2 research outputs found

    Faster Gossiping in Bidirectional Radio Networks with Large Labels

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    We consider unknown ad-hoc radio networks, when the underlying network is bidirectional and nodes can have polynomially large labels. For this model, we present a deterministic protocol for gossiping which takes O(nlg2nlglgn)O(n \lg^2 n \lg \lg n) rounds. This improves upon the previous best result for deterministic gossiping for this model by [Gasienec, Potapov, Pagourtizis, Deterministic Gossiping in Radio Networks with Large labels, ESA (2002)], who present a protocol of round complexity O(nlg3nlglgn)O(n \lg^3 n \lg \lg n) for this problem. This resolves open problem posed in [Gasienec, Efficient gossiping in radio networks, SIROCCO (2009)], who cite bridging gap between lower and upper bounds for this problem as an important objective. We emphasize that a salient feature of our protocol is its simplicity, especially with respect to the previous best known protocol for this problem