32 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Genetic Relatedness Test

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    An increasing number of individuals are turning to Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) genetic testing to learn about their predisposition to diseases, traits, and/or ancestry. DTC companies like 23andme and Ancestry.com have started to offer popular and affordable ancestry and genealogy tests, with services allowing users to find unknown relatives and long-distant cousins. Naturally, access and possible dissemination of genetic data prompts serious privacy concerns, thus motivating the need to design efficient primitives supporting private genetic tests. In this paper, we present an effective protocol for privacy-preserving genetic relatedness test (PPGRT), enabling a cloud server to run relatedness tests on input an encrypted genetic database and a test facility's encrypted genetic sample. We reduce the test to a data matching problem and perform it, privately, using searchable encryption. Finally, a performance evaluation of hamming distance based PP-GRT attests to the practicality of our proposals.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appears in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Genome Privacy and Security (GenoPri'16

    Controlled Data Sharing for Collaborative Predictive Blacklisting

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    Although sharing data across organizations is often advocated as a promising way to enhance cybersecurity, collaborative initiatives are rarely put into practice owing to confidentiality, trust, and liability challenges. In this paper, we investigate whether collaborative threat mitigation can be realized via a controlled data sharing approach, whereby organizations make informed decisions as to whether or not, and how much, to share. Using appropriate cryptographic tools, entities can estimate the benefits of collaboration and agree on what to share in a privacy-preserving way, without having to disclose their datasets. We focus on collaborative predictive blacklisting, i.e., forecasting attack sources based on one's logs and those contributed by other organizations. We study the impact of different sharing strategies by experimenting on a real-world dataset of two billion suspicious IP addresses collected from Dshield over two months. We find that controlled data sharing yields up to 105% accuracy improvement on average, while also reducing the false positive rate.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appears in DIMVA 2015. This is the full version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.212

    VERTICES: Efficient Two-Party Vertical Federated Linear Model with TTP-aided Secret Sharing

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    Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) has emerged as one of the most predominant approaches for secure collaborative machine learning where the training data is partitioned by features among multiple parties. Most VFL algorithms primarily rely on two fundamental privacy-preserving techniques: Homomorphic Encryption (HE) and secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). Though generally considered with stronger privacy guarantees, existing general-purpose MPC frameworks suffer from expensive computation and communication overhead and are inefficient especially under VFL settings. This study centers around MPC-based VFL algorithms and presents a novel approach for two-party vertical federated linear models via an efficient secret sharing (SS) scheme with a trusted coordinator. Our approach can achieve significant acceleration of the training procedure in vertical federated linear models of between 2.5x and 6.6x than other existing MPC frameworks under the same security setting

    VD-PSI : verifiable delegated private set intersection on outsourced private datasets

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    Private set intersection (PSI) protocols have many real world applications. With the emergence of cloud computing the need arises for PSI protocols on outsourced datasets where the computation is delegated to the cloud. However, due to the possibility of cloud misbehaviors, it is essential to verify the correctness of any delegated computation, and the integrity of any outsourced datasets. Verifiable Computation on private datasets that does not leak any information about the data is very challenging, especially when the datasets are outsourced independently by different clients. In this paper we present VD-PSI, a protocol that allows multiple clients to outsource their private datasets and delegate computation of set intersection to the cloud, while being able to verify the correctness of the result. Clients can independently prepare and upload their datasets, and with their agreement can verifiably delegate the computation of set intersection an unlimited number of times, without the need to download or maintain a local copy of their data. The protocol ensures that the cloud learns nothing about the datasets and the intersection. VD-PSI is efficient as its verification cost is linear to the intersection cardinality, and its computation and communication costs are linear to the dataset cardinality. Also, we provide a formal security analysis in the standard model