204 research outputs found

    A procedure for the fatigue life prediction of straight fibers pneumatic muscles

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    Different from the McKibben pneumatic muscle actuator, the straight fibers one is made of an elastomeric tube closed at the two ends by two heads that ensure a mechanical and pneumatic seal. High stiffness threads are placed longitudinally into the wall of the tube while external rings are placed at some sections of it to limit the radial expansion of the tube. The inner pressure in the tube causes shortening of the actuator. The working mode of the muscle actuator requires a series of critical repeated contractions and extensions that cause it to rupture. The fatigue life duration of a pneumatic muscle is often lower than traditional pneumatic actuators. The paper presents a procedure for the fatigue life prediction of a straight-fibers muscle based on experimental tests directly carried out with the muscles instead of with specimens of the silicone rubber material which the muscle is made of. The proposed procedure was experimentally validated. Although the procedure is based on fatigue life duration data for silicone rubber, it can be extended to all straight-fibers muscles once the fatigue life duration data of any material considered for the muscles is known

    The design, kinematics and torque analysis of the self-bending soft contraction actuator

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    This article presents the development of a self-bending contraction actuator (SBCA) through analysis of its structure, kinematics, and torque formulas, and then explores its applications. The proposed actuator has been fabricated by two methods to prove the efficiency of the human body inspiration, which represents the covering of human bones by soft tissues to protect the bone and give the soft texture. The SBCA provides bending behaviour along with a high force to-weight ratio. As with the simple pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA), the SBCA is soft and easy to implement. Both the kinematics and the torque formula presented for the SBCA are scalable and can be used with different actuator sizes. The bending actuator has been tested under an air pressure up to 500 kPa, and the behaviour of its bending angle, parameters, dimensions, and the bending torques have been illustrated. On the other hand, the experiments showed the efficient performances of the actuator and validate the proposed kinematics. Therefore, the actuator can be used in many different applications, such as soft grippers and continuum arms

    Analysis of Nonlinear Behavior in Novel Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

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    Motivated by the excellent actuator characteristics of pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs), two novel actuators based on this technology were developed for applications where traditional PAMs are not suitable. The first of these actuators is a miniature PAM that possesses the same operating principle as a full-scale contractile PAM, but with a diameter an order of magnitude smaller. The second actuator, a push-PAM, harnesses the operational characteristics of a contractile PAM, but changes the direction of motion and force with a simple conversion package. Testing on these actuators revealed each PAM's evolution of force with displacement for a range of operating pressures. To address the analysis of the nonlinear response of these PAMs, a nonlinear stress vs. strain model, a hysteresis model, and a pressure deadband were introduced into a previously developed force balance analysis. The refined nonlinear model was shown to reconstruct PAM response with higher accuracy than previously possible

    Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Driven Trailing Edge Flaps For Active Rotors

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    This research focuses on the development of an active rotor system capable of primary control and vibration reduction for rotorcraft. The objective is to investigate the feasibility of a novel Trailing Edge Flap (TEF) actuation system driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs). A significant design effort led to a series of experimental apparatuses which tested various aspects of the performance of the actuators themselves and of TEF systems driven by them. Analytical models were developed in parallel to predict the quasistatic and dynamic behavior of these systems. Initial testing of a prototype blade section with an integrated PAM driven TEF proved the viability of the concept through successful benchtop testing under simulated M = 0.3 loading and open jet wind tunnel tests under airspeeds up to M = 0.13. This prototype showed the ability of PAM actuators to generate significant flap deflections over the bandwidth of interest for primary control and vibration reduction on a rotorcraft. It also identified the importance of high pneumatic system mass flow rate for maintaining performance at higher operating frequencies. Research into the development and improvement of PAM actuators centered around a new manufacturing technique which was invented to directly address the weaknesses of previous designs. Detailed finite element model (FEM) analysis of the design allowed for the mitigation of stress concentrations, leading to increased strength. Tensile testing of the swaged actuators showed a factor of safety over 5, and burst pressure testing showed a factor of safety of 3. Over 120,000,000 load cycles were applied to the actuators without failure. Characterization testing before, during, and after the fatigue tests showed no reduction in PAM performance. Wind tunnel testing of a full scale Bell 407 blade retrofitted with a PAM TEF system showed excellent control authority. At the maximum wind tunnel test speed of M = 0.3 and a derated PAM operating pressure of 28 psi, 18.8° half-peak-to-peak flap deflections were achieved at 1/rev (7 Hz), and 17.1° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection was still available at 5/rev (35 Hz). A quasistatic system model was developed which combined PAM forces, kinematics and flap aerodynamics to predict flap deflection amplitudes. This model agreed well with experimental data. Whirl testing of a sub-span whirl rig under full scale loading conditions showed the ability of PAM TEF systems to operate under full scale levels of centrifugal (CF), aerodynamic, and inertia loading. A commercial pneumatic rotary union was used to provide air in the rotating frame. Extrapolation of the results to 100% of CF acceleration predicts 15.4° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection at 1/rev (7 Hz), and 7.7° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection at 5/rev (35 Hz). A dynamic model was developed which successfully predicted the time domain behavior of the PAM actuators and PAM TEF system. This model includes control valve dynamics, frictional tubing losses, pressure dynamics, PAM forces, mechanism kinematics, aerodynamic hinge moments, system stiffness, damping, and inertia to solve for the rotational dynamics of the flap. Control system development led to a closed loop control system for PAM TEF systems capable of tracking complex, multi-sinusoid flap deflections representative of a combined primary control and vibration reduction flap actuation scheme. This research shows the promise that PAM actuators have as drivers for trailing edge flaps on active helicopter rotors. The robustness, ease of integration, control authority and tracking accuracy of these actuators have been established, thereby motivating further research

    The design and mathematical modelling of novel extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscles (EBPAMs) for soft exoskeletons

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    This article presents the development of a power augmentation and rehabilitation exoskeleton based on a novel actuator. The proposed soft actuators are extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscles. This type of soft actuator is derived from extending McKibben artificial muscles by reinforcing one side to prevent extension. This research has experimentally assessed the performance of this new actuator and an output force mathematical model for it has been developed. This new mathematical model based on the geometrical parameters of the extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscle determines the output force as a function of the input pressure. This model is examined experimentally for different actuator sizes. After promising initial experimental results, further model enhancements were made to improve the model of the proposed actuator. To demonstrate the new bending actuators a power augmentation and rehabilitation soft glove has been developed. This soft hand exoskeleton is able to fit any adult hand size without the need for any mechanical system changes or calibration. EMG signals from the human hand have been monitored to prove the performance of this new design of soft exoskeleton. This power augmentation and rehabilitation wearable robot has been shown to reduce the amount of muscles effort needed to perform a number of simple grasps

    Analysis of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle and Construction of a Model

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    The purpose of thesis is to show the result of the analysis Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM). Thus, more information to understand on its behavior in generating force for actuation is obtained. The content of this report consists of few sections such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, result and discussion and conclusion. The introduction part consists of project background and problem statement that discuss PAM behavior while researching about this project. The introduction also discuss about the objective and scope of study which is to analyze the behavior of Pneumatic Muscle by using Finite Element Analysis on ANSYS software. The methodology and project planning is stated to show the flow of the thesis and also the Gantt chart provided shows the working schedule that I follow during all this period of year. The result and discussion shows that the construction of 3D PAM model is mainly consists of flexible, inflatable membrane for which the material type and properties are being specified as neoprene rubber. The result of the model is verified according to the solution obtained from the literature. The thesis is concluded by making an observation towards muscle deformation supported evidence by tables provided by ANSYS software. The deformation of the muscle shows the structural behavior changes after Finite Element Analysis. The PAM expanded with the change in volume and also in diameter. The volume increases while the length decrease when pressure applied

    Feasibility Study of a Passive Pneumatic Exoskeleton for Upper Limbs Based on a McKibben Artificial Muscle

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    Exoskeletons are wearable structures or systems designed to enhance human movement and to improve the wearer’s strength or agility, providing auxiliary support aimed at reducing efforts on muscles and joints of the human body. The aim of this work is to discuss on the feasibility of a new passive upper limb exoskeleton, based on the use of pneumatic artificial muscles, and characterized by extreme lightness, cheapness, and ease of use. A broad overview of the state of the art on current exoskeletons is introduced. Then the concept of the new device is presented, and different transmission architectures between pneumatic muscle and limb are discussed. The study demonstrates the potential effectiveness of such a device for supporting an operator in heavy work condition