visual Localization in Urban Environments

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    Visual localization and mapping is a crucial capability to address many challenges in mobile robotics. It constitutes a robust, accurate and cost-effective approach for local and global pose estimation within prior maps. Yet, in highly dynamic environments, like crowded city streets, problems arise as major parts of the image can be covered by dynamic objects. Consequently, visual odometry pipelines often diverge and the localization systems malfunction as detected features are not consistent with the precomputed 3D model. In this work, we present an approach to automatically detect dynamic object instances to improve the robustness of vision-based localization and mapping in crowded environments. By training a convolutional neural network model with a combination of synthetic and real-world data, dynamic object instance masks are learned in a semi-supervised way. The real-world data can be collected with a standard camera and requires minimal further post-processing. Our experiments show that a wide range of dynamic objects can be reliably detected using the presented method. Promising performance is demonstrated on our own and also publicly available datasets, which also shows the generalization capabilities of this approach.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to the IROS 2018 Workshop "From Freezing to Jostling Robots: Current Challenges and New Paradigms for Safe Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds

    Probabilistic RGB-D Odometry based on Points, Lines and Planes Under Depth Uncertainty

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    This work proposes a robust visual odometry method for structured environments that combines point features with line and plane segments, extracted through an RGB-D camera. Noisy depth maps are processed by a probabilistic depth fusion framework based on Mixtures of Gaussians to denoise and derive the depth uncertainty, which is then propagated throughout the visual odometry pipeline. Probabilistic 3D plane and line fitting solutions are used to model the uncertainties of the feature parameters and pose is estimated by combining the three types of primitives based on their uncertainties. Performance evaluation on RGB-D sequences collected in this work and two public RGB-D datasets: TUM and ICL-NUIM show the benefit of using the proposed depth fusion framework and combining the three feature-types, particularly in scenes with low-textured surfaces, dynamic objects and missing depth measurements.Comment: Major update: more results, depth filter released as opensource, 34 page

    DS-SLAM: A Semantic Visual SLAM towards Dynamic Environments

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is considered to be a fundamental capability for intelligent mobile robots. Over the past decades, many impressed SLAM systems have been developed and achieved good performance under certain circumstances. However, some problems are still not well solved, for example, how to tackle the moving objects in the dynamic environments, how to make the robots truly understand the surroundings and accomplish advanced tasks. In this paper, a robust semantic visual SLAM towards dynamic environments named DS-SLAM is proposed. Five threads run in parallel in DS-SLAM: tracking, semantic segmentation, local mapping, loop closing, and dense semantic map creation. DS-SLAM combines semantic segmentation network with moving consistency check method to reduce the impact of dynamic objects, and thus the localization accuracy is highly improved in dynamic environments. Meanwhile, a dense semantic octo-tree map is produced, which could be employed for high-level tasks. We conduct experiments both on TUM RGB-D dataset and in the real-world environment. The results demonstrate the absolute trajectory accuracy in DS-SLAM can be improved by one order of magnitude compared with ORB-SLAM2. It is one of the state-of-the-art SLAM systems in high-dynamic environments. Now the code is available at our github: https://github.com/ivipsourcecode/DS-SLAMComment: 7 pages, accepted at the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018). Now the code is available at our github: https://github.com/ivipsourcecode/DS-SLA

    Robust Real-time RGB-D Visual Odometry in Dynamic Environments via Rigid Motion Model

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    In the paper, we propose a robust real-time visual odometry in dynamic environments via rigid-motion model updated by scene flow. The proposed algorithm consists of spatial motion segmentation and temporal motion tracking. The spatial segmentation first generates several motion hypotheses by using a grid-based scene flow and clusters the extracted motion hypotheses, separating objects that move independently of one another. Further, we use a dual-mode motion model to consistently distinguish between the static and dynamic parts in the temporal motion tracking stage. Finally, the proposed algorithm estimates the pose of a camera by taking advantage of the region classified as static parts. In order to evaluate the performance of visual odometry under the existence of dynamic rigid objects, we use self-collected dataset containing RGB-D images and motion capture data for ground-truth. We compare our algorithm with state-of-the-art visual odometry algorithms. The validation results suggest that the proposed algorithm can estimate the pose of a camera robustly and accurately in dynamic environments

    Towards dense moving object segmentation based robust dense RGB-D SLAM in dynamic scenarios

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    © 2014 IEEE. Based on the latest achievements in computer vision and RGB-D SLAM, a practical way for dense moving object segmentation and thus a new framework for robust dense RGB-D SLAM in challenging dynamic scenarios is put forward. As the state-of-the-art method in RGB-D SLAM, dense SLAM is very robust when there are motion blur or featureless regions, while most of those sparse feature-based methods could not handle them. However, it is very susceptible to dynamic elements in the scenarios. To enhance its robustness in dynamic scenarios, we propose to combine dense moving object segmentation with dense SLAM. Since the object segmentation results from the latest available algorithm in computer vision are not satisfactory, we propose some effective measures to improve upon them so that better results can be achieved. After dense segmentation of dynamic objects, dense SLAM can be employed to estimate the camera poses. Quantitative results from the available challenging benchmark dataset have proved the effectiveness of our method