52 research outputs found


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    Wireless image sensor networks are capable of sensing, processing and transmitting the visual data along with the scalar data and have attainedwide attention in sensitive applications such as visual surveillance, habitat monitoring, and ubiquitous computing. The sensor nodes in the network are resource constrained in nature. Since the image data are huge always high computational cost and energy budget are levied on the sensor nodes. The compression standards JPEG and JPEG 2000 are not feasible as they involve complex computations. To stretch out the life span of these nodes,it is required to have low complex and low bitrate image compression techniques exclusively designed for this platform. The complicated scenarioof wireless sensor network in processing and transmitting image data has been addressed by a low complex hybrid secured image compression technique using discrete wavelet transform and Bin discrete cosine transformation. Â

    Selecting source image sensor nodes based on 2-hop information to improve image transmissions to mobile robot sinks in search \& rescue operations

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    We consider Robot-assisted Search &\& Rescue operations enhanced with some fixed image sensor nodes capable of capturing and sending visual information to a robot sink. In order to increase the performance of image transfer from image sensor nodes to the robot sinks we propose a 2-hop neighborhood information-based cover set selection to determine the most relevant image sensor nodes to activate. Then, in order to be consistent with our proposed approach, a multi-path extension of Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (called T-GPSR) wherein routing decisions are also based on 2-hop neighborhood information is proposed. Simulation results show that our proposal reduces packet losses, enabling fast packet delivery and higher visual quality of received images at the robot sink

    Image Transmission over Resource-constrained Low-Power Radio Networks

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    The transmission of large amounts of data over resource-constrained radio frequency (RF) networks is impacted by regulatory constraints and can affect reliability due to channel congestion. These barriers limit the use case to specific applications. This research extends the use case scenario to include the transmission of digital images over such networks which to date has not been widely documented. To achieve this, the overall data volume needs to be reduced to manageable limits. Drawing on previous theoretical work this research explored, developed and implemented novel image compression techniques suitable for use in resource-constrained RF networks. A compression technique was developed which allows variable compression ratios to be selected dependent on the specific use case. This was implemented in an end-to-end low-power radio network operating in license-free spectrum using a customised radio frequency testbed. The robust compression scheme which was developed here enabled out-of-sequence packet reception, further increasing the reliability of the transmission. To allow detailed viewing of a region of interest (ROI) within a large format image (quarter video graphics array) to be transmitted, a novel algorithm was designed and implemented. This enabled the transmission of a region of interest (ROI) in an uncompressed format as a stand-alone image portion, or in combination with a fully compressed image. Significantly, this yielded flexibility in the quantity of data to be transmitted which could increase the lifespan of battery powered devices. A further development allowed direct manipulation of individual image pixels. This permitted additional data, such as battery voltage level to be directly embedded in the transmitted image data. An advantage of this innovative method was that it did not incur any extra overhead in data volume requirements. The embodied system developed is an agnostic image compression algorithm and is suitable for use with resource-constrained devices and networks. Results showed that high compression ratios (70%) with good peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of approximately 36dB was achievable for a complete end-to-end transmission system

    Complexity adaptation in video encoders for power limited platforms

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    With the emergence of video services on power limited platforms, it is necessary to consider both performance-centric and constraint-centric signal processing techniques. Traditionally, video applications have a bandwidth or computational resources constraint or both. The recent H.264/AVC video compression standard offers significantly improved efficiency and flexibility compared to previous standards, which leads to less emphasis on bandwidth. However, its high computational complexity is a problem for codecs running on power limited plat- forms. Therefore, a technique that integrates both complexity and bandwidth issues in a single framework should be considered. In this thesis we investigate complexity adaptation of a video coder which focuses on managing computational complexity and provides significant complexity savings when applied to recent standards. It consists of three sub functions specially designed for reducing complexity and a framework for using these sub functions; Variable Block Size (VBS) partitioning, fast motion estimation, skip macroblock detection, and complexity adaptation framework. Firstly, the VBS partitioning algorithm based on the Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT) is presented. The key idea is to segment regions of an image as edges or flat regions based on the fact that prediction errors are mainly affected by edges. Secondly, a fast motion estimation algorithm called Fast Walsh Boundary Search (FWBS) is presented on the VBS partitioned images. Its results outperform other commonly used fast algorithms. Thirdly, a skip macroblock detection algorithm is proposed for use prior to motion estimation by estimating the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients after quantisation. A new orthogonal transform called the S-transform is presented for predicting Integer DCT coefficients from Walsh Hadamard Transform coefficients. Complexity saving is achieved by deciding which macroblocks need to be processed and which can be skipped without processing. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves significant complexity savings with a negligible loss in rate-distortion performance. Finally, a complexity adaptation framework which combines all three techniques mentioned above is proposed for maximizing the perceptual quality of coded video on a complexity constrained platform

    Agricultural Monitoring System using Images through a LPWAN Network

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    Internet of things (IoT) has turned into an opportunity to connect millions of devices through communication networks in digital environments. Inside IoT and mainly in the technologies of communication networks, it is possible to find Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). Within these technologies, there are service platforms in unlicensed frequency bands such as the LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). It has features such as low power consumption, long-distance operation between gateway and node, and low data transport capacity. LPWAN networks are not commonly used to transport high data rates as in the case of agricultural images. The main goal of this research is to present a methodology to transport images through LPWAN networks using LoRa modulation. The methodology presented in this thesis is composed of three stages mainly. The first one is image processing and classification process. This stage allows preparing the image in order to give the information to the classifier and separate the normal and abnormal images; i.e. to classify the images under the normal conditions of its representation in contrast with the images that can represent some sick or affectation with the consequent presence of a particular pathology. For this activity. it was used some techniques were used classifiers such as Support Vector Machine SVM, K-means clustering, neuronal networks, deep learning and convolutional neuronal networks. The last one offered the best results in classifying the samples of the images. The second stage consists in a compression technique and reconstruction algorithms. In this stage, a method is developed to process the image and entails the reduction of the high amount of information that an image has in its normal features with the goal to transport the lowest amount of information. For this purpose, a technique will be presented for the representation of the information of an image in a common base that improves the reduction process of the information. For this activity, the evaluated components were Wavelet, DCT-2D and Kronecker algorithms. The best results were obtained by Wavelet Transform. On the other hand, the compres- sion process entails a series of iterations in the vector information, therefore, each iteration is a possibility to reduce that vector until a value with a minimum PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) that allows rebuilding the original vector. In the reconstruction process, Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), Ortogonal MAtching Pur- suit (OMP), Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction (GPSR)and Step Iterative Shrinage/Thresholding (Twist) algorithms were evaluated. Twist showed the best performance in the results. Finally, in the third stage, LoRa modulation is implemented through the creation of LoRa symbols in Matlab with the compressed information. The symbols were delivered for transmission to Software Defined Radio (SDR). In the receptor, a SDR device receives the signal, which is converted into symbols that are in turn converted in an information vector. Then, the reconstruction process is carried out following the description in the last part of stage 2 - compression technique and reconstruction algorithms, which is described in more detailed in chapter 3, section 3.2. Finally, the image reconstructed is presented. The original image and the result image were compared in order to find the differences. This comparison used Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) feature in order to get the fidelity of the reconstructed image with respect of the original image. In the receptor node, it is possible to observe the pathology of the leaf. The methodology is particularly applied for monitoring abnormal leaves samples in potato crops. This work allows finding a methodology to communicate images through LPWAN using the LoRa modulation technique. In this work, a framework was used to classify the images, then, to process them in order to reduce the amount of data, to establish communication between a transmitter and a receiver through a wireless communication system and finally, in the receptor, to obtain a picture that shows the particularity of the pathology in an agricultural crop.Gobernación de Boyacá, Colfuturo, Colciencias, Universidad Santo Tomás, Pontificia Universidad JaverianaInternet of things (IoT) has turned into an opportunity to connect millions of devices through communication networks in digital environments. Inside IoT and mainly in the technologies of communication networks, it is possible to find Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). Within these technologies, there are service platforms in unlicensed frequency bands such as the LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). It has features such as low power consumption, long-distance operation between gateway and node, and low data transport capacity. LPWAN networks are not commonly used to transport high data rates as in the case of agricultural images. The main goal of this research is to present a methodology to transport images through LPWAN networks using LoRa modulation. The methodology presented in this thesis is composed of three stages mainly. The first one is image processing and classification process. This stage allows preparing the image in order to give the information to the classifier and separate the normal and abnormal images; i.e. to classify the images under the normal conditions of its representation in contrast with the images that can represent some sick or affectation with the consequent presence of a particular pathology. For this activity. it was used some techniques were used classifiers such as Support Vector Machine SVM, K-means clustering, neuronal networks, deep learning and convolutional neuronal networks. The last one offered the best results in classifying the samples of the images. The second stage consists in a compression technique and reconstruction algorithms. In this stage, a method is developed to process the image and entails the reduction of the high amount of information that an image has in its normal features with the goal to transport the lowest amount of information. For this purpose, a technique will be presented for the representation of the information of an image in a common base that improves the reduction process of the information. For this activity, the evaluated components were Wavelet, DCT-2D and Kronecker algorithms. The best results were obtained by Wavelet Transform. On the other hand, the compres- sion process entails a series of iterations in the vector information, therefore, each iteration is a possibility to reduce that vector until a value with a minimum PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) that allows rebuilding the original vector. In the reconstruction process, Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), Ortogonal MAtching Pur- suit (OMP), Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction (GPSR)and Step Iterative Shrinage/Thresholding (Twist) algorithms were evaluated. Twist showed the best performance in the results. Finally, in the third stage, LoRa modulation is implemented through the creation of LoRa symbols in Matlab with the compressed information. The symbols were delivered for transmission to Software Defined Radio (SDR). In the receptor, a SDR device receives the signal, which is converted into symbols that are in turn converted in an information vector. Then, the reconstruction process is carried out following the description in the last part of stage 2 - compression technique and reconstruction algorithms, which is described in more detailed in chapter 3, section 3.2. Finally, the image reconstructed is presented. The original image and the result image were compared in order to find the differences. This comparison used Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) feature in order to get the fidelity of the reconstructed image with respect of the original image. In the receptor node, it is possible to observe the pathology of the leaf. The methodology is particularly applied for monitoring abnormal leaves samples in potato crops. This work allows finding a methodology to communicate images through LPWAN using the LoRa modulation technique. In this work, a framework was used to classify the images, then, to process them in order to reduce the amount of data, to establish communication between a transmitter and a receiver through a wireless communication system and finally, in the receptor, to obtain a picture that shows the particularity of the pathology in an agricultural crop.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctoradohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-3554-1531https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5_dx9REAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/EnRecursoHumano/query.d

    Ultra-low power IoT applications: from transducers to wireless protocols

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    This dissertation aims to explore Internet of Things (IoT) sensor nodes in various application scenarios with different design requirements. The research provides a comprehensive exploration of all the IoT layers composing an advanced device, from transducers to on-board processing, through low power hardware schemes and wireless protocols for wide area networks. Nowadays, spreading and massive utilization of wireless sensor nodes pushes research and industries to overcome the main limitations of such constrained devices, aiming to make them easily deployable at a lower cost. Significant challenges involve the battery lifetime that directly affects the device operativity and the wireless communication bandwidth. Factors that commonly contrast the system scalability and the energy per bit, as well as the maximum coverage. This thesis aims to serve as a reference and guideline document for future IoT projects, where results are structured following a conventional development pipeline. They usually consider communication standards and sensing as project requirements and low power operation as a necessity. A detailed overview of five leading IoT wireless protocols, together with custom solutions to overcome the throughput limitations and decrease the power consumption, are some of the topic discussed. Low power hardware engineering in multiple applications is also introduced, especially focusing on improving the trade-off between energy, functionality, and on-board processing capabilities. To enhance these features and to provide a bottom-top overview of an IoT sensor node, an innovative and low-cost transducer for structural health monitoring is presented. Lastly, the high-performance computing at the extreme edge of the IoT framework is addressed, with special attention to image processing algorithms running on state of the art RISC-V architecture. As a specific deployment scenario, an OpenCV-based stack, together with a convolutional neural network, is assessed on the octa-core PULP SoC

    Conception d'un micro capteur d'image CMOS à faible consommation d'énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

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    This research aims to develop a vision system with low energy consumption for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The imager in question must meet the specific requirements of multimedia applications for Wireless Vision Sensor Networks. Indeed, a multimedia application requires intensive computation at the node and a considerable number of packets to be exchanged through the transceiver, and therefore consumes a lot of energy. An obvious solution to reduce the amount of transmitted data is to compress the images before sending them over WSN nodes. However, the severe constraints of nodes make ineffective in practice the implementation of standard compression algorithms (JPEG, JPEG2000, MJPEG, MPEG, H264, etc.). Desired vision system must integrate image compression techniques that are both effective and with low-complexity. Particular attention should be taken into consideration in order to best satisfy the compromise "Energy Consumption - Quality of Service (QoS)".Ce travail de recherche vise à concevoir un système de vision à faible consommation d'énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil. L'imageur en question doit respecter les contraintes spécifiques des applications multimédias pour les réseaux de capteurs de vision sans fil. En effet, de par sa nature, une application multimédia impose un traitement intensif au niveau du noeud et un nombre considérable de paquets à échanger à travers le lien radio, et par conséquent beaucoup d'énergie à consommer. Une solution évidente pour diminuer la quantité de données transmise, et donc la durée de vie du réseau, est de compresser les images avant de les transmettre. Néanmoins, les contraintes strictes des noeuds du réseau rendent inefficace en pratique l'exécution des algorithmes de compression standards (JPEG, JPEG2000, MJPEG, MPEG, H264, etc.). Le système de vision à concevoir doit donc intégrer des techniques de compression d'image à la fois efficaces et à faible complexité. Une attention particulière doit être prise en compte en vue de satisfaire au mieux le compromis "Consommation énergétique - Qualité de Service (QoS)"

    Low Power Architectures for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Compression

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    Analog parallel processor solutions for video encoding

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    This thesis deals with Cellular Nonlinear Network (CNN) analog parallel processor networks and their implementations in current video coding standards. The target applications are low-power video encoders within 3rd generation mobile terminals. The video codecs of such mobile terminals are defined by either the MPEG-4/H.263 or H.264 video standard. All of these standards are based on the block-based hybrid approach. As block-based motion estimation (ME) is responsible for most of the power consumption of such hybrid video encoders, this thesis deals mostly with low-power ME implementations. Low-power solutions are introduced at both the algorithmic and hardware levels. On the algorithmic level, the introduced implementations are derived from a segmentation algorithm, which has previously been partly realized. The first introduced algorithm reduces the computational complexity of ME within an object-based MPEG-4 encoder. The use of this algorithm enables a 60% drop in the power consumption of Full Search ME. The second algorithm calculates a near-optimal block-size partition for H.264 motion estimation. With this algorithm, the use of computationally complex Lagrange optimization in H.264 ME is not required. The third algorithm reduces the shape bit-rate of an object-based MPEG-4 encoder. On the hardware level a CNN-type ME architecture is introduced. The architecture includes connections and circuitry to fully realize block-based ME. The analog ME implemented with this architecture is capable of lower power than comparable digital realizations. A 9×9 test chip has also been realized. Additionally implemented is a digital predictive ME realization that takes advantage of the introduced partition algorithm. Although the IC layout of the ME algorithm was drawn, the design was verified as an FPGA.reviewe