3,696 research outputs found

    Graphical Models for Optimal Power Flow

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    Optimal power flow (OPF) is the central optimization problem in electric power grids. Although solved routinely in the course of power grid operations, it is known to be strongly NP-hard in general, and weakly NP-hard over tree networks. In this paper, we formulate the optimal power flow problem over tree networks as an inference problem over a tree-structured graphical model where the nodal variables are low-dimensional vectors. We adapt the standard dynamic programming algorithm for inference over a tree-structured graphical model to the OPF problem. Combining this with an interval discretization of the nodal variables, we develop an approximation algorithm for the OPF problem. Further, we use techniques from constraint programming (CP) to perform interval computations and adaptive bound propagation to obtain practically efficient algorithms. Compared to previous algorithms that solve OPF with optimality guarantees using convex relaxations, our approach is able to work for arbitrary distribution networks and handle mixed-integer optimization problems. Further, it can be implemented in a distributed message-passing fashion that is scalable and is suitable for "smart grid" applications like control of distributed energy resources. We evaluate our technique numerically on several benchmark networks and show that practical OPF problems can be solved effectively using this approach.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2016

    Mixed-integer Quadratic Programming is in NP

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    Mixed-integer quadratic programming is the problem of optimizing a quadratic function over points in a polyhedral set where some of the components are restricted to be integral. In this paper, we prove that the decision version of mixed-integer quadratic programming is in NP, thereby showing that it is NP-complete. This is established by showing that if the decision version of mixed-integer quadratic programming is feasible, then there exists a solution of polynomial size. This result generalizes and unifies classical results that quadratic programming is in NP and integer linear programming is in NP


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    This paper deals with price competition among multiproduct firms. We consider a model with n firms and one representative buyer. Each firm produces a set of products that can be different or identical to the other firms' products. The buyer is characterized by her willingness to pay -in monetary terms- for every subset of products. To handle the combinatorial complexity of this general setting we use the linear relaxation of an integer programming package assignment problem. This approach allows to characterize all the equilibrium outcomes. We look for subgame perfect Nash equilibrium prices in mixed bundling strategies, i.e., when firms offer consumers the option of buying goods separately or else packages of them at a discount over the single good prices. We find that a mixed bundling subgame perfect Nash equilibrium price vector always exists. Also, the associated equilibrium outcome is always efficient, in the sense that it maximizes the social surplus. We extend the analysis to a model with m buyers and offer the conditions under which the equilibrium outcome set is non-empty.Multiproduct price competition, Integer Programming, Mixed Bundling Strategies, Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria.

    Optimization-Based Linear Network Coding for General Connections of Continuous Flows

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    For general connections, the problem of finding network codes and optimizing resources for those codes is intrinsically difficult and little is known about its complexity. Most of the existing solutions rely on very restricted classes of network codes in terms of the number of flows allowed to be coded together, and are not entirely distributed. In this paper, we consider a new method for constructing linear network codes for general connections of continuous flows to minimize the total cost of edge use based on mixing. We first formulate the minimumcost network coding design problem. To solve the optimization problem, we propose two equivalent alternative formulations with discrete mixing and continuous mixing, respectively, and develop distributed algorithms to solve them. Our approach allows fairly general coding across flows and guarantees no greater cost than any solution without network coding.Comment: 1 fig, technical report of ICC 201

    Strong Stationarity Conditions for Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems

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    We present necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for finite time optimal control problems for a class of hybrid systems described by linear complementarity models. Although these optimal control problems are difficult in general due to the presence of complementarity constraints, we provide a set of structural assumptions ensuring that the tangent cone of the constraints possesses geometric regularity properties. These imply that the classical Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of nonlinear programming theory are both necessary and sufficient for local optimality, which is not the case for general mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. We also present sufficient conditions for global optimality. We proceed to show that the dynamics of every continuous piecewise affine system can be written as the optimizer of a mathematical program which results in a linear complementarity model satisfying our structural assumptions. Hence, our stationarity results apply to a large class of hybrid systems with piecewise affine dynamics. We present simulation results showing the substantial benefits possible from using a nonlinear programming approach to the optimal control problem with complementarity constraints instead of a more traditional mixed-integer formulation.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure
