279 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Networked Control System Following Frequency Transmission Strategy

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    At present, network control systems employ a common approximation to solve the connectivity issue due to time delays coupled with external factors . However, this approach tends to be complex in terms of time delays, and the inherent local phase is missing. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of the delays as well as the integration of the differential equations of these bounded delays. The related time delays need to be known a priori, but from a dynamic real-time perspective in order to understand the dynamic phase behavior. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the inclusion of the data frequency transmission and time delays that are bounded as parameters of the dynamic response from a real-time scheduling approximation, considering the local phase situation. The related control law is designed considering a fuzzy logic approximation for nonlinear time delays coupling. The main advantage is the integration of this behavior through extended state space representation. This keeps certain linear and bounded behavior leading to a stable situation during an events presentation, based on an accurate data transmission rate. An expected result is that the basics of the local phase missing as a result of the local bounded time delays from the lack of tide synchronization conforms to the modeling approximation

    Robust Controller for Delays and Packet Dropout Avoidance in Solar-Power Wireless Network

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    Solar Wireless Networked Control Systems (SWNCS) are a style of distributed control systems where sensors, actuators, and controllers are interconnected via a wireless communication network. This system setup has the benefit of low cost, flexibility, low weight, no wiring and simplicity of system diagnoses and maintenance. However, it also unavoidably calls some wireless network time delays and packet dropout into the design procedure. Solar lighting system offers a clean environment, therefore able to continue for a long period. SWNCS also offers multi Service infrastructure solution for both developed and undeveloped countries. The system provides wireless controller lighting, wireless communications network (WI-FI/WIMAX), CCTV surveillance, and wireless sensor for weather measurement which are all powered by solar energy

    Fault Detection for Networked Control Systems Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Focusing on a class of networked control systems built around wireless sensor networks (WSN), the controller and the actuator in systems are assumed to be time-driven and the clocks are fully synchronized. The observer based on discrete switched systems is designed to detect faults which occur in the system. Firstly, by studying the transmission characteristics of data with wireless sensor networks, the augmented fault observer is constructed, and the observer is equivalent to the discrete switched system. Secondly, based on Lyapunov stability theory, the stability condition of observer can be viewed as a linear matrix inequality and the stability of system is proved. When the system is normal, if the given inequality condition is satisfied, the observer system is stable. When a fault occurs, the observer can detect the fault by the rapid change of residue. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Fault Tolerant Control Schemes for Wireless Networked Control Systems with an Integrated Scheduler

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    In recent years, the wireless networked control systems (W-NCSs) has gained increasing popularity in industrial processes. To guarantee the system control performance, fault tolerant control (FTC) strategies have been proposed especially to deal with the malfunction in sensors, actuators or other system components. For the real-time requirement in industrial systems, the FTC performances of W-NCSs not only depend on the developed control algorithms but also on the network protocols at the medium access control (MAC) layer. These protocols, in form of schedulers, determine the transmission orders of messages and play significant roles in the control performances of W-NCSs. Under these circumstances, it is challenging but promising to investigate FTC schemes for W-NCSs with an integrated scheduler. This thesis is devoted to the development of FTC strategies for W-NCSs with an integrated scheduler. In the first part of this thesis, the procedures of integrating a scheduler into W-NCSs are introduced. Due to the requirement for deterministic transmission behaviors via the wireless network, the time division multiple access (TDMA) mechanism is adopted in W-NCSs. The TDMA-based scheduler is taken as a dynamic system and formulated into a periodic system. After that, with the integration of the scheduler, the W-NCSs are modeled as discrete linear time periodic (LTP) systems. The second part of this thesis focuses on the developments of FTC schemes for the integrated LTP systems. Two types of faults, i.e., additive faults (AFs) and multiplicative faults (MFs), are considered in our work. Specifically, a group of fault tolerant controllers are constructed for the AFs case, and seek to ensure that the outputs of LTP systems satisfy a set of H_infty performance indices. On the other hand, a lifting technology and an adaptive observer are applied to handle the situation of MFs. Due to the distribution of W-NCSs and the limitation of communication bandwidth, theorems are presented to solve the structure-restriction problem in the gains of observers and controllers. Finally, the derived FTC approaches are verified on an advanced experimental WiNC (wireless networked control) platform. Following the structure-restricted gains, the FTC strategies are realized with shared and unshared information (i.e., residual signals and state estimates), respectively. The results indicate that the system with shared information has achieved better FTC performances. In den letzten Jahren, haben die drahtlos vernetzten Steuerungssystemen (W-NCSs) sich zunehmender Beliebtheit in industriellen Prozessen gewonnen. Um die Systemsteuerleistung zu gewĂ€hrleisten, sind die fehlertoleranten Regelung (FTC) Strategien vorgeschlagen worden, um vor allem mit der Fehlfunktion in Sensoren, Aktoren oder andere Systemkomponenten umzugehen. FĂŒr die Echtzeitanforderung in industriellen Systemen, hĂ€ngen die FTC-Leistungen der W-NCSs nicht nur von den entwickelten Regleralgorithmen sondern auch von den Netzwerkprotokollen auf dem Medium Access Control (MAC)-Layer ab. Diese Protokolle, in Form von Schedulers, bestimmen die Reihenfolge der Übertragung der Nachrichten und spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in den Steuerleistungen von W-NCSs. Unter diesen UmstĂ€nden ist es herausfordernd aber vielversprechend um FTC Regelungen fĂŒr W-NCSs mit einem integrierten Scheduler zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit widmet sich auf die Entwicklung von FTC Strategien fĂŒr W-NCSs mit einem integrierten Scheduler. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Verfahren der Integration einen Scheduler in W-NCSs eingefĂŒhrt. Aufgrund der Anforderung deterministisches Übertragungsverhalten ĂŒber das drahtlose Netzwerk zu gewĂ€hrleisten, wird der Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA) Mechanismus gewĂ€hlt. Der TDMA-basierte Scheduler ist als ein dynamisches System betrachtet und als ein Periodisches system formuliert. Danach, mit der Integration des Schedulers, werden die W-NCSs als diskrete Linear Time Periodic (LTP)-Systeme modelliert. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung der FTC Regelungen fĂŒr die integrierten LTP-Systeme. Zwei Arten von Fehlern, d.h., additive Fehlern (AFs) und multiplikativen Fehlern (MFs), sind in unserer Arbeit berĂŒcksichtigt. FĂŒr LTP-Systeme mit AFs wird ein Satz von fehlertoleranten Reglern entworfen, dass die AusganggrĂ¶ĂŸe eine Reihe von H_infty-Leistungsindizes erfĂŒllen werden. Auf der anderen Seite, werden ein Hebetechnik und eine adaptive Beobachter angewendet, um den Fall von MFs zu behandeln. Aufgrund der Verbreitung der W-NCSs und gleichzeitiger Begrenzung der Kommunikationsbandbreite werden Theoreme vorgestellt, um das Problem der StrukturbeschrĂ€nkung in den Beobachter- bzw. Reglermatrizen zu lösen. Abschließend werden die hergeleiteten FTC-AnsĂ€tze auf einem fortgeschrittenen WiNC (drahtlos vernetzten Regelung) Plattform ĂŒberprĂŒft. Nach den Beobachter- bzw. Reglermatrizen sind die FTC-strategien mit vollstĂ€ndig geteilter oder nicht geteilter Informationen (d.h., Residuum Signale und SchĂ€tzungen der ZustandsgrĂ¶ĂŸen) realisiert worden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das System mit vollstĂ€ndig geteilten Informationen bessere FTC-Leistungen erzielt hat

    Information fusion architectures for security and resource management in cyber physical systems

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    Data acquisition through sensors is very crucial in determining the operability of the observed physical entity. Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) are an example of distributed systems where sensors embedded into the physical system are used in sensing and data acquisition. CPSs are a collaboration between the physical and the computational cyber components. The control decisions sent back to the actuators on the physical components from the computational cyber components closes the feedback loop of the CPS. Since, this feedback is solely based on the data collected through the embedded sensors, information acquisition from the data plays an extremely vital role in determining the operational stability of the CPS. Data collection process may be hindered by disturbances such as system faults, noise and security attacks. Hence, simple data acquisition techniques will not suffice as accurate system representation cannot be obtained. Therefore, more powerful methods of inferring information from collected data such as Information Fusion have to be used. Information fusion is analogous to the cognitive process used by humans to integrate data continuously from their senses to make inferences about their environment. Data from the sensors is combined using techniques drawn from several disciplines such as Adaptive Filtering, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. Decisions made from such combination of data form the crux of information fusion and differentiates it from a flat structured data aggregation. In this dissertation, multi-layered information fusion models are used to develop automated decision making architectures to service security and resource management requirements in Cyber Physical Systems --Abstract, page iv

    Efficiency and Sustainability of the Distributed Renewable Hybrid Power Systems Based on the Energy Internet, Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

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    The climate changes that are visible today are a challenge for the global research community. In this context, renewable energy sources, fuel cell systems, and other energy generating sources must be optimally combined and connected to the grid system using advanced energy transaction methods. As this book presents the latest solutions in the implementation of fuel cell and renewable energy in mobile and stationary applications such as hybrid and microgrid power systems based on energy internet, blockchain technology, and smart contracts, we hope that they are of interest to readers working in the related fields mentioned above

    Security of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical system (CPS) innovations, in conjunction with their sibling computational and technological advancements, have positively impacted our society, leading to the establishment of new horizons of service excellence in a variety of applicational fields. With the rapid increase in the application of CPSs in safety-critical infrastructures, their safety and security are the top priorities of next-generation designs. The extent of potential consequences of CPS insecurity is large enough to ensure that CPS security is one of the core elements of the CPS research agenda. Faults, failures, and cyber-physical attacks lead to variations in the dynamics of CPSs and cause the instability and malfunction of normal operations. This reprint discusses the existing vulnerabilities and focuses on detection, prevention, and compensation techniques to improve the security of safety-critical systems

    Supervisory Wireless Control for Critical Industrial Applications

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