1,139 research outputs found

    An Improved Classical Singular Value Transformation for Quantum Machine Learning

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    We study quantum speedups in quantum machine learning (QML) by analyzing the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) framework. QSVT, introduced by [GSLW, STOC'19, arXiv:1806.01838], unifies all major types of quantum speedup; in particular, a wide variety of QML proposals are applications of QSVT on low-rank classical data. We challenge these proposals by providing a classical algorithm that matches the performance of QSVT in this regime up to a small polynomial overhead. We show that, given a matrix A∈Cm×nA \in \mathbb{C}^{m\times n}, a vector b∈Cnb \in \mathbb{C}^{n}, a bounded degree-dd polynomial pp, and linear-time pre-processing, we can output a description of a vector vv such that ∥v−p(A)b∥≤ε∥b∥\|v - p(A) b\| \leq \varepsilon\|b\| in O~(d11∥A∥F4/(ε2∥A∥4))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{11} \|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}^4 / (\varepsilon^2 \|A\|^4 )) time. This improves upon the best known classical algorithm [CGLLTW, STOC'20, arXiv:1910.06151], which requires O~(d22∥A∥F6/(ε6∥A∥6))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{22} \|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}^6 /(\varepsilon^6 \|A\|^6 ) ) time, and narrows the gap with QSVT, which, after linear-time pre-processing to load input into a quantum-accessible memory, can estimate the magnitude of an entry p(A)bp(A)b to ε∥b∥\varepsilon\|b\| error in O~(d∥A∥F/(ε∥A∥))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\|A\|_{\mathrm{F}}/(\varepsilon \|A\|)) time. Our key insight is to combine the Clenshaw recurrence, an iterative method for computing matrix polynomials, with sketching techniques to simulate QSVT classically. We introduce several new classical techniques in this work, including (a) a non-oblivious matrix sketch for approximately preserving bi-linear forms, (b) a new stability analysis for the Clenshaw recurrence, and (c) a new technique to bound arithmetic progressions of the coefficients appearing in the Chebyshev series expansion of bounded functions, each of which may be of independent interest.Comment: 62 pages, v3: fixed bug, runtime exponent now 11 instead of 9; v2: revised abstract to clarify result

    Reduced Order and Surrogate Models for Gravitational Waves

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    We present an introduction to some of the state of the art in reduced order and surrogate modeling in gravitational wave (GW) science. Approaches that we cover include Principal Component Analysis, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, the Reduced Basis approach, the Empirical Interpolation Method, Reduced Order Quadratures, and Compressed Likelihood evaluations. We divide the review into three parts: representation/compression of known data, predictive models, and data analysis. The targeted audience is that one of practitioners in GW science, a field in which building predictive models and data analysis tools that are both accurate and fast to evaluate, especially when dealing with large amounts of data and intensive computations, are necessary yet can be challenging. As such, practical presentations and, sometimes, heuristic approaches are here preferred over rigor when the latter is not available. This review aims to be self-contained, within reasonable page limits, with little previous knowledge (at the undergraduate level) requirements in mathematics, scientific computing, and other disciplines. Emphasis is placed on optimality, as well as the curse of dimensionality and approaches that might have the promise of beating it. We also review most of the state of the art of GW surrogates. Some numerical algorithms, conditioning details, scalability, parallelization and other practical points are discussed. The approaches presented are to large extent non-intrusive and data-driven and can therefore be applicable to other disciplines. We close with open challenges in high dimension surrogates, which are not unique to GW science.Comment: Invited article for Living Reviews in Relativity. 93 page
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