2 research outputs found

    Relationship-aware Multivariate Sampling Strategy for Scientific Simulation Data

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    With the increasing computational power of current supercomputers, the size of data produced by scientific simulations is rapidly growing. To reduce the storage footprint and facilitate scalable post-hoc analyses of such scientific data sets, various data reduction/summarization methods have been proposed over the years. Different flavors of sampling algorithms exist to sample the high-resolution scientific data, while preserving important data properties required for subsequent analyses. However, most of these sampling algorithms are designed for univariate data and cater to post-hoc analyses of single variables. In this work, we propose a multivariate sampling strategy which preserves the original variable relationships and enables different multivariate analyses directly on the sampled data. Our proposed strategy utilizes principal component analysis to capture the variance of multivariate data and can be built on top of any existing state-of-the-art sampling algorithms for single variables. In addition, we also propose variants of different data partitioning schemes (regular and irregular) to efficiently model the local multivariate relationships. Using two real-world multivariate data sets, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed multivariate sampling strategy with respect to its data reduction capabilities as well as the ease of performing efficient post-hoc multivariate analyses.Comment: To appear as IEEE Vis 2020 Shortpape

    Multifaceted 4D Feature Segmentation and Extraction in Point and Field-based Datasets

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    The use of large-scale multifaceted data is common in a wide variety of scientific applications. In many cases, this multifaceted data takes the form of a field-based (Eulerian) and point/trajectory-based (Lagrangian) representation as each has a unique set of advantages in characterizing a system of study. Furthermore, studying the increasing scale and complexity of these multifaceted datasets is limited by perceptual ability and available computational resources, necessitating sophisticated data reduction and feature extraction techniques. In this work, we present a new 4D feature segmentation/extraction scheme that can operate on both the field and point/trajectory data types simultaneously. The resulting features are time-varying data subsets that have both a field and point-based component, and were extracted based on underlying patterns from both data types. This enables researchers to better explore both the spatial and temporal interplay between the two data representations and study underlying phenomena from new perspectives. We parallelize our approach using GPU acceleration and apply it to real world multifaceted datasets to illustrate the types of features that can be extracted and explored